Saving Kinsley

Chapter Mirage

Kinsleys P.O.V

Everything was hazy. I was in and out of consciousness now. Lost within the confines of my own mind. For a moment, I could’ve sworn I felt him.


My heart thumped, the only thing I could hear. It was like a slow beating drum, leading me to my own hell.

I blinked, and everything changed. The air around me was cooler, crisper. Before my eyes could adjust, it felt like a fire poker had just been shoved through my heart, I let out a scream like no other.

His voice was behind me, “Fight Kinsley, you didn’t come this far in this life for nothing. I know you can do this.” As the words came out, a warmth spread through me. He was here, I wasn't alone.

Just as the thought passed through me, darkness crept all around threatening to consume me. 'You won't make it out that easy.' a hollow voice echoed around me, laughing sinisterly. The voice sent a shiver up my spine. I shook my head, trying to gather my thoughts.

I gasped as something grabbed hold of me, sucking the very air out of my lungs, 'You think I was going to let you win so easily?!'

My body was thrown into the darkness, slamming against what I assumed to be the ground, I collected myself quickly, 'Fuck you! Whatever you are come out of the darkness and face me you fucking coward!' I screamed out.

Through the darkness I spotted a blue silhouette, 'If you need a form to lay your dead eyes on then fine, I will agree to your one demand. It'll be easier for me to kill you this way anyways.'

As it crept closer I couldn't help but crawl backward. My own tongue may have just got me killed if I wasn't already dead. I didn't have the strength of my wolf or Vesta anymore, since they'd been stripped from my soul. My body was as frail as a human now. That I could feel into my soul. I was weak. I barely had the energy to push myself backwards away from this monster.

'You've done well hiding, but you forget the darkness that I was born from resides within every living creature in any realm you decide to leach yourself onto.'

Thrown again.

I gasped for air as I processed what it said. Coughing, "I guess now would be a bad time to say I don't know what the fuck you're even talking about."

A hellish growl echoed around me, 'Don't play games with me Vesta! Fight me!' Through the pain it came to me then, this was what Vesta had warned us about. The Hollow. I was face to face with the evil that had been tearing apart everything I'd ever known and loved.

Leaning up on my elbows, I paused to take a breath, "I'll be honest, in my time of going through literal hell, an invitation for Vesta must have slipped my mind."

The Hollows phantom-like blue form darted towards me, gripping my neck and lifting me from the ground. "A hell I created for you. Don't worry I'll force Vesta out, she wouldn't dare to let her host die."

Its cold grip constricted around my throat, and I could feel the deprivation of air in my lungs burning a path through my throat. I don't know what came over me, but it felt like a burst of energy, my hand flew to the hollow's neck on instinct. Both of us squeezing as hard as possible.

"I'll drag you to hell with me if it's the last fucking thing I do" As the whisper left my lips, my feet touched the ground, I swept one leg behind the Hollow and slammed it to the ground with a strength that should only belong to a shifter.

The moment its body met the darkness of the ground, colors burst around us. We were now on top of a mountain, with a raging fire hopping from tree to tree. But that wasn't the only thing my eyes had taken in. Kole. On his knees, staring directly at me. The second my eyes connected with him, the memories of his death and everything that had happened afterward shredded into nothing as if those memories had been created and placed by someone else.

My grip loosened the slightest bit as my weight shifted towards Kole, and that was just enough for the Hollow to rip free from my grip.

Shit. Shit. Shit. If the Hollow was capable of doing all of this to me, what else could it possibly fucking do? My gaze snapped back to where the Hollow had been, but it was gone as fast as a blink. "We are so fucked, where did it go?!" I shouted as my hand pressed into the cool earth.

Before Kole had even inhaled his next breath, the Hollow appeared behind him. "I told you, I was going to force Vesta out, one way, or another." Its eyes slithered to Madi as it spoke, I tried to move quickly, but it was so much faster than me. The moment its hands had descended onto Kole's throat, panic flooded my veins. He was going to take my mate from me.

My eyes burned with unshed tears as my body moved like it was filled with lead, "NO!" I roared out.

My body flooded with a familiar sensation, my bonds had been restored. 'It's time for you to set me free Kinsley.' Vesta's voice had drifted to me. I could cry if I had a moment, my wolf and Vesta had returned.

'Set you free?'

'Repeat these words: Rectampra Vexatarbus'

Without hesitation, I began to chant the words, I could feel my soul split into two. But I trusted Vesta with my life, and if this is how I save my mate then so be it.

The pain forced me to my knees as I continued to say the words, I could feel my body beginning to transition into my wolf form and back to my human form.

Collapsing to the ground, I whispered it one last time, "Rectampra...Vexatarbus."

The air had been sucked out of my body, I could feel the very moment Vesta had finally separated itself from me.

Absolutely exhausted, I watched as something began to form in the air in front of me. Hues of red and blue swirled and whipped, growing brighter, and hotter as a female emerged through. "Vex, you evil, twisted bitch, let him go. This is between us."

I watched as the Hollow cocked its head to the side, "Now why would I do that?"

Vesta began to chuckle lightly, " Dear sister, you really believe you've bested me? The moment I sensed you, I knew how this would end. You've always been a fool. I will say, I was impressed you played the long game, I remember you always being the impatient one. But, this will be the last loss for you. Today I will destroy you as Mother had intended all those years ago."

"I have an army, and you stand alone. So yes Sister, I do in fact believe I have bested you." The Hollow then released Kole, pushing him to the ground as he fought for air.

"Perhaps this army you speak of had some difficulty reaching this area then? It may be due to the flames surrounding the base of this glorious mountain." Vesta voiced lightly.

The growl that left the Hollow sent a shiver up my spine, "Army, or no army, I will end you this time."

Like De Ja Vu , the two clashed. The air tinted to a strange color as they fought, tearing into each other. My eyes clashed with Madi's "It wasn't the past, it was a vision into the future!"

I had finally gotten up onto my feet and sprinted towards Kole, helping him up quickly, "We have to go now before we become collateral damage."

I grabbed Madi, "Whatever you do, don't come back for me."

From where I stood I could see that Vesta was losing, the Hollow was too strong, but I had an idea.

"Kinsley!" I could hear Kole shout my name from where I left them. Seconds were all I had to scan over my mate and my friends as I told them to flee and abandon me. Seconds to consider that this could be the last time I lay my eyes on them. It hit me then, in the end, I'd always give my life a hundred times over for them. Because as short as my time has been with all of them, it was more love and happiness than I could've ever wished to experience. They were worth the sacrifice.

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