Sanctuary's Fiend

Chapter 8

Rick had come round to return my bag.

I couldn’t bear the idea of seeing him again. I didn’t know what he thought, but either I’d see a look of disgust on his face at the sight of me, or I’d feel my hunger rising again. I didn’t know which would be worse, but I couldn’t stand either. I made my mom tell him I was out at the mall with Peter and Bhav, and I hid in my room. Such a wimp! She said he’d looked disappointed, but even that didn’t make me feel any better.

Having him turn up had made me realize that, yes, I could talk about it all day with my parents, but this was real. It was down to me to control whatever it was I was becoming.

I couldn’t wait until next Thursday when everyone went to the bunker again. I’d have to spend the entire week at school around humans. I needed to sort this out now.

I told Mom I was going out for a walk to think things over, and although she’d looked worried, she just told me to be sure to stay in the supernatural neighborhood - yeah, right, as if I’d deliberately go near humans right now. I walked over to the bunker as fast as I could. I couldn’t trust myself around anyone, even other supernaturals. I hadn’t felt any hunger to feed on my parents, but maybe they were special, and the familial bond stopped my instincts. I’d told Ariel I was sick - the first time ever, so whether or not she believed me, who knew. And this old place was only ever used on Thursday nights when us kids invaded it.

Now, it was all mine. Somewhere I could go to practice… whatever it was I could do. Somewhere no one would disturb me. It really was in the middle of nowhere, several hundred yards into the forest. I’d never appreciated just how quiet and isolated the bunker was before, as it was always filled with teenage supernaturals, throwing each other around, bouncing off the walls - literally - and climbing the ceiling. Let’s not even mention what was happening in the rooms with doors. Succubi and incubi in one, sirens in another, elves prancing around in the other. And those were only the ones with enough of their species to make it worthwhile having their own room.

But standing still now, in the middle of this concrete playground, with no lights turned on, the only noise was my own heartbeat. The heartbeat of a Draugr. I wanted to push that thought from my mind, but I couldn’t. I was here to embrace it. To discover myself. Find out what I was. What I could do.

I had considered jumping down the entire flight of entrance steps, but I couldn’t make myself do it. That was way too scary, it turned out.

Instead, I walked over to a wall and touched it. It was rough to my fingertips. If I scraped my hand against it, it would hurt. Right?

I pushed a little bit harder against it. Okay, it felt like I pushed against it harder.

I balled my hand into a fist and placed my knuckles on the wall, ready to scrape them like I was striking a match.

My heart beat faster. I really didn’t want to hurt myself. Maybe a true vampire was just like a normal human who needed to drink blood?

No. No, I’d tossed Rick into the couch like a rag doll, and at super speed.

I dragged my knuckles against the wall, hard. I felt the wall dig into my skin and grip. I recoiled in pain, my knuckles suddenly on fire just like I’d expected.

I cradled my hand, not daring to look at it. Damn. I’d been thinking of Rick and what I could have done.

I stamped my feet to stop myself from crying out.

I couldn’t bring myself to look at it. Just the thought of the blood dripping down my hand made me feel sick right now.

“This was such a stupid idea. What am I doing here?” I muttered to myself. “No super tough skin. Gotcha.”

I flailed my hand around to try and get rid of the heat from the scratches.

But I knew I had super speed. Somehow.

I stood with my back to the same wall that I’d just let assault me, and prepared to run to the other end of the room. I’d push off, and reach the other side in the blink of an eye. All I’d need to watch out for would be moving so fast I couldn’t stop. Killing myself by running into a wall made me chuckle. How morbid.

Okay. This was easy. I knew I could do it. Let’s see just what a Draugr could do.

I wouldn’t exactly call my speed a ‘light jog’ but it wasn’t much more than that.

“Huh.” I said aloud. “Guess I can’t do that either.”

I scratched my head, confused.

“What now…?” I asked myself. “I dunno. Just…”

Yup. No idea.

At the other wall now, I touched it again. Why had someone built this bunker and then abandoned it? Oh, maybe because it was now, quite literally, haunted. I mean, ghosts did hang around in here. Oops.

I looked at my hand again. It was pristine. Well, as pristine as my hands ever got. Erin was always trying to get me to go with her to the nail bar at the mall but I just never seemed to have time… no, Rel, stop going off track here. No blood, no scratches. The wall hadn’t done anything to my hand. But it had really hurt! Or… had I just expected it to hurt? Imagined it.

Maybe I had run fast, but it happened like it had when I was with Rick. Not me moving faster, but the rest of the world slowing down. Without anyone else seeing it, I was just guessing.

Okay. Okay, so maybe this was what I could do. I was tough, and I was fast. Probably.

Was I strong?

I rested my fist against the wall. It still felt rough and like it should hurt. I pulled my fist back just a few inches and hit it against the wall.

Nothing. My hand was fine, and so was the concrete. Okay, so maybe I’d pulled my punch. I tried again from the same distance.

Some dust clouded around my fist. I looked at my hand. Not a scratch on it. Right. It was time to get serious.

I pulled my arm all the way back to my shoulder. My heart pounded at the thought of hitting the wall and the pain that would come. But I had to do it. I had to know for sure.

I held my breath and closed my eyes. It’s really difficult to make yourself punch a wall. I forced my arm forwards, and I felt the crunch of bone as my hand collided with concrete. I flinched back and yelled out, collapsing to the floor.

But then I realized that my hand was fine. I was imagining the pain. I expected the pain, so I felt it. I squeezed my eyes open and looked. Just a small scratch on my knuckles.

I stood up and looked at the wall. At what I had done.

“Well, that was underwhelming,” I whispered.

“I totally agree!”

I jumped at the sound of someone else’s voice. I turned to see a tall figure at the top of the stairs.

“What are you doing here, Johnny?”

He flicked a switch at the entrance, and the lights came on.

“I could barely see anything in here,” Johnny said. “Why were you training in pitch black?”

I hadn’t even realized. I hadn’t had any trouble seeing.

“In fact, why are you training at all? Are you actually training? You don’t ever do anything here.”

He walked down the stairs. Oh crap, what did I tell him? That I just found out I’m a Draugr and no one really knows what that means, so I was in here to keep not myself safe, but everyone else? Probably a bad idea.

“I just came to–”

“And why are you punching a wall?”

I looked back at the wall. There was a small chip where I had hit it, but nothing more.

“Hey, why are you in here?” I asked.

He clicked his tongue. “I just came to practice.”

“I thought you said that you didn’t need to practice? That it was all the others that were falling behind?” Well hey. Want to stop an Elf from questioning you, attack his pride.

“Yeah. That’s true. Duhh. But I need to be even better than everyone else.”


“I… you wouldn’t understand.” He picked at some dirt under his fingernails, and clearly attempted to change the subject. “So, what are you again? A vampire, right? You started practicing on Thursdays?”

Now that he was closer, I could smell him. I found myself wondering if that was what all elves smelled like, or if it was just him. He smelled like Rick had, but sweeter. Where Rick had been a strong, musky oak, Johnny was a sweet honey filling my nostrils. I felt my belly rumble just like it had last night. But this was safe. Johnny had his own abilities. Elves were faster and more agile than any human. Johnny would be safe even if I lost control, and maybe vampires only wanted human blood, not supe.

And clearly I wasn’t that strong, if the wall punch was anything to go by. I looked down to my hand, and the scratch was still on it. No fast healing either. I had to admit that so far being a Draugr didn’t seem very impressive. I was pretty sure that normal vampires were better in every way so far. Apart from the sunlight thing, of course. Seeing in the dark, and being able to smell people seemed a bit of a letdown.

“Yeah. I’m a vampire.” Until I knew what being a Draugr meant, people could think I was a vampire. “I don’t even know what I should be practicing anyway.”

He looked me up and down and wiggled his eyebrows. “Well maybe you can vamp my…” he stopped and thought. “Vamp me?”

“Such elvish grace, Johnny. Really amazing. Wow, was that you using your glamour on me?”

“I haven’t warmed up yet.”

A thought occurred to me. “Hey. Really. Try and use your glamour on me.”

He looked at me suspiciously. “Why?”

“I want to know what it feels like.” I couldn’t just tell him I’d never had it used on me, and I wanted to see if being resistant to other supernatural abilities was one of mine.

“You’re asking me to put you completely under my control?”


He gave a cheeky smile. “Just what every guy wants to hear.”

“Don’t be a perv.”

He ignored me, and his face turned into a mask of concentration.

I was about to ask him if he was doing anything, but then it hit me like a force. Like when you’re stood in the ocean, and a wave pushes and pulls all of your body at once. That’s exactly what it was like. I couldn’t resist it.

He was pulling me into himself. I stepped forwards. But just like a wave, even though I couldn’t stop the feeling, I could brace myself against it.

“No,” I muttered.

Whatever his glamour was, it was only physical. I could still think clearly. So when he redoubled his efforts, I was ready for it.

I stopped him. I shook my whole body, and I was free.

I looked at him, and amazingly, he’d broken out in a light sweat!

“Wow. I didn’t know elves could sweat.”

He was panting lightly. “Yeah. Doesn’t happen often. I’ve never had someone stop my glamour so quickly.”

“Ooh, okay. I guess that’s something I can do.” I caught myself, remembering Johnny was right there. “That vampires in general can do.”

“Haven’t your parents told you? Damn, that’s strict.”

Of course, the reason the bunker club had been founded was for us supernaturals to try out what we could do. However, most supernaturals still knew what they were capable of in theory. Their parents would tell them everything.

Not with me. For obvious reasons.

Suddenly Johnny flinched as something hit his head. “Ow!”

A heavy stick bounced onto the floor.

I looked up to the entrance. Ariel was standing at the open door, scowling. “What are you doing here?”

Trying to find you!

She hadn’t settled for me telling her I was sick. I should have thought of a better excuse.

“That hurt!” Johnny shouted angrily.

As the echo of his voice died in the small chamber, Ariel walked down the steps, her face like thunder.

Why the hell were you glamoring my best friend? Huh?!

I showed Johnny the text.

“Don’t freak out. She asked for it.”

I could smell Johnny more strongly now. His scent hit me like a ton of bricks. The stick must have cut his head. “Are you bleeding?” I asked.

He looked at his hand. “Yeah!”

I backed away from him. The smell of his sweat and blood mixed in my nostrils, and I suddenly felt drunk. The dizziness had returned. Oh God, I had to get away!

Why did you ask him to do that?

“Umm. It doesn’t matter. I was just curious. I’ve gotta go.”

Do I smell or something?

Actually now that she mentioned it, she did. She smelled of the wind when you’re standing on a beach. Sea salt, shells, and wet rock. All that was hiding beneath her rose tinted perfume.

“I just feel a bit light headed, that’s all.”

What do you think is going to happen when you get yourself glamoured while feeling sick? Your parents told me you were here btw.

And that would be the last time I told them where I was going to go and hide for the day. Rookie mistake!

Smells were becoming sharper. I could feel my thirst growing again. Johnny’s honey scent smelled good enough to eat. But then curiosity pushed my hunger back down.

I had come here to train, so let’s train.

I looked at Ariel. “Speak. Say something!”

She looked at me like I’d gone mad. Maybe I had.

“Like I told Johnny, I came here to train.” I added quickly, “As a vampire.”

She raised her eyebrows and looked between myself and Johnny. She was probably wondering if I really wanted to try out my possibly weak powers in front of Johnny. She didn’t know I was a Draugr, so maybe I’d be able to surprise her.

Johnny took her look as a question. “I’ll stay. I’m sure I can handle some lame sireny, girly glamour. Whatever.”

Forget him. I’m not doing it to you.

“You’ve never done it, right? You’ve never seen what effect you would have on someone. I’m here to train, so why don’t you too.”

My abilities aren’t developed, so I’m not that strong. But more importantly, I can’t control it at all. Even when I try.

I could tell she was excited by the idea. But she was right. Anything could happen. ‘Just one word. It can’t be too bad,’ I encouraged.

“Yeah, come on. Sounds fun,” Johnny agreed.

Okay. Get ready. I guess.

I focused on… nothing, really. I didn’t know how to prepare.

Johnny looked excited. He still smelled good, but as soon as Ariel cleared her throat, ready to speak, everything changed.

I saw Johnny’s face go slack. He was gone. Already taken completely by her voice. Just from a small cough. I could still tell what was going on. At least I knew I was stronger than an elf at resisting glamour.

Then she spoke. The word was two syllables. Gone in half a second. It washed over me, a thousand times more than Johnny’s glamour had. Where he was the swell of a wave on the beach, Ariel saying ‘Hello’ was like hanging on to the side of a life raft in the middle of a storm in deep sea.

I didn’t stand a chance. But this wasn’t a physical force like Johnny’s glamour either. This was emotional. For a second, I wanted to do anything I could to make Ariel happy. If she told me what to do, I’d do it. A tear streaked down my cheek, and I smiled at her. She was so beautiful. I loved her.

She waved at me. Oh my God, she waved at me. She noticed me! Boys never noticed me. Girls only noticed me to give me dirty looks. But she saw me and returned my love. I could feel it. God, Ariel was so great.

What was Johnny doing? Bowing to her? More like groveling on his knees. Damn, why hadn’t I thought of doing that. Now here I was, crying, stood like a lemon, and he was on the floor. Why did he have to show me up? I felt my heart clenching, not with my love for Ariel, but my hatred for Johnny. He’d made an idiot out of me in front of her. I’d make him pay.

As fast as I could I was on his back, my arm pulled back, ready to break his skull.

But I saw the spot of blood on the back of his head. I remembered how hungry I was. Suddenly, I didn’t hate Johnny so much. That was nice. Such a blind hatred had been…. not me. I also felt a sense of loss. It was Ariel. I didn’t love her as much as a second ago. That wasn’t so nice.

I looked at her. Her eyes were wide in shock, watching me loom over Johnny.

The hunger had broken me from her power. I guessed that just as the other supernaturals couldn’t control their abilities, I couldn’t control mine either. But the appearance of blood, the only thing that had triggered my Draugr instincts so far, made me naturally stronger.

Ariel was waving her hands urgently, making a stop motion. I looked at what I was doing. I had been about to attack Johnny.

I jumped off him, and backed away until I felt the wall at my back. Ariel did the same, running to the opposite corner. Johnny stayed where he was, lying on the floor.

So you’re finally a vampire… Does this mean no more sunbathing for you?

“What? Of course I can still go in the sun… I think.”’ I whispered, horrified by what I had been about to do. Ariel was so powerful. “How can you tell?”

You moved faster than my eyes could follow… and… your teeth.

Shocked, my hand covered my mouth. My incisors had grown. I’d never felt them before. Was my need to feed growing, and causing these changes? Would it continue to progress until I killed someone? Would finally giving into it satisfy my thirst, and stop the changes, or would I go crazy, and become a bloodthirsty beast?

Johnny groaned and sat up. “That was about as fun as a lecture from my dad about elvish tradition.” He rubbed his head.

I looked to Ariel, and realized that she it wasn’t because she was scared of me that she’d rushed to the opposite corner of the room. She was scared of herself. What an idiot I was! I’d been so selfish, asking her to do that.

“Are you okay?”

She let her hair cover her face. Her way of hiding. She was normally so outgoing and happy. I’d made her retreat, scared of herself.

I didn’t need to drink blood to be a monster.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” Johnny said, oblivious to the fact that no one was talking to him. “Hey. That really sucked, but how about we put it to good use?”

Ariel sent him a text, and he read his phone. It was weird to not be the one getting her messages. “Yeah. Have you heard about the murder last night? In Lincoln Park?”

Last night. When I’d run back from Rick’s house, in such a bloodlust that I didn’t remember getting home.

“No. What happened?” I asked.

“Gruesome. Cops think it was just some psycho, but I overheard my dad on the phone. Says it sounded just like a supernatural killing.”

My heart jumped. I hadn’t…. Had I?

“Guy was torn to shreds. Dad said it would have had to be superhuman strength. Also, there wasn’t nearly as much blood as there should have been.”

Oh no! What had I done?

“My dad says it’s best to just leave it alone. Let the humans deal with it, and eventually they’ll just give up on the case and call it an unsolved murder.” He leaned against the stairs, in between me and Ariel, trying to talk to both of us at the same time. He was going for a much more casual pose than us, but I could tell he was still shaken. “But I’ve had another idea, and a few of the guys agree. I guess you two girls could come along too, if you’re interested? Oh, hey, Erin already said she’d come.”

“What do you mean, exactly?” I asked. And what had Erin got herself mixed up in?

“Next week, instead of coming to the bunker, we’re going to find what did it. We’re going hunting.”

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