Say You Swear

: Chapter 29

My hand slips under the covers, but Noah catches it with a popped brow.

“You were supposed to get some sleep.” His glare is playful.

“I’ll sleep when I’m old.”

Chuckling, he climbs out of bed, his gloriously naked body on full display. He slips his boxers and jeans on, turning back to me with his shirt.

He slaps the edge of the bed, so I crawl over, and he pulls it over my head, pecks at my lips before tossing me over his shoulder.

I squeal, attempting to cover my bare ass, but he reaches up, palming my left cheek as he carries me into the living room, so I stop trying, enjoying the heat of his touch.

“If you’re not going to sleep, you need to let me feed you. Your stomach started growling an hour ago.”

He lowers me onto the couch, smirking as he gets a little flashing show when his shirt gets tied up around my waist. He tosses a blanket over my head, his footsteps carrying him into the kitchen.

Unable to contain my smile, I cozy up on the cushions, pulling the blanket up to my chin as I put last night’s game on. I pick up where we left off… right after Mason was carted from the field, the worry too much at the time to sit through another second.

As soon as I press play and the commentators begin to speak, Noah does too, the gentleness of his tone warming me in places I can’t deny.

“You don’t have to watch this,” he says.

I lick my lips, keeping my eyes on the screen.

“My man’s the quarterback.” I grin against the blanket. “So yeah, I do.”

Noah doesn’t say a word, but I know he’s smiling, and mine grows because of it.

Whatever Noah makes, I haven’t a clue, because the next thing I know, I’m waking up to a dark house, and he’s gone.

I down a glass of water, and I drag myself into the shower, standing under the warm spray until the water runs cold, replaying the morning over and over again.

When I get out, I head into the kitchen, picking my phone up from the countertop.

I find a text from Noah.

Romeo: I tried to wake you to tell you I had to go, but you didn’t budge. Yes. I checked your pulse. Food is in the microwave.

A chuckle leaves me.

Romeo: I’m headed to my mom’s. The team’s going to a pizza pub a few blocks from campus at seven. Let me know if you want to go.

My chest pinches, knowing my brother won’t be there, but he’ll be pissed if I don’t go just because he can’t, all the while hating the thought of me there with a bunch of dudes.

But I’ll be with Noah. That, and Brady and Chase will be there too.

So I say yes.

In the microwave are two egg and cheese burritos, pretty much the only option there was in the fridge. It’s already five in the evening, so I only reheat one, saving room for pizza later.

I FaceTime Mason, relieved when I see he’s home and settled into his bed with a giant plate of French toast beside him that Lolli brought over.

He’s smiling and has more color than this morning, even if he still looks exhausted, but it’s only day one, so I hang up feeling good, which makes me want to look good.

So I take my time getting ready.

My hair is down in large, loose curls, my eyes lined with shimmery shadow and accentuated with dark liner. My lipstick is as red as my shirt and my jeans are high and tight.

I’ve only finished tying my black boots when Noah shows to pick me up, his gorgeous blue eyes giving him away. The last thing he wants to do… is leave this room.

He cocks his head, his lips parting, but all that comes out is a gravelly chuckle.

I bite back a grin and lead our way out the door.

The pizza pub is an adorable, mom-and-pop establishment. The silver-haired woman behind the counter is kind and inviting with a bold mouth that reminds me of my grandmother.

The food is delicious and plentiful, which is the key to success with two dozen athletes running around. Several of which make their way over to me, asking about my brother and I tell each of them the same thing. That he’s good, resting, and can’t wait to get back out on the field. I would bet Brady and Chase went home and gave an update similar to mine, but buzzed boys like talking to girls. I’m pretty sure their questions were used as an excuse to come up to me and Cameron, and the few other girls who have migrated our way. It’s not long before the jukebox is playing something slow and seductive, and the beer-filled boys push a few tables aside. Pretty soon, it’s just me left sitting, the girls having all jumped up to join them.

Noah tries to return to me, but Trey is quick to swoop him up as a pool table becomes free.

He looks to me, but I push him away.

“Go.” I smile. “He’s been hounding you to be his partner since we got here.”

Noah lets out a playful groan, following his friend.

Brady comes over then, setting a fresh glass of beer in front of me. “Drink this. I know last night must have kicked your ass ‘cause I know mine’s bloody and bruised.

“You’re not wrong.” I lift it in cheers, taking a small drink. “You talk to him again?”

“Nah, he don’t want to talk to us yet. Imma give him two days, and not a minute longer.”

“He’d except nothing less.” I grin, swallowing another sip. My eyes slip over Brady’s shoulder, and I lean forward. “Don’t look now, but there’s a very familiar face that’s just walked through the door, and it looks like she’s spotted you.”

Brady spins his entire body around, and I chuckle. The girl snaps her head away, tucking her hair behind her ear. Smirking, he brings his eyes back to me. “That’s the shy little lady from the library, isn’t it?”

“It is.”

“Woo,” he whispers, finishing his drink and lowering it to the tabletop with a hard knock. He stands, leaning closer. “And you said I didn’t almost have her.”

Chuckling, I salute him on his way, and not a second later, Chase drops into the seat beside me.

He leans back and almost slips off the seat, but quickly rights himself, a drunken grin on his lips.

Entertained, I pinch my lips together. “Feeling good?”

He nods, takes another sip, and faces me. “Hi.”

“Hi.” I chuckle.

“Are you with him?”

My amusement clogs in my throat, my mouth opening, but no words come out. His question, so sudden and unexpected, has me frozen.

His eyes pierce mine and my muscles seem to coil.

“Are you serious right now?”

“Will you just—” His brows cave. “Just say it for me. Please.”

A startling hollowness creeps over me, but I nod. “Yeah, I am.” My voice is strong, sure, and I know he hears it.

Chase’s chin lowers, and he brings his knuckles down on the tabletop in soft, quiet raps.

“Okay.” He looks to the side, and then he walks away.

I watch him go, a hint of sadness washing over me, but it’s far outweighed by the relief that follows now that the air is clear.

Cameron falls in the space beside me, eyeing me expectantly.

“He wanted to know about me and Noah.”


“And I told him the truth, that we’re together.”

Cameron sighs in reprieve. “Good. That’s good. Maybe he just needed to be sure you were okay now.”

I nod, but a frown still forms. “Yeah.”


A few hours and several pitchers later, the place is as rowdy as you’d expect, but the bit of energy I gained after going back to sleep this morning is slowly fading away.

I drop my head on Noah’s shoulder, and he rubs my back.

“You ready to go?”

I peek up at him. “Yeah, but you can stay.” I glance Cameron’s way, she and Trey are saying bye to a few others at their table. “I think Cameron’s going now, I can ride with her.”

Noah’s knuckles come up to run along my jaw, and I grin. “I want to take you, kiss you goodnight.”

Warmth spreads through me and I nod. “K.”

“Hey, hooker, we out.” Cameron slips in front of me.

I push to my feet and Noah follows. “Us too.”

“Cool.” Cameron slips her arm through mine, dragging me along.

“I’m going to say bye to a couple of the guys, meet you by the door,” Noah tells me, and we move in opposite directions.

“So,” Cameron whispers, Trey on his phone a few feet ahead. “I’m kind of staying the night with Trey.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah.” She wiggles her brows, and the two of us laugh. “You’ll be fine?” she worries.

“Perfectly.” I hug her, and then Trey, and as soon as they’re gone, Noah is there.

We’re pulling up at my dorm in minutes.

“That was fun,” I tell him, sliding my keycard in the front door and hitting the button on the elevator.

“After I asked you, I felt like a dickhead.”

My head snaps his way. “What, why?”

“Mason.” He shrugs. “Shitty timing on my part.”

I shake my head, wrapping my arms around his middle. “How are you so… you? You’re a twenty-one-year-old senior in college who plays football like a badass. You should be such a cocky, selfish prick.”

Noah’s head falls back, and he laughs, bringing a smile to my face.

“But you’re sweet, and humble, and way too selfless.”

A smug grin covers his lips, and he squeezes my hips. “I get it from my mama,” he sings, and then it’s me who’s laughing.

After a moment, I sigh, saying, “I don’t doubt that for a second… and just so you know. Mason would cuss me out if I didn’t go because of him.”


My mouth gapes and Noah laughs, grabbing my hands and leading me down the hall.

“Ass.” I smack his stomach with my free hand and he grips my wrist, kissing my knuckles.

Digging my keys out, I unlock the door and look to Noah. “So about kissing me goodnight …”

He smirks, shifting closer and brings my lips to his, but I quickly dart my fingers between our lips and his eyes narrow playfully. “Juliet.”


He tugs me closer by the belt loops, making me laugh.

“Let me have those lips,” he softly demands.

“Cameron is staying at Trey’s tonight.”

His eyes flick to mine.

I almost chicken out, and he knows it, because his thumbs begin drawing circles along my hip bones.

He steps into me, hiding us against my door, his warm, forest fresh scent invading my senses, and my body melts against his.

“You still going to be shy for me?” he teases, his smirk downright sinful. “Even after today?” His hands slide in my back pockets, and he squeezes, grinding me into him. “Even after I’ve been inside you?”

Heat pulls between my legs, and Noah’s lips curve even higher.

Because he knows what he’s doing to me… just like he now knows what he’s about to do to me.

I grab the strings of his hoodie and tug him forward.

His chuckle is deep and promising and creates a stir low in my stomach.

Then Noah locks us inside.

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