Sanctuary II

Chapter Crash Landing

Atlas groaned as he awoke. Through the taste of blood, he could smell the ocean. The sound of water lapping on sand could be heard through the still ringing emergency alarm. Sparks flew from the broken console in front of him.

Ariel awoke to find her legs feeling cold and wet, and her head banging.

"Ah... where are we?" Ariel asked, as she blocked the bright sun from her eye.

"I dunno, but I wish I had sunglasses, it's getting in my..." Atlas began, before sitting forward and opening his eyes fully. "The sun! The real godsdamned sun!" Atlas cheered as he slapped the console.

"Huh?" Ariel said, opening her eye further. "Where on Crystalla are we?" She asked. Atlas shrugged and kicked the emergency door open, as he stepped out, he could see buildings lining a beach, it looked very familiar. Ariel stepped out behind him, and looked at the buildings.

"This is..." She began.

"Ishtall" Atlas smiled. Ariel shifted her gaze down, to see several emergency vehicles making their way toward the crashed Airshuttle.

"We're home... and it's okay!" Ariel smiled. Atlas embraced Ariel in a hug.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..." He cried, as he held her tightly.

"No, you did, Atlas... thank you, without you, I wouldn't have made it out of there" Ariel hugged Atlas back. The vehicles came to a stop by the wreckage, and emergency crews poured out, a man with a cane approached Atlas and Ariel.

"Atlas Luna, you came back" Deux Wynd smiled. Atlas let go of Ariel and turned to see Deux standing before him.

"Deux... you're alive?!" Atlas gasped. Deux smiled slightly and shook his head.

"No, not quite" Deux said softly. "How are you both? Miss Ferras... your eye" Deux said, approaching Ariel as he motioned to nearby paramedics. Ariel nodded.

"I think she got it..." Ariel winced at the pain, which had begun to return now that the adrenaline had subsided.

"Okay, we shall go to the hospital, we have much to discuss" Deux nodded. Atlas agreed, and they helped Ariel into an ambulance, which left the sunny beach with its sirens ringing.

A few hours later, after Ariel had her wounds seen to, Atlas and Deux were permitted to enter her room. They walked in quietly in case she was asleep, as they neared her, she turned and smiled. The orange light from the setting sun shone through the windows.

"Hey" Ariel said quietly.

"Hi, Ariel, how are you feeling?" Atlas asked, as he held her hand.

"Better than before, at least" She paused. "The doctor said... the damage to my eye was too deep, I won't be able to use it any more" Ariel explained.

"I'm sorry..." Atlas sighed deeply. Ariel shook her head and gripped his hand.

"Atlas, I don't blame you" She said, with a smile. "You did your best, what any parent would" She nodded.

"Parent? Have I missed something?" Deux scratched his head.

"We've just grown close as family, is all" Atlas shrugged.

"Anyway, what's this about you being a zombie, Professor Wynd?" Ariel teased.

"Hah, it's been a while since I was called that" Deux smiled.

"A zombie?" Atlas prodded.

"Har, har, Mr. Luna" Deux chuckled. "No, Professor" He sighed.

"You don't like it?" Ariel asked.

"It's not a title I deserve" Deux shook his head.

"How so? You were a good Headmaster" Ariel smiled.

"It's kind of you to say that, but I was terrible. I let the Empire creep into the city... and, I..." Deux sighed.

"The Empire would have done that one way or another, and hey, thanks to that, we have Ariel here with us" Atlas smiled.

"I sacrificed the students to summon the Celestial Guardian" Deux frowned.

"You... did what?" Atlas asked, in disbelief.

"Not all of them, just those of whom remained after Lumina's strike against us" Deux replied. "I had to safeguard the city" He added.

"I can't approve of that action, but... the city is alive and vibrant. It saved the lives of everyone here, but I can't justify it" Atlas sighed, as he gazed over the city from the window.

"Where is the Guardian?" Ariel asked.

"Hmm?" Deux turned to Ariel.

"The Guardian, I haven't seen her since we visited last, after the fall of Pyre" Ariel explained.

"Oh... I am an avatar, of the Guardian" Deux said, as he stroked his grey beard. "When the darkness came, the threat against the city was actually diminished, and so the Guardian in her wisdom decided that to defend the city, she'd need someone to guide it. I was pulled from the aether to carry out her will" Deux explained.

"Huh..." Atlas scratched his head. Deux turned to Atlas and frowned.

"Atlas, I know what befell my daughter, Charlotte" Deux sighed. Atlas froze, and gave Deux a look of sorrow.

"I'm so sorry..." Atlas frowned.

"All is not lost, friend" Deux said, as he approached Atlas. "I want her to be the Crystalla of this city" Deux smiled.

"Crystalla of what now?" Ariel asked.

"A Crystalla... it's the evolved form of a Crystal, using the soul of either a living or dead person. They are 'ressurected' as the living form of a Crystal. I helped Mizu years...." Deux paused. "Forget that bit" He added. Atlas and Ariel looked at each other as if coming to the same conclusion at the same time.

"DEX!" The said in unison. "But wait..." Atlas sighed.

"What is it?" Deux asked.

"It took Dex several years to become one of these 'Crystalla'" Atlas frowned. "If we took the Wind Crystal energy away, the city would fall into darkness, even if it didn't take as long. Not only that, Roisin isn't here" He continued.

"The same blood runs through your veins, Atlas" Deux smiled. "As for the time, the soul of a Guardian can be used to quicken the process, meaning Charlotte will be reborn, and reach the stage of being a Complete Crystalla within a minute" He added.

"Hmm, but over in Sanctuary we have Dex... but the darkness is still there" Atlas sighed.

"It is most likely young Dexter has not reached the point of complete awakening. When he does, the light will return" Deux smiled. "Tell me, this 'Sanctuary' is it in the dark as we speak?" He asked.

"Not quite, The Varlan Empire has shown up and is lighting up the city, in return they've staged an invasion" Atlas explained.

"Varlan?" Deux sighed. "This city has been removed from the world too long, I hope Charlotte will return us to the stage of the world" He smiled.

"So, this process... can we do it right now?" Atlas asked.

"Hmm, not right away, there are preparations. Also, I have some things I have yet to do. It won't be long though... if you permit us to use you as the catalyst, of course" Deux smiled.

"Catalyst? Will I die?" Atlas asked.

"Did young Miss Roisin die, when the soul of Dexter was reborn into a Crystalla?" Deux winked.

"Well, no..." Atlas shrugged.

"Then you will be fine, young Mr. Luna" Deux chuckled. "I have another favour to ask of you..." He added.

"What is it?" Atlas asked.

"Take care of my Charlotte, old friend" Deux smiled softly, before leaving the room.

"I will, Deux. I swear" Atlas nodded, before turning to Ariel. "I'll keep you all safe" He smiled.

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