Sanctuary II

Chapter Sunshine

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Lotte asked Ariel, as they made their way through the central lab, toward Amanda's room.

"I... think so" Ariel sighed and nodded, the midday sun shone through the windows at the far end of the lab. Ariel took a deep breath before putting her hand on the door pad, the door slide open after scanning her hand.

Ariel walked to her mother's bedside and sighed, looking at the sun illuminating the lab in its warm glow, before turning back to Amanda and brushing her hair to the side.

"Okay, do it" Ariel said, as she held her mother's hand. Lotte nodded, and put her hands on Amanda's chest. Ariel closed her eyes as she gripped her mother's hand tightly.

Ariel felt Amanda's hands gripping hers back.

"Mum!" Ariel opened her eyes and hugged Amanda, who was laid down smiling at her daughter.

"Ariel... where am I?" Amanda asked weakly.

"Sanctuary! We saved you!" Ariel smiled.

"I... feel so weak" Amanda groaned, as her heart monitor began to beep frantically. Ariel looked at Lotte with a worried face.

"What's happening?!" Ariel yelled.

"I... don't know" Lotte panicked. Amanda looked at Ariel, and smiled softly.

"Ariel... the darkness, I think it got too much of me" Amanda groaned.

"No! What about Varla?" Ariel asked Lotte.

"Varla had a lot of dark matter tech implanted, it could be that... normal humans cannot be restored" Lotte frowned. Dex opened the door and hurried in.

"What's the problem? I heard the alarm going off" Dex asked.

"She's not stable, I think the dark matter stuff took too much from her" Lotte explained, fumbling her words. Dex nodded and held Amanda's hand.

"Please work..." Dex frowned as he held Amanda's hand. Amanda turned to Dex and shook her head. Dex carried on trying to heal Amanda, but it had no effect.

"Dex... it's not working" Lotte said, as she placed her hand on Dex's shoulder. "Me and Ariel knew going into this, that this might happen..." Lotte frowned.

"Why won't it work?" Dex asked, looking at Lotte.

"There is a limit to our powers... it seems" Lotte hugged Dex, and turned to leave the room with him. She stopped, then turned to Ariel and kissed her forehead as they walked from the room.

Ariel sighed and looked at Amanda, who smiled softly at her.

"This is what I deserve" Amanda shrugged, weakly.

"Don't say that..." Ariel frowned.

"It's the truth, I did terrible things, Ariel. You know that, this is my punishment" Amanda sighed. "But you, you were the one good thing I did in this life. You make me so proud" She added.

"Mum..." Ariel began to cry.

"Can I ask a final favour of you, my beautiful princess?" Amanda asked.

"You know I hate that title" Ariel smiled through the tears, Amanda smiled as she held Ariel's hand. "What is it?" Ariel asked.

"Come cuddle up to me... like you did as a child" Amanda smiled weakly. Ariel nodded and climbed onto the bed next to her mother and cuddled up to her.

"I hope you and Ashley have a lovely life together, Ariel" Amanda said softly into Ariel's ear.

"I should have waited, you could have lived" Ariel cried.

"I'm glad, I got to spend these final moments with you, as you are now. Don't blame yourself, sweetie" Amanda's voice began getting weaker.

"Mum?" Ariel asked.

"Yes?" Amanda smiled.

"Sing to me, like you did when I was small" Ariel said quietly.

You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy

When skies are gray

You never know dear

How much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine... away...

Ariel cried, as her mother kissed her forehead, before laying back, as the seconds passed, Ariel could hear Amanda's heart beating slower and slower until it stopped.

Ariel hugged her Mum as the soothing warm sunlight shone down through the skylight above.

I love you, Ariel...

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