Ryan Rule: New York Ruthless Book 1

Ryan Rule: Chapter 27

Stepping out of the shower, I wrap myself in a towel before walking back into Conor’s bedroom. He sits on his bed, as his eyes roam over my body.

“Are you okay?” he asks, his face full of concern.

“I’m fine.” I smile at him and how much he cares about my welfare.

“Good,” he says with a sigh. “Because Shane wants to see us. Like, right now.”

“Okay. Let me go get changed.”

“Here,” he says, handing me a white shirt and a pair of black lace panties. “I grabbed these for you from the laundry. He’s pissed, and you know he doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

“Fine,” I reply with a roll of my eyes. I put the clothes on, eyeing Conor as I do. I’ve never seen him looking so nervous. But then, I suppose we all just made one huge clusterfuck of epic proportions. Deep down, he and the twins want nothing more than to impress Shane. I am learning that he is much more like a father to them than a big brother.

A few moments later, Conor and I walk out of his bedroom to find the twins waiting for us outside.

“Ready?” Conor asks.

“Fuck, no!” Liam groans with a shake of his head.

“Hey. This is on all of us, not just you,” Mikey says, placing a reassuring hand on his twin’s shoulder.

“He’s right. Now let’s get this over with,” Conor adds with a sigh.

I follow the three of them down the hallway towards Shane’s office and the tension hangs in the air as though it is something tangible I can reach out and touch. I have seen Shane Ryan pissed plenty of times. It seems to be his default setting. But I have never experienced this level of anxiety from his brothers before. It’s coming from them in waves. I swallow as I wonder just what the hell we are walking into.

Shane is pacing up and down his office when we walk in, the four of us sticking close together as though it offers some sort of protection.

He looks up as he hears us come in. “Sit!” he barks at us with a scowl.

Like naughty kids who have been summoned to the principal’s office, we do as he tells us. I sit between the twins, taking some comfort from the warmth of their bodies pressed against mine on the small sofa. I place my hand on Liam’s thigh and squeeze, and he gives me the faintest hint of a smile. Shane sees it too, and he scowls at me.

“Who is going to tell me what the fuck happened?” he snarls, his teeth bared like a rabid dog.

Liam sucks in a breath beside me, but it is Conor who answers. “We fucked up, Shane. One of them was already in the bar when we got there. But, we didn’t know. Then, when the others came in, they saw us and got suspicious. When one of them walked into the office and pulled a gun on Jessie, we had to act. We were sloppy and we got distracted.”

“Who was supposed to be Jessie’s lookout?” Shane snaps.

“I was,” Liam says quietly.

“So, why the fuck weren’t you doing your job?” Shane snarls as he walks towards where the twins and I are sitting, leaning down so his face is close to Liam’s.

Liam opens his mouth to speak, but I act first. “It was my fault, Shane,” I say, my voice trembling. “Please don’t blame your brothers. This is all on me.”

Shane’s head snaps towards me and he frowns. “You?” he hisses.

“No, it wasn’t,” Liam adds. “I was the lookout.”

“It’s on us, not Jessie,” Conor says with a sigh.

“Yeah,” Mikey agrees with a nod beside me. “Jessie was just doing what we asked her to.”

“No. I was the distraction. You were only looking out for me, and if you hadn’t been, none of this would have happened,” I say as I glare into Shane’s dark green eyes and my pulse thrums against my skin. I swallow as he narrows his eyes at me as though he is trying to see into my soul.

“Are you lying to me, Hacker?” he snarls.

“No,” I snap. “Your brothers messed up today. But it was because of me. I was the one who created the problem, Shane. I take full responsibility.”

“No!” Liam says, and Mikey and Conor voice their agreement, but Shane stands up straight and holds a hand up to quiet us all, and like obedient little puppy dogs, we do as we’re told.

He walks back to his desk. “Did you at least get the information I asked for?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

He chews on his lip and sits down. “I’ve spoken to our contacts in NYPD and they are dealing with the fallout. This is being pegged as a robbery that went wrong. Our names won’t be connected to anything. Fortunately, the hacker did something right and at least disabled the CCTV before you lot had your little party.”

We all sit there nodding at him and I’m wondering whether this is it. Is this what his brothers have been so worried about? But I sneak a look at their faces and realize it’s not the telling off they were worried about, it’s the fact that they have let him down. He asked us to handle this quietly, and we did the exact opposite.

“It really was my fault, Shane,” I say again. “Your brothers were protecting me because I was distracted. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

Liam shakes his head and places his hand over mine.

“Enough!” Shane snaps. “It’s done. And it better not happen again. Ever!”

“It won’t,” Conor says, and the twins nod.

“Good. Now, you all look like shit. So, get out of here,” he snarls and we all stand.

“Not you, Hacker. Come here,” he growls as we all start to file out of his office.

I glance at his brothers and swallow. Conor winks at me reassuringly and Liam kisses my cheek before the two of them walk out of the room.

“Uh-oh, you’re in trouble now,” Mikey says quietly with a grin before kissing my forehead and following his brothers.

The heat is searing between my thighs as I walk to Shane’s desk and stand directly in front of him. Goosebumps prickle along my forearm beneath the cool cotton of the shirt I’m wearing. He pushes his chair back slightly and nods at the small amount of room he has created between him and his mahogany desk. I slide into the tight space, perching myself on the edge of the cool wood.

“Why did you do that?” he asks, rubbing a hand over the stubble on his jaw.

“Do what?”

“Try and take the fall for them. They’re grown men. They take responsibility for their own actions.

“I know that. But I also know how much they hate to disappoint you. And they really were just looking out for me,” I say with a tremor in my voice as the heat of Shane’s gaze makes the warmth pool between my thighs. “They’ve had a rough day, and I wanted to protect them. The way they protect me. You know?”

“You care about them?” he asks matter-of-factly.

“Of course I do,” I can’t help but frown. “I care about all of your brothers.”

He eyes me suspiciously, and I glare at him. He is as hot as hell, but he is also a moody asshole. “Is that all?” I ask as I suck in a breath.

His tongue darts out of his mouth and he licks his lower lip, making my inner walls clench at the sight. Jesus! Being so close to him is maddening. He makes me want to wrap my legs around his waist and beg him to fuck me.

“No,” he growls, lifting one hand and fingering one button of the shirt I’m wearing. “Why are you wearing my shirt, Hacker?”

I look down and swallow. Shit! This is his? Conor said he’d just grabbed it from the laundry, but I assumed it must have belonged to him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. Conor gave it to me,” I whisper.

“Hmm?” he narrows his eyes at me as though he doesn’t believe me.


He obviously gets off on making me feel uncomfortable. Let’s see how he responds when the tables are turned. I lift my hands to the collar. “Would you like me to take it off?” I purr.

“Yes. Right now!” he growls, taking me entirely by surprise.


I draw in a deep breath as I unbutton it slowly. My fingers tremble, making the task more difficult than usual. When I’m done, I slide the cotton over my bare skin until I’m sitting in only my panties, my almost naked body just inches from his. My nipples pebble under his gaze and the heat creeps over my neck and cheeks. Why the hell didn’t I wear a bra?

His eyes linger on my hardened nipples, and he shifts in his seat slightly. Dropping my eyes to his groin, I can’t help but notice the bulge in his pants and bite back a smile.

“Here you go,” I breathe, handing him the shirt.

His eyes burn into mine as he takes it from me and tosses it onto the floor. Without breaking eye contact, he palms his dick through his suit pants and the wet heat rushes between my thighs. “Those panties belong to me too,” he growls.


“I paid for them. So, that makes them mine.”

I open my mouth to protest, but nothing comes out. So, he wants my panties, does he? “Fine,” I breathe as I hook my fingers into the black lace fabric and slide them down my legs.

He holds out his hand, and I place my embarrassingly damp panties into his outstretched palm. He closes his fist over them and just as I expect him to toss them aside too, he holds them to his face and inhales deeply.

Fuck! Me!

“I wonder, little hacker. Do you taste as good as you smell?” he growls, and I feel another rush of wet heat.

“You’d have to ask your brothers about that,” I reply with a pop of one eyebrow.

“Will I?” he stuffs the panties into his pocket and then rubs a hand over his jaw. Those hands! I imagine him running them over my body and touching that place where I am aching to feel him.

I swallow as my pussy starts to throb with need. “Or you could see for yourself,” I add. Damn, this man has me a hot, trembling mess.

His eyes narrow and my pulse quickens as his green eyes burn into mine. Reaching out his hand, he slides it up my inner thigh, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. My legs part for him of their own accord, and the low rumble in his throat seems to reverberate through my whole body. His hand reaches the apex of my thighs and I draw in an expectant breath before he palms my pussy possessively. I shudder at his touch, pressing my hips forward as he slides his index finger through my wet folds.

“Shane,” I pant with need as he reaches my hot entrance and pushes the tip inside me.

“Why are you so wet?”

“I live in a house with four men who are as hot as hell,” I bite back before staring into those incredible green eyes.

He narrows them at me. “Do you want this, Hacker?” he asks as he pushes his finger deep inside me and I moan loudly, my head tipping back between my shoulder blades.

“Well?” he curls the tip of his finger, pressing against my G-spot and my hips almost shoot off the desk.

Then he slides his finger out of me and leans back in his chair. “I guess not,” he growls, and I realize I didn’t answer his question.

I stare at him, my cream practically dripping onto his desk. I need to take back some control here. Because Shane Ryan is too much. He is going to unravel me. Break me apart and leave me in pieces.

I sit up and lean forward, pressing my face close to his neck and inhaling his incredible scent – expensive cologne and raw sex. “I wonder, Shane. Do you taste as good as you smell?”

His eyes blaze with fire, and he pushes his chair back a few inches. “Why don’t you see for yourself?” he growls as he looks down at his impressive erection straining at the seam of his suit pants.

I don’t need any further encouragement and I drop to my knees and unzip his fly, letting his hard cock spring free. God, he is huge! I lick the bead of pre-cum from his tip and then suck him into my mouth as far as I can take him. Pressing my tongue flat against the underside of his shaft and sucking to the tip as his hands fist in my hair and he curses in Gaelic.

I take him as far back into my throat as I can. Until my eyes are watering. I expect he’s going to start fucking my mouth, but he allows me to stay in control and the pleasure courses through my body at the guttural sounds he makes as I suck and lick his beautiful cock.

I can feel him on the edge, and I work faster.

“Stop!” he orders suddenly as he pulls my head back by my hair. I look up and blink at him, thankful that my eyes are already watering as tears spring to them.

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. “Is something wrong?”

“Stand up,” he growls, ignoring my question.

I do as he instructs, my legs trembling as he places his hands on my hips to steady me. His fingers dig into my soft flesh as he grips me tightly. “I haven’t fucked a woman without a condom for a very long time,” he hisses as he stares at the space between my thighs.

“Really?” I breathe.

“My brothers assure me you’re clean?”

“I am. I was tested when I had my checkup when I first got here.”

“And you’re on birth control?”

“Yes,” I pant as I stand there, literally dripping for him.

He nods as though he is satisfied with that answer and then he leans forward. His hands slide up to my waist and he lifts me as though I’m made of air, before pulling me onto his lap and impaling me onto his huge, thick cock in one swift movement.

“Jesus, Shane!” I hiss as he stretches me wide open. My feet can’t touch the floor, so I have no leverage to work with and I’m completely full of him. I shift my weight to try and get a more comfortable position, but he holds me tight to him, letting my body adjust to his size.

“Fuck! Hacker!” he growls in my ear. “You feel so fucking good.”

My insides are on fire as his hard length throbs inside me. I draw in a shaky breath as my walls clench around him. His warm hands slide over up to my back and he rubs over my skin, soothing me.

“Your cunt is so hot. You’re dripping all over me. Does sucking my cock make you wet?” he leans forward and breathes against my ear.

“Yes,” I groan as I tip my head back, allowing him easier access to my neck.

He runs his teeth along my sensitive skin before sucking on a spot just below my ear, and a rush of my cream coats him. I breathe deeply as my body finally adjusts to his size. He knows as soon as I’m ready, and he moves his hips slightly, making me moan out loud as I cling to his neck.


Chuckling against my skin, he places his hands on my hips again and rolls me over his cock. The friction and the angle are perfect, and he reaches the sweet spot deep inside me so easily that I am panting for breath and teetering on the edge of oblivion. As if I could possibly take any more, he bends his head low and sucks one of my hard nipples into his hot mouth, licking and nibbling me gently until my whole body feels like it is on fire.

“You going to come all over my cock already, Hacker?” he mumbles, and I want to call him an arrogant asshole. But I can hardly form a coherent thought in my head, never mind speak. Besides, he’s right.

I run my fingers through his hair as my orgasm crashes over me like a freight train. I shudder against him, my walls squeezing and clenching around him until he throws his head back.

“Fuck!” he hisses as he fills me with his own release.

I press my forehead against Shane’s as we both pant for breath. He lifts me slightly until he has enough room to pull out of me, and then he shuffles me backwards while he fastens his zipper and belt. I watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows hard, and I wonder if he’s going to tell me to leave now. He has resisted this thing between us for so long, perhaps he has taken all he needs from me.

But then he stands up, with my legs wrapped around his waist, and walks us out of his office, right past the den where his brothers are watching TV.

They all voice their approval as he carries me past them. Me completely naked, and him still in his suit. I blush as I bury my face in his neck.

“Don’t forget, you can’t have her all to yourself, Shane,” Conor shouts as we pass by.

Shane stops and turns to them. “You three have had your fun for the past four weeks. Tonight, it’s my turn,” he growls, and my insides melt like warm butter. I’m getting him all to myself, for tonight at least.

When we reach his bedroom, Shane throws me onto the bed, making me giggle as I bounce into the middle. I stop laughing when I look up at his face. He is so serious and fierce. I swallow as he undresses. His deft fingers making easy work of his shirt buttons. It’s only seconds before he is sliding the crisp white cotton over his thick, tattooed biceps, exposing his muscular torso. I have only snatched glimpses of it before now, so I take the time to appreciate his hard, toned chest and abs. Not to mention those incredible arms, inked from wrist to shoulder.

I lick my lip unconsciously, earning me a smirk. Shane is an arrogant, self-entitled asshole, but right now I don’t care. I want him naked and inside me again, and I want him now. He slows his movements, unbuckling his belt and pulling it off in deliberate, unhurried strokes. By the time he reaches his zipper, I am trembling with need.

“Spread those legs wide for me, Hacker. I want to see you.”

The heat flushes over my cheeks as I do as he instructs and his gaze drops to my pussy. “Your cunt looks beautiful with my cum dripping from it.”

“You think I’m beautiful?” I can’t help but tease him.

“I said your cunt is beautiful. And that is the only part of you I’m interested in,” he snarls.

“Oh really?” I challenge him, unable to stop myself from trying to push his buttons.

“Really!” he snaps as he pushes off his pants and boxer shorts and crawls onto the bed. He places his large, powerful hands on my inner thighs and presses them flat to the mattress, spreading me wide open before bending his head low. He inhales deeply and growls his approval and the animalistic way he does it makes me pant with need. Leaning down, he presses the flat of his tongue against my opening. The warmth sends a shiver down the length of my spine and I whimper shamelessly as he works the tip inside me. But it’s when he licks the length of my pussy that I almost come undone again.

“Shane!” I pant as he swirls his tongue over my clit and I experience the rush of wet heat between my thighs.

“Your cunt is so fucking sweet, Hacker,” he growls against me. “Even full of my cum. Now I know why brothers can’t keep their fucking hands off you.”

The heat sears through me at his words as he sucks my clit into his mouth and pushes two fingers inside me at the same time. My back arches off the bed in pleasure and then I raise my hips, grinding myself on his mouth and his fingers. My cream runs from me in a hot, wet rush, making my whole pussy and thighs slick with my arousal as he tips me over the edge.

I rake my fingers through his hair and try to pull his head away. “Stop,” I pant as he keeps on sucking. “Shane! Please! I can’t!” My legs tremble violently as he keeps his tongue and his fingers working me into a frenzy until I’m cresting over another wave. The intense pressure builds in my core as I realize I’m going to lose all control and I’m not sure I want him to be the one I lose it with. I have less of a connection with him than any of his brothers, but damn if he makes me come as hard as I ever have in my life.

“I want more. I want it all,” he growls as he increases his efforts and I press my head back against the pillow, powerless to resist him. I cry out his name as the next orgasm rips through my body like black powder. The wet heat gushes from me, soaking the bedsheets and Shane’s face. I pant for breath as my whole body convulses. That has never happened before. He looks up at me with a look of pure deviance in his eyes. “Damn, little hacker! Did you just?”

“Stop!” I say, throwing my hands over my eyes. “I don’t know how that happened.”

He crawls up the bed, not even bothering to wipe any of my cum from his mouth, and takes hold of my wrists, pulling my hands from my face and pinning them either side of my head. “How the fuck am I supposed to keep out of this sweet little cunt of yours now?” he growls.

“Well, you don’t have to,” I whisper.

“Isn’t it enough that you have my brothers wrapped around your little finger? You don’t need me too. Besides, I’m not sure you’ll survive me and my brothers. And I don’t share well with others.”

“Well, maybe you need to try and learn?” I say with a grin as I place my hands on his face and pull him towards me for a kiss, but he pulls back.

“All I need to do, Hacker, is fuck you tonight. Just one night. In fact, I’m going to fuck you so hard neither of us will ever forget it, and then you can go back to my brothers.”

“Whatever you say, Shane,” I smile at him to hide the gaping hole he just tore through my chest. He might be right that I already have his brothers, but he’s wrong if he thinks that I don’t need him too. I need all of them. Each of them makes me feel something completely different, and I want it all. I know that makes me selfish. I know that I have no right to any claim on any one of these men, let alone all four of them, but it doesn’t stop me longing for it just the same. I feel something here that I haven’t experienced since I was a kid. On their own, they make me feel cherished, desired, wanted, even loved, but together, they make me feel like home. And I haven’t had that for such a long time that I’d forgotten what it was like, and how good it is to belong somewhere, or to someone.

“You ready?” Shane growls, snapping me from my thoughts. He’s holding himself up on his forearms. His breath skates over my cheek. I can smell my arousal on his face and it makes my stomach contract with the need for him. But I don’t even have a chance to answer as he pushes himself deep inside me, forcing me a few inches up the bed.

I feel every single inch of him as he buries his face in my neck and nails me to the mattress. He gives me everything he has, and I know it’s because he wants this to be it for us. I clench my walls around him, pulling him in deeper as I rake my nails down his back. If this is going to be all I get from him, then I want it all too.

“Your cunt is fucking perfect, Hacker,” he groans against my skin. “I can feel you squeezing me and dripping all over my cock. How the hell am I supposed to keep my hands off you?”

“Shane. You can’t. You fuck me too good,” I pant in response, and he growls in Gaelic in my ear as he doubles his efforts.

I lie in Shane’s bed with his arm draped over my stomach as we both catch our breath. It’s almost three am, and he has fucked me over and over again for hours. He is a machine, but I’m not sure my body can take any more of him.

He curls his arm tighter around me. “Has anyone ever made you squirt twice in one night before?” he growls.

I swallow hard as his words vibrate through my core. “No-one has ever made me do that before,” I whisper.

He sucks in a breath. “Fuck, Hacker!” he hisses.

“Don’t tell your brothers that,” I say. They’ll only view it as some sort of challenge.

“I wouldn’t,” he says softly before he stretches and yawns.

“Shall I go back to my room?” I ask, the words catching in my throat.

He wraps his arm back around me and pulls me to him until I’m pressed against his chest. “I said one night, Hacker. That means the entire night,” he says, pressing his lips against my hair. “Now get some sleep.”

I close my eyes and lean into him. Our bodies fit together so easily that I wonder how I will ever live without sharing his bed again. I only hope that he feels the same.

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