Sasha Swift

Chapter 26 The Tale of Aragon


We leave elf country in a hurry. Theo decided to come with Zane and me. He wants to help find who hexed Queen Merda. He also says he wants to help find who killed Greta and I’m happy for his support.

As we drive down the road towards ogre land I suddenly remember something important.

The Tale of Aragon

Greta told me about it and I have been so blinded by grief I completely forgot. I pull over to the side of the road. Zane squeezes my thigh his hand was laying on.

“What’s wrong love? Need me to drive? Need a tissue? Snack?” He asks concerned.

“No, I forgot to tell you, guys, something. Greta came to me before she died. She told me to remember The Tale of Aragon. She said it would guide me in the right direction.”

Zane and Theo both look at me confused. I wonder if they both think I’m crazy. The Tale of Aragon is a children’s novel. I’m not even sure if they heard about it before. It was the only book in our house that was fiction.

“The Tale of Aragon? Are you sure love? It’s a children’s book based on a man fighting a dragon?” Zane asks.

“I’m sure. I don’t know why it’s important but we need to find a copy of it and read it again. Maybe it will have a clue in it.”

“We should get your copy at home. Maybe it has a clue in it left for you.” Theo suggest and I could kiss him. He is a genius.

“Great idea Theo! Let’s go!” I shout excitedly as I pull back on the road and head home.


We get back to my house and I find the book. Theo decides he needs to read the whole book again and reads it out loud to Zane and me like we’re toddlers. The whole idea is ridiculous but I go along with it.

Cuddled on the living room couch with Zane Theo finishes the story. No one speaks and we all sit and think about what could be the clue. Theo speaks up first.

“So Aragon leaves his village to prove himself as a man. He accidentally falls into a dragon’s pit and instead of killing the dragon, he befriends it. Should we be looking for a dragon?”

Zane shakes his head to disagree. “Maybe it’s about the sword. In the story, the dragon gifts him a rare dagger that’s supposed to be able to kill any immoral creature. Maybe it’s real and we need to find it.”

Zane’s idea makes more sense but still, It’s a children’s novel. I thought it was all just made up. Surely this couldn’t be real. A sword that can kill an immortal being sounds impossible. Also if it was real many people would be after it. So many supernatural creatures' lives would be in danger.

“Maybe we should look around for more clues. Something or anything to help us.” I suggest and the boys agree.

We all begin going through the many books and stacks of papers Greta had. She had many potion instructions written down. Thinking about all the potions she would always make causes my chest to ache. I miss her like crazy. Nothing is the same without her.

Looking for hours we haven’t found anything useful. The only thing we found I can use is the recipe for Greta’s favorite potato soup. I think I’ll make it in honor of her for dinner soon. I think she would like that.

As we all stand to leave I hear something, A floorboard creaks, and I smile. Greta always complained about it. It wasn’t a complaint actually more like a reminder constantly.

At the moment it seems like everything rushes back to me. I run over to Zane who is standing on the creaky floorboard. I bend down in front of him. He winks at me.

“I don’t think this is the time for that love. At least kick young Theo out of the room.” He smiles down at me.

“Not what I was going for Zane. But I need you to move your feet and help me rip this flooring up. I think I know where the next clue is.”

Zane moves his feet and bends down and grips the floorboard. He rips off a big piece in one move and I’m impressed. He is stronger than he looks. I check out his arms then blush when I see him wink again. The fool caught me checking him out again.

Reaching my hand down I feel around until my hand touches something. I grab it and pull it out. It’s a book. The dusty brown leather-bound book Greta showed me before. The one with the drawing of the black witch in it.

I get up and place the book on the table. The boys stand on each side of me looking over my shoulder. I flip through the pages but stop when I see what I’m looking for. It’s a drawing Greta must have had a vision about.

“Is that-” Theo asks but Zane interrupts.

“It’s a drawing of you Sasha. A drawing of you wielding the sword against the black witch. It’s drawn perfectly like-”

Now it’s my turn to interrupt. “She must have seen it in a vision. It’s me fighting the black witch. Me wielding the sword against her in battle. It’s up to me. I have to kill her. I have to kill the black witch.”

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