Sasha Swift

Chapter 21 The Great Falls


“So you’re telling me there is a magical place with glowing flowers and a beautiful waterfall that is poisonous to vampires?” Sasha asks as if it’s the craziest thing she has ever heard.

I nod. “Yes, love. No one knows how it got there. It’s just another mystery.”

We’re on our way to The Great Falls and Sasha is driving. I’m sitting beside her and I can’t stop myself from playing with a strand of her golden locks, luckily she doesn’t seem to mind.

I’m not sure if it’s the guilt or the feeling I have in the pit of my stomach telling me something bad is going to happen. But I can’t keep my damn hands off of her. She just looks like a radiant goddess and I want to worship her.

Theo pokes his head in between us. “I have always wanted to see the Great Falls. I hope we don’t have trouble with whoever took Queen Merda.” Sasha gives me a side-eye look.

Theo has this crazy theory Queen Merda was kidnapped. But no evidence we found so far has shown she was taken beyond her will. Dougie said she was spotted alone. We also know she left elf country alone. I honestly think she just wanted some space and took off. From what I can tell elves are annoying little creatures.

Sasha agrees with me but she is too nice to hurt Theo’s feelings. So she goes along with his crazy theory. She has become attached to the little fella and says if he didn’t already have a family she would adopt him. The girl is a sucker for love.

Sasha smiles at Theo. “Don’t worry I have lots of weapons in the back and I’m sure the three of us can take whoever took her.” I wink at her and grab her thigh squeezing it.

I can’t wait until we get back to a hotel room and I can feel her tightening around my hard cock. I rub my jeans hoping to hide my stiffness. Just thinking about her does crazy things to my body. No one else has ever had this effect on me.

This is why I can’t lose her. She is everything to me mind, body, and soul. I want it all. I’m afraid of what she will do when she finds out I have been keeping secrets from her. But how can I tell her that everything she knows is a lie?

I grab Sasha’s hand and kiss it. She smiles at me. “Have you been listening to anything I have said?” She asks and I shake my head. No need to lie. I wasn’t listening at all.

Sasha chuckles. “I said we need a plan. If Queen Merda isn’t willing to come home then we will drag her back kicking and screaming.”

“You know she is rumored to be about eight feet tall.” I tell her.

Sasha gasps.“No way. How are we supposed to get her back then?”

I turn around and see Theo is asleep. I turn back to Sasha. “I’m sure we can tie her up or something. Of course, I would rather tie you up to my bedpost later.”

“The bed in your penthouse apartment you never stay at?” Sasha smirks.

“Yes, actually I was thinking of moving back into it. I want you to stay with me also. Move in with me love?” I bite my lip nervously waiting for her answer.

“I’ll think about it okay? I’m not sure I’m ready to leave Greta yet.” She whispers.

“That’s fine. Just think about it okay?” She nods and turns up the radio volume.


Eight hours later we arrive at The Great Falls. Sasha is digging through her trunk grabbing weapons. Theo stands beside me.

“I’m excited to find Queen Merda. Everyone at home is going to be so happy. We’re probably going to throw a huge party. You guys should come?” He asks and I roll my eyes.

“Party with elves I think not.”

“Come on.” Theo elbows my ribs. “It’ll be fun. You drink with me all the time.” He states and I snort.

“Yeah, I like you, Theo. But the thought of a bunch of tiny elves running around me sounds terrible.”

Sasha or Swift since we’re back in work mode pops up beside Theo. “No thoughts of celebrating until we’re done here, so let’s go.” She begins walking and Theo and I both pick a side to walk next to her.

The walk would normally take about five hours but we make it in three. Despite her best arguments, I made Swift ride on my back as I ran us through the forest. She might be part Fae but she walks like a slow human. Theo even walks faster than her with his short legs.

We walk into an opening and Swift and Theo both gasp simultaneously. “It’s beautiful!” Swift speaks. Theo grabs her hand and they run off like children skipping and laughing.

“Be careful you two!” I scold them but they don’t listen. Nobody ever listens to the vampire.

Swift and Theo are kneeling touching a purple glowing flower. I stand with my hands in my pockets a safe distance away. I’m not sure if it’s the bad feeling I had earlier or the fact that there is a waterfall close to me that can kill me that makes me feel so uneasy.

Swift looks over at me smiling. “Come look, Zane. It’s so amazing. I wish I could take it with me.”

Theo stands up and looks around. “But I don’t see Queen Merda anywhere.” He pouts and I start to feel sorry for the kid. I knew she didn’t want to be found.

Swift stands up placing a hand on Theo’s shoulder. “Let’s look around we might find her.” She suggests.

As soon as Swift finishes the sentence we hear loud footsteps. I turn around to see a giant headed our way.

“My queen.” Theo kneels and looks down at the ground.

My first reaction is to get to Swift. I rush over to her and stand in front of her.

“Is it just me or does she look angry?” Swift asks and I agree.

Queen Merda is larger than I thought. She stands about ten feet tall. Her hair is a dark red that stops above her shoulders. She has the largest crown on her head I have ever seen. It’s gold with green and red jewels. She is wearing a red halter-top dress that could be used as a car cover it’s so huge. Did I mention her huge ears also?

“We should run.” I say and Swift agrees with me and we start to run but so does Queen Merda.

“Fuck Zane what do we do? I promised to return her safe and alive.” She shouts. My eyes turn red and I let my fangs out.

“Screw that. It’s us or her?” We both halt to a stop. Queen Merda is still running towards us.

As the queen approaches, I leap towards her ready to strike but she knocks me away into a tree. I sit up and see Swift is in hand-to-hand combat with the giant. She grabs Swift and throws her toward me. I jump up and catch Swift before she hits the ground. She is breathing hard and probably was bracing for the fall. “Thanks love.” She kisses my cheek.

“Hey, that’s my line.” I growl and Sasha pulls out a pocket knife.

“This queen is done for!” She shouts.

Both of us charge toward the queen. With a wave of Queen Merda’s hand, green vines shoot out from a tree wrapping around our ankles knocking us down, and pulling us away from the queen.

I start pulling on the vine wrapped around my left ankle. Sasha is cutting at the one wrapped around her. I break free and run towards Queen Merda. I punch her in the face and she stumbles back.

“No! Don’t hurt her!” Theo yells and he finally stands up from his kneeling position.

I kick her legs out from underneath the queen and she falls onto her back. She waves her hands and water flies toward me. It hits my skin and burns like acid. I’m shocked. She used the water from the waterfall against me.

I fall to the ground in agonizing pain. It feels like my skin is melting off. Swift runs up to check on me. But vines wrap around my body like a rope. My arms strap down to the side of my body and it makes the pain from the water feel even worse.

Queen Merda grabs Swift. Her whole hand is wrapped around her body and is squeezing her. I try to struggle free but I’m stuck. I can’t let her die. I won’t. But I’m stuck I need help.

“Theo help Swift, please.” I beg. I don’t care if anything happens to me. But I won’t be able to take it if she dies. Theo stands still like he is frozen. I feel terrible trying to make the kid choose between his friends and his queen. “Come on Theo. Only you can stop her. Swift is your friend, an innocent. Don’t let her die! She came here to help you.”

Swift somehow gets one hand free and stabs Queen Merda in the hand with her pocket knife. She releases her and Swift falls to the ground not moving.

“Sasha damn it! Get up please!” I beg.

Queen Merda turns to me and I finally notice her eyes. They are pitch black. She has to be put under a hex. Somebody did this to her. Theo was right. She didn’t leave on her own. Black magic is involved.

I try to wiggle free. It’s loose but not enough. “Theo looks into her eyes. You were right someone did this to her. You have to stop her before she hurts herself or anyone else!” I yell. I’m hoping Theo is finally listening to me.

Queen Merda raises her foot to stomp on Swift. I try to wiggle free more. I have to save her. This can’t happen. Not like this.

“Stop!” Theo’s loud voice echoes around and Queen Merda turns her head to face him. He waves his arms and vines shoot out and wraps around Queen Merda. She falls over and now we’re both stuck like this.

Theo runs over to Swift to check on her. He helps her onto her feet. “Thanks, Theo. We need to find a way to unhypnotize her.” Swift tells him.

Theo holds her hand. “I’m sorry I took so long it’s just-”

Out of nowhere, a long branch flies through the air hitting Theo in the chest. He falls down to his knees. Swift screams his name and I see Queen Merda break free from her vines and stand up. I also finally break free and get up.

“Theo no!” Swift’s eyes are already starting to water as she looks at Queen Merda disgusted. “What have you done?”

Queen Merda takes a step toward Swift and I am pissed. Swift doesn’t even stand up to fight her. She is so distraught looking at Theo cradling him in her arms. I charge toward the queen and that’s when I see Swift’s backpack on the ground. I turn towards it instead.

Grabbing a bag of herbs I run towards the queen. Using my vamp speed I make it to her before she reaches Swift and Theo. I leap over her doing a front flip. Landing I turn around and throw the potion in her face.

The white powder reminds me of another drug. Queen Merda stumbles and her eyes start to flutter. I give her a nudge and she falls onto her back with a loud thud passed out.

I run over to Swift. She is lovingly stroking Theo’s cheek. “He didn’t deserve this, he’s just a kid. Please Zane we have to save him.” She cries.

I frown at her. “His heartbeat is low but I think we can save him. You’re not going to like it though.” I know it’s now or never I have to tell her.

“Just tell me, Zane! I can’t lose him. He’s my best friend.” She whimpers.

I grab her hand and she looks surprised. I bite into her wrist and pull away. Her blood tastes delicious on my lips but I can’t think of that right now. Sasha looks at me confused.

“Give him your blood. It will heal him.” She gives me a painful look and puts her wrist up to his mouth. She tries to get as much blood in as possible.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. But I didn’t know how to tell you. You’re not all human. Your mother. She was a fae.”

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