Salute To The General

Chapter 248 Are You Threatening Me

Chapter 248 Are You Threatening Me

After Professor Jenson and Penny signed the agreement, the liver cancer vaccine was officially handed

over to Cross Pharmaceuticals.

When that was done, she went on stage to give a speech expressing her gratitude for the professor's

trust. She promised to do her very best to benefit society with this vaccine and even welcomed the

experts in the medical field to keep an eye on her.

From below stage, Nathan stared at Penny with a smile playing on his lips. He loved seeing her smiling

like that. It made her whole face light up and she looked ten years younger. She looked radiant and

beautiful, like an angel upon Earth.

Colin, who had silently appeared by his side, whispered, "Sir, Ma'am looks really happy."

Nathan murmured back, "She and Queenie have been through so much these past few years. I want

her to be as happy as she is now for the rest of her life."

Changing the subject, Colin reported, "I just received news that Kingston Zabinski has summoned all

the Zabinski family followers to gather in Channing. They're here to get revenge for what you did to


"Revenge?" Nathan queried casually.

"Yes. The Zabinski family has sworn to kill your entire family."

Nathan's face instantly darkened at the mention of his family. "Brazen, pretentious fools. The one

month's time I gave them to retreat is nearly up. Since they insist on throwing their lives away, I'll oblige

them. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions."

"Sir, I have something else to report."


"It's to do with Franklin Wilson. His team is having an award ceremony tomorrow for their lieutenant

colonels and he hope that you can attend. He says his team idolizes you and has always wanted to

meet you in person. If you have the time to attend the ceremony, I'm sure the troops would feel

honored and encouraged."

“Of course I'll support Franklin. He's from the North Army, which makes him one of us. Besides, no

matter the division, lieutenant colonels will always be the mainstay of the military. Tell him I'll be there,"

said Nathan.

A wide grin spread across Colin's face. "Hahaha! When Franklin hears about this, he'll definitely be

over the moon.”

Nathan was quick to remind the other man, "Remember, I don't want my identity to be known, which

means there can only be our people there at the ceremony. Make sure no outsiders are invited to join."

"Yes, sir. I'll let Franklin know."

The next day, news of Cross Corporations obtaining the distribution rights to the vaccine had the

company shares skyrocketing.

The moment Penny arrived at her office, she threw herself into work, preparing for the production and

distribution of the vaccine.

In the past few days, Kylie had discovered quite a few secrets about the elusive man her cousin had

married. The more she found out, however, the more she felt there was something else. Subsequently,

her admiration and curiosity toward Nathan grew.

In the morning, she pranced over to Nathan before asking, "Nathan, Penny said you should take me

around the city to take in the sights. Are you free today?"

"I'm busy. I have to attend a function later," replied Nathan mildly.

That only served to deepen Kylie's curiosity. Just what is this mysterious function?

Noting how he seemed determined not to let her go with him, her eyes moved upward as she

pondered. Several seconds later, a sly smirk curled her lips. "If you don't take me with you, I'll grow

bored at home.” New chаpter avąilable on Drаmanоvels.cом

Eyeing her a little warily, he prodded, "And?"

Nathan's face hardened. "Are you threatening me?"

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