Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 33: Ch.32/ He Is Merciless

Alessandro's POV:-
I am on my way towards Wilson's company for the important meeting after dropping Anhuphama on her company. She is kind of
nervous to start the first day of her office but I have assured her that she will be doing excellent as a chairwoman. I know that it's
a very big step for her but I also believe that my wife is a great handler so no doubt she will be leading the company very
I was worried that after learning about Samantha she might distance herself from me but she surprised me by saying that she
will never leave my side and fight with me. I can not be more blessed to have her as my wife and I am not going to letting anyone
ruin my happy life for their obsession. Just because I was keeping myself calm doesn't mean that I have decided to change
myself completely. Yes, I may have become gentle but not with my enemies who think it's alright to provoke me. I think they have
forgotten who they are messing with and finally, the time has come to show them why people refer to me as 'the Lucifer of the
business world'.
The car stop in front of Wilson's Company and I get out of the car followed by Bianca. I haven't brought anyone else with me
from my company because I know I can handle the meeting well without any interruption. Wilson's secretary is already waiting at
the reception area for us so she takes us to the conference room. Upon arriving there I notice that there are only Richard,
Sebastian and Samantha sitting on the chairs. Despite feeling annoyed I keep my expression professional and shake hands with
them. However, Samantha doesn't let my hand go so easily so I need to snatch my hand away from her clutch.
Without wasting time both I and Bianca take seats far away from them. I wasn't going to bring her here with me but she is a very
insisting woman so I can not deny her. I can feel Samantha's stare boring on me however I am not going to give her the
satisfaction of being able to catch my eyes. Because she is not worth it.
"Okay, I am here so tell me what's there so important to talk about." I comment.
"There are so important things we need to discuss Alessandro-" Sebastian starts but I give him a look that makes his shut up.
"We are neither family nor friends, not even associates so I don't think you have any right to call me Alessandro Mr. White. It's
Mr. Bianchi to you, actually not only you but also others who don't have any importance in my life." I tell him and I can see that
Samantha is clenching her fists in anger.
"Oh, it's my bad Mr. Bianchi. I will definitely remember that the next time. So, I was saying that we have a lot of important things
to discuss regarding our deal. I hope you are not going to back out of the deal just because I am the new owner of this
company." Sebastian reply with a smirk.

"I am not someone who will back out from a profitable deal and yes, I will keep the deal with the owner of the company." I answer
while taking a file from Bianca. I throw the file in front of Sebastian and lean back in my seat with a smirk. He with a suspicious
look picks the file before starts to read through it. Soon all the colors drain from his face and by noticing the change in him
Samantha snatches the file from him. She then starts reading the content in there and when I see that her face is turning pale I
know that she has read the phrase I wanted them to read.
"It's nice meeting with you guys but I have another important meeting to attend so I am taking my leave." I say and stand up from
the chair. But before I can leave the room Samantha blocks my path.
"You can not leave like that Alessandro. You have signed the deal already so you can not just back out of the deal." She
complaints angrily but I only scoff at her.
"Who says that I am backing out of the deal? I have already told you that I am doing the deal with the owner of the company and
that owner is Mrs. Wilson who didn't know that her husband was taking her sign on the property papers when she was ill." I reply
before turn to look at Richard who is trembling in his place.
"You thought that you can take your revenge from me by joining hands with my business rival but I think you have forgotten how
cruel I am. If I can keep your secret hidden then I can easily use them against you for my benefit. Now, it's your turn to lose
everything you have. Also, don't think that the money you have taken from Mr. White will save you because your wife has already
blocked all the bank accounts of yours." I tell him.
"But this company is now our because she has already signed the papers." Sebastian protests.
"In papers yes, it's still your company but in reality it's still Mrs. Wilson's company because she has filed a case of fraud against
you all. You will be getting notified when you will need to come to the court, till then the company will remain on Mrs. Wilson's." I
reply before standing in front of him. I am enjoying the look of tremor on his face and I will enjoy it till I end this fucker's career.
"You told me that I will lose money if I drop the deal but now I think you should be thinking how you are going to save your
money because I am not going to make anything easy for you. Just because you have married a crazy woman who thinks I am
only her doesn't mean that she can save you from me. Because I will destroy every inch of you both in a way that people will fear
before thinking about abusing anyone out of jealousy or craziness." By saying that I leave the room with Bianca who is laughing
all the way to the car. After entering the car I instruct the driver to take us to the restaurant where I am going to meet Mrs.

"I was so worried when you told me about the meeting but after learning your plan I got assured that you are going to kick their
butts very hard." Bianca says after controlling her laughter.
"All thanks to Anhuphama who managed to get in touch with Mrs. Wilson and confronted her about the selling of the company. I
was also thinking to do the same but she beat me to it. She told me that Mrs. Wilson had cried when she learned what her
husband had done behind her back. Yesterday when we talked on the phone she explained how she had been ill for some time
and how her husband had taken her sign on some papers. She didn't even know what she was signing because of the heavy
doses of medicines." I reply while sending a text to Anhuphama that the plan has worked.
"Alessandro your wife is genius. She has managed to solve the problem without taking any help from you. I don't think she needs
any guidance to run her own company after this." Bianca comments looking very pleased.
"Hmmm, that's something I have to agree with you. I just gave her the file to study about the situation but surprisingly she has
solved the problem so easily as if it is cooking a meal for her." I reply with a chuckle.
"Speaking of Anupama's cooking ability I remember that Christmas is coming and I need to learn some delicious food recipes
from her. She makes so tasty meals that I think she should consider opening a restaurant of her own." Bianca says making me
look at her weirdly.
"What? Don't give me that look okay mister. You know damn well that your wife is an excellent cook so don't tell me that my idea
is not very appealing." I lift my hands in surrender because fuck this woman can be scary if things don't go her way.
Soon we meet Mrs. Wilson at the restaurant and notifies her about the things that happen earlier. She assures that she will
divorce her husband. So, I decide to tell her about Richard's mistress and the money he sends to her. She is completely
devastated after learning that not only her husband has lied but also cheating on her for so many years. She immediately calls
her lawyer and orders to start the proceedings of divorce.
I bite back the smile because it will be terrible to smile when an older woman is losing her husband. But I am surely going to
celebrate today's victory when I get home. It's just the start of their downfall, let see if they can handle the next move of mine
because that will be leading them to their ends.
After dropping Bianca at the company I tell the driver to take me to a flower shop. Upon getting inside the little shop I get
confused because I don't know what flowers my Cara likes the most. But the owner of the shop helps me to select some pretty
flowers for my wife. The flower bouquet is full of different types of flowers which I am sure Anhuphama will like.

I give the owner lady a big tip for the help she has done to me before leaving the store with a happy smile. Soon after that, I
reach my company and order my driver to deliver the bouquet to Anhuphama's company.
When I reach my cabin I notice that a file is lying on the desk so I sit in my chair and look through the file. The file is about the
yearly company ball I have been arranging for the past five years. I call Bianca through intercom but when she doesn't respond I
dial her number. After a few rings, she receives the call and she tells me that Delilah needs her at school so she has gone there
and she is the one who has left the file on my desk. After bidding her goodbye. I call the head of my PR team to discuss about
the upcoming ball.
The ball will be the best way to let Anhuphama interacts with other business associates. She is new in the business field and
needs as much as possible connection with others. Although I will be always there to support her but I know she will not accept
my help so easily. So the next best option for her is to mingle with other people who work in the same field.
Anupama's POV:-
After a hectic first day at the company, I reach home at 4 PM and the first thing I do is take a relaxing shower. While messaging
my scalp with shampoo the thought of the pretty flower bouquet's comes to my mind. I was literally surprised when Alessandro's
driver bring the beautiful bouquet to me. I wanted to call and asked the reason behind the lovely gesture but then I thought that
he could be in a meeting, so I decided not to disturb him.
Soon after finishing my shower, I wore a big hoodie and stretchable leggings to feel comfortable because I have a bunch of
works to complete. Just then my phone starts ringing, when I see the caller ID I receive the call before greeting the person on the
other side of the phone.
"How are you Mamoni?" I ask while putting a pinch of sindoor between my hair partition.
"I am doing good Shona. You tell me, how did your first day go at the company?" She asks.
"It was neither good nor bad." I reply while sitting down on the recliner chair on the balcony.
"Why? Did something happen there?" She asks in a worried tone making me smile.
"Don't worry Mamoni nothing serious happened for you to worry so much. Now, tell me what did you make today for lunch?" I ask
her to change the topic and it works because she doesn't ask me more about my day in the company. We talk for a while before
Thakurmaa calls out for Mamoni so we need to stop our talking.

After cutting the call I put my phone on charge and go in search of my daughter. Upon arriving in her playroom I see that she is
having a tea party with Samuel and Marco. I am sure that if Alessandro sees these two giants playing with our daughter then he
will be making fun of them for sure. Not wanting to disturb the trio I make my way to the kitchen where Mama Melody is baking
some cookies.
Yesterday when Alessandro told me about Samantha, he also mentioned about Mama Melody being the daughter of the owner
of the orphanage. He also told me how he had found her on the street selling flowers after the sudden death of her husband and
daughter. That's when I realized why she loves Alessandro like her own son because when no one helped her, he was the only
one who cared for her. Although my cold-natured husband will never admit but I know how much respect and care he has for this
"What are you making Mama Melody?" I ask before standing beside her.
"It's called Italian fig cookies and this is a specialty we Italian people like to make on the occasion of Christmas." She replies with
a smile.
"Can I help you? I want to learn how to bake these cookies." I ask in which she nods her head in reply. And that's what we do for
the rest of the evening. I get to know that Alessandro doesn't like to celebrate Christmas but doesn't oppose when Mama Melody
put the Christmas tree inside the mansion. She also tells me about she has a dream to celebrate the festival with everyone but
never gets to do this. So, I promise her that no matter what we will be celebrating Christmas with everyone this year.
When Alessandro comes back from work Advira has already fallen asleep as it is quite late. He apologizes for being late but I
assure him that work is also important so he doesn't need to worry. Marco and Samuel also eat dinner with us before they bid us
goodnight. I try to help the maids to clean the kitchen however they refuse to take my help and tell me that they can manage
After arriving at our room I see that Alessandro is lying down on the bed while Fonsie is lying on the other side getting belly rubs
from his Papa. I climb on the bed and join the two for the cuddle time. Upon seeing me, Fonsie turns towards me and shows me
his belly making me laugh. I kiss the top of his head before starts to run my hand through the soft fur of his belly.
"You didn't tell me if you like the flowers or not." Alessandro comments making me look at him.
"I didn't want to disturb you in the office so I thought it will be better if I tell you in person at home." I reply.
"Okay then tell me now." He orders making me giggle.

"They are very pretty and the smell is also very nice. Thanks a lot for the sudden surprise. But what's the reason behind sending
me flowers?" I ask while pulling Fonsie's furry head on my chest and hugging him properly.
"There are two reasons for the flower bouquet. One is for the start of your business career and the other one is for the help you
have done to me on the Wilson's matter." He answers back.
"You don't need to thank me for such little things Alessandro. I have already told you that I will be always there to support you
whenever you need my help." I reply with a smile.
"You are such a stubborn woman." He mumbles to himself but hear him correctly. I don't say anything back because I notice that
he is fighting back sleep so I run my fingers through his hairs to help him sleep. Although he falls asleep soon, I am not able to
get any sleep because of the thoughts going on in my mind.
I have thought that I am the one who has suffered in the past because I wasn't able to defend myself against the bad. But after
learning about the awful things Alessandro has to go through in the past just because of someone's selfishness or should I say
obsession, I don't think my problems are anything in front of his distress. I can not even imagine the hardships he has to face to
become the successful businessman he is today. Although I have heard and read a lot about his not so good ways to get the
deals of his liking, I can not just object him. Because he has encountered betrayal from someone very close to him and that has
made him so cruel to others.
The tough demeanor he keeps in front of everyone is just a way to hide the pain he feels inside. He has told me so much about
his life yet I think there are more to know. However, I can not just force him to tell me everything when I am also hiding the
biggest secret of my life. Yes, there is a secret I am keeping from him that has been eating me alive. I have vowed not to mention
the secret to anyone but how I can keep it from the man from whom I have started to develop feelings.
After so long happiness has come bounding in my life and I can proudly say that I am finally happy with my new life. But I also
fear that someday my deepest secret will reveal in front of my husband and he will leave me for good. He will start believing that
I am the most worthless person and then he will break every relation with me. No, I can not let that happen. I am not going to let
my past get in between my present and future. If needed I will tell everything to Alessandro before he can get to know from
anywhere else.

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