Saved By A Dark Billionaire

: Chapter 24

I had slipped my shirt on when I heard a knock at the door. I ran downstairs with a smile, thinking it was Lucas again.

‘Did you forget something?’ I opened the door, ready to tease him.

My smile quickly faded as my mind registered Dad’s scruff face before me. His beard had grown, but his golden blonde hair was kept in its usual slicked to the side state. He had come unannounced, somehow finding where I lived. Did he know of this place beforehand? My stomach twisted with nerves, knowing Dad was here to lecture me.

‘Are you going to let me in, or do you want to have this conversation in the hall?’ He asked with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed. He had a serious tone in his voice, one I’d grown used to, but still sent a chill running through my body.

He wasn’t mad, he was furious, evident by the tic in his powerful jaw. I stepped to the side, allowing him to enter despite wanting to deny him access. I felt like I was betraying mom in some way by allowing him inside. This was her sanctuary from this very man.

‘Why have you been ignoring me? You didn’t even bother to tell me your mother died or when her funeral was. I would have liked to pay my respects.’ Dad started right off the bat, not wasting a second.

‘No, you don’t get to come to this place and talk about her. You’re the reason she left. You’re the reason I didn’t have her growing up. Of course, I didn’t tell you. You didn’t have the right to know.’ Overwhelmed and furious by his words, my mouth moved before I could fully think about it. Never in my life had I talked back to my father.

‘What did you say?!’ He raised his voice, making me involuntarily flinch. ‘You don’t get to tell me my rights. She abandoned you, too. You can’t blame me. It was all her choice.’

‘She left because of you! So yes, it is your fault.’ Even if he refused to believe it, it’s his fault mom left me behind too.

‘I stepped up when your mother left, Livy. I was the only parent you had. This is how you treat me after I took care of you?’ He was yelling now, bubbling my trauma ten fold. My body felt on edge, ready to jump at the slightest movement.

‘You didn’t take care of anyone! You drank yourself stupid almost every night. I’d come home and find you passed out with a bottle in your hand. I had to keep the house clean and cook if I ever wanted anything to eat. Between the two of us I was the parent. Don’t come here acting like you did me any favors. The only thing I learned from you was how to defend myself and throw a decent punch.’ I was surprised by the calmness in which I was able to speak these words. My anger was through the roof, but I tried not to show it. I didn’t yell at him like I wanted to, not even raising my voice the slightest. My tone did not betray me as it stayed strong and calm despite my nerves.

‘Livy, that’s not fair. My wife had left me without a word, and a young girl to take care of. You. It was an impossible task.’ He argued back. I could see the anger boiling in him. His hands were fisted by his side, causing my heart to race. Would he hit me if provoked? He’s the one person I can’t fight back. My hands began to clam up as adrenaline coursed through me.

‘Whose fault is that?’ I rolled my eyes. Next thing I knew my cheek burned, stinging from the pain of his slap. The force was so great it caused my head to swivel. Tears stung my eyes, but I didn’t let them fall. I turned to look at him, not touching my cheek, even though I desperately wanted to ease its burning with my cool hand.

‘Get out!’ I yelled at him, pointing to my front door.

‘Livy, I didn’t mean to. I am so sorry.’ He shook his head almost in shock.

It was like he was surprised he had done it. His poster changed completely along with his tone. All the anger had left him replaced by deep remorse. It didn’t matter, the action was done. He had hit me, and there was no taking it back. I’d taken a blow from him many times, but it was never out of anger. It was always when he was teaching me, trying to help me improve. He’d never hit me in the face before, and definitely never out of spite or frustration.

‘Get out, dad,’ I said again, keeping my voice leveled. ‘I don’t want to see you again.’

‘Livy, don’t be this way. Please. I didn’t mean to.’ He kept shaking his head, as if he could shake away the fact he’d slapped me so hard across the face.

I could feel my cheek start to swell. The taste of iron was strong in my mouth, letting me know I’d bit my cheek hard enough to draw blood. I stared into his familiar eyes, noting the wrinkles on the sides. His eyes were my own, the same icy blue stare back at me in the mirror every morning.

‘Just go.’

Dad was slowly backing away to the door. His eyes kept staring at my cheek, filled with regrets. It didn’t matter to me, he would look the same way anytime he would hurt mom. It didn’t matter how remorseful he would feel after hitting her, he never stopped. He’d apologize, and be sweet for a few days, but then the cycle would repeat. I won’t be part of that.

‘I’m staying at the motel down the street. I won’t leave until I see you again,’ he let me know as he hung by the door.

With one last sorrowful look at me, he left, closing the door behind him, leaving me in a deafening silence. I let my tears fall, carefully wiping them away, feeling my cheek sting even at the gentle touch of my own fingers. I found a bag of frozen vegetables and placed it carefully on my cheek, wincing as it made contact. My tears didn’t stop, either. It was like I had opened a dam, and I couldn’t close it back up until it ran its course.

The knock on the door reminded me Lucas was supposed to return. I didn’t want him to see me like this. I didn’t want him to worry. I also wasn’t sure what exactly he’d say or do. I am not sure what I need right now. My heart doesn’t even know if it wants to be angry, or wallow in the sadness longer. I thought of sending Lucas away without even opening the door, but it didn’t seem right. After everything Lucas has shared with me, how can I keep him out? I opened the door, standing behind it, trying to hide a little longer. Lucas’ sweet cologne filled my lungs as he entered the flat.

My body kept facing the door as I closed it, avoiding looking at Lucas. If I looked at him, then he could look at me. He would see my wounded cheek. I hadn’t even checked it in a mirror yet, but I know it’s bad. Lucas wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, leaning down and resting his chin on my shoulder. I turned my head away from him, still trying to hide what I know he will inevitably see.

‘What’s the matter, Rose? Did I take too long?’ He asked me, kissing the nape of my neck over my collarbone. I shook my head no, worried my voice would sound too weak. He continued to kiss my neck, moving my hair away gently with his fingers. I flinched when his fingers accidentally grazed against my cheek. Shit.

Lucas stiffened, pulling away and turning me to face him. He pushed my hair out of my face, lifting my chin with his fingers. He examined me carefully. His intense eyes were boring holes into me like the sun’s rays through a magnifying glass.

‘What happened to your face?’ Lucas sounded furious as he saw my cheek for the first time.

How do I explain this one?

Lucas’ P.O.V.

It was clear someone had stricken her. I know could see the well known mark. I’ve seen it a few too many times on Mom’s face. My beautiful Rose had been hurt while I was gone, and I’ll make whoever it was pay for it. The mark on her cheek tugged at my heart in the worst ways.

‘It’s nothing,’ she said, trying to blow it off.

‘Olive, tell me what happened.’ This was serious, and the fact she didn’t want to tell me, only made me wonder more.

‘I hate when you use my name,’ she sighed. ‘It always gets me.’

‘Does that mean you’ll tell me, Olive?’

‘Sit down, I’ll tell you.’ She gestured to the couch for me to sit on. Her voice deflated, leaving behind whatever stubbornness she had. I liked that my using her name had such an effect on her.

I sat on the couch, grabbing her wrist and pulling her onto my lap as she walked by me. I had her straddle me, so I could look into those eyes as she told me who hurt her like this. Whoever it was, hurt her more than just physically. Her eyes were pink and puffy, letting me know she’d been crying as well. She let out a breath, letting her shoulders fall.

‘Shortly after you left, someone knocked on the door. I assumed maybe it was you, and you’d forgotten something, but it wasn’t. My dad found me. I’ve kind of been ignoring his phone calls since my mom died. He wasn’t very happy about it and started to lecture me. I got mad, so I argued back. I said something he didn’t like, and next thing I knew…’ she trailed off as she spoke, her voice thick with emotion.

I saw the tears pooling in her eyes, threatening to spill on her swollen cheek. The anger in me was at an all-time high, but I kept my cool in front of her. I knew blowing up right now would not be to her benefit. I’d more than likely scare her if I did. I’ll deal with her dad later. Right now, I need to comfort my Rose.

I pulled her towards me, having her lay her uninjured cheek on my chest. I rubbed her back with the tips of my fingers, lightly. She relaxed into me, silently crying. It broke my heart to hear her cry like this. I hate her father as much as I hate my own, maybe even more. How dare he hit her?

‘Let’s go, Rose.’ I picked her up.

‘What? Where?’ She wiped at her cheeks as she pulled back to look at me.

‘You’ll see.’ I smiled at her.

‘Lucas, I can’t go out like this. People will think you hit me.’ She shook her head in disbelief.

‘Just trust me, Rose, okay?’ She paused for a moment, staring deep into my eyes. I am not sure what she was searching for, but I guess she found it as she nodded her head yes to me.

‘Okay,’ she whispered. I had her change into clothes I’d seen her wear to this place before. She arched a brow at me curiously, but got dressed anyway. I was happy she was willing to trust me right now. This probably isn’t the best idea, with her still having her incision from surgery so present, but I know this is exactly what she needs.

Lucas: Twinkle Toes is coming tonight.

I texted Davis as she got dressed. I had found him the next day on social media and asked him for his number. I wanted to know any time Rose went in to fight, so I could be sure to be there and watch. It didn’t take long for him to respond.

Viking Man: Hell yeah! I’ll put her in a good fight.

Lucas: She needs a challenge.

Viking Man: I know what I’m doing.

I slipped my phone into my pocket as Rose approached. I grabbed one of her hair ties when she wasn’t looking, currently, having it hidden in my pocket for later. I held my hand out for her to take, which she did instantly. There’s no more hesitation on her part when it comes to this.

I love the feel of her hand on my own. Her skin is always so soft and smooth, but her hands are rough. I didn’t fail to notice the acoustic guitar she had hidden in her closet when she fetched her journals. Her calloused fingers tell me she still plays. I hope to hear her play one day. Tonight, however, I’ll be reading her journal while she sleeps. Sleep has never been my friend. It’s more of a distant cousin who visits from time to time.

‘Are you going to tell me where we are going now?’ she asked as we entered a more deserted side of town.

She’d been quiet for most of the ride, humming from time to time to the music I had her choose. I liked giving her control over song choice. It was my way of letting her know she was in charge, even if I’m the one driving. If she told me to stop, to turn, or even speed up, I’d do it. I pulled into the driveway of a worn out building. The bulking figure at the doorway let me know I was at the right spot. Rose turned to face me quickly with a beautifully bright smile on her face.

‘How?’ she asked happily.

‘Davis told me where it’d be.’

‘When did you two start talking?’ She curled her right brow with curiosity.

‘When you last brought me, I looked him up on social media and asked for his number so I could come watch you the next time you fought, but you never did. Understandably so, with everything going on. I hope it’s okay. I asked Davis to place you in a fight.’ I squeezed the steering wheel anxiously as I looked at her, having parked the car to the side.

‘More than okay,’ she said with a smile. ‘Thank you, Lucas.’ I could tell her cheek was still hurting her as her smile stayed lopsided, trying not to move her injured cheek. I hate her father so much right now. How could he hurt her? He’ll get what’s coming to him soon. I’ll make sure of it.

‘Let’s go, twinkle toes.’ I winked at her as I got down from the car. Rose didn’t wait for me to open her door. She was too excited, practically sprinting to the door.

‘If it isn’t Twinkle Toes, herself.’ The large man guarding the door greeted her with a smile.

‘Hello, Carter.’ She greeted him back. I didn’t miss the way Carter eyed her cheek, and then me. ‘What did you do to upset Davis this time? Front door duty? Yikes.’ She sucked in air between her teeth, looking like the epitome of the yikes emoji. Carter laughed, a hearty laugh that shook in his chest.

‘I may or may not have accidentally hit on his daughter.’ Rose let out a loud laugh, clasping her stomach with one hand and covering her mouth with the other. I loved the sound of her laugh more than anything. She shook her head disapprovingly as she calmed her laughter.

‘How bad was the fight?’

‘Oh a few broken ribs, a busted nose, and now door duty for the rest of the year.’ He sighed defeatedly.

‘He went easy on you,’ she said, surprising me, because none of that sounded like an easy punishment.

‘No kidding,’ Carter agreed. I made myself a mental note to never mess with Davis. If that’s him going easy, I don’t want to know what him going all out looks like.

‘Go on in, kiddo. He’s waiting for ya,’ Carter said, pointing behind him to the door. Rose stepped through, but as I went to follow, Carter grabbed me by the arm. His hand clenched tightly around my bicep, almost bruising me. ‘If you’re hurting her, I’ll kill you.’

Carter’s threat was serious. I could see the murderous intent in his eyes. His grip only tightened further around my arm, as if to make his point. I was glad to know Rose had guys like these watching out for her.

‘Her father.’ I simply stated, and it seemed Carter knew about him, too. He quickly released my arm, letting me go. Rose was still walking ahead, too excited to notice I had fallen behind. I didn’t mind. I liked watching her saunter.

‘He’s in town?’

‘Apparently.’ I shrugged. ‘I’m searching for him tomorrow.’

‘Let us know when you find him.’ The emotion on Carter’s face was unmistakable. He was furious and out for blood.

‘Will do.’ I nodded before walking in and catching up to my Rose.

Let the bastard get what’s coming to him.

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