Run With The Wolves

Chapter ☾ XII ☽

At eleven at night, I was running in the forest that was near my house. I had a flashlight in my hand, and I was trying to run as fast as I could without tripping. I used to think I knew this place like the back of my hand, but it's different at night. It's definitely different when it feels like I'm running against the clock. Not too far off, my dad was running just as fast. Our flashlights were only bright enough to get us through our immediate surroundings.

We were trying to keep up. All we could rely on was the sound of a few animals that were ahead of us.

Not too long ago, we were bothered by a few wolves.

They didn’t stop howling and barking until we got outside and we could follow them.

I don’t know what they found, but I had a feeling that it wasn’t good.

We tried to keep close with the wolves. We heard their howling in the distance as we ran towards them. It was hard to be as fast when there were so many obstacles in the way. I had to make sure I didn’t trip and fall because that would just be worse for me.

The air was still cold and it did not feel good even if I was sweating. There was a sharp pain in my lungs as I tried to breathe heavily. The burning feeling in my legs was unpleasant. The strain in my chest wasn’t any better.

We found where the wolves were huddled.

There were three bodies.

“” A strained voice came by the tree. I pointed my flashlight more towards the sound of the quiet voice so I could see better.

One of the twins was sitting against the tree, his face covered in blood. In his arms was a was Monique Shaw. Her clothes were torn and she was bleeding. I couldn’t believe they found her. Then I realized that he had to fight to get her back. He wasn’t in good shape. He was bleeding just as much as Monique was, and I was almost stunned that he was still conscious. Three wolves were nudging him but he could barely move.

Then there was another body, face down on the ground. Another wolf was hovering over the body, whining loudly to get our attention. My dad went over to the other brother who was unconscious.

I rushed over to the twin who was barely consciousness now.

I wanted to help him but he moved my hand to Monique’s shoulder. It was hard not to notice the way he was shaking. His blood traced the back of my palm when he touched me.

“Please...” he kept my hand on Monique’s shoulder. Her body was cold.

“Can you move?” I asked him as I lifted Monique off him.

“I’ll be fine-”

“That’s not what I asked you.” I said to him. I looked at his face, seeing where the blood was coming from on his head. His hair was mashed to his skin, and his eyes were almost glassy.

He needs help, too.

“Help them first.” He choked out. “Please.” He begged.

There was howling off in the distance. I hadn’t noticed that the wolves were gone, but I could still hear them.

“Gabriel!” My dad yelled behind me. “The paramedics should be here in a few minutes.”

He had lifted the other twin up as best as he could. I had to pick up Monique so we could meet with the paramedics. The only good thing about this was that she was still breathing.

The sound of sirens was faintly in the distance. A few seconds later, we were met by paramedics and police at the edge of the forest, right at my backyard. The wolves were all around us, still growling and barking, keeping up the sense of urgency as the paramedics took Monique and one of the twins from us.

“His brother is still back there.” My dad told a police officer before a group of them ran back to where we came from.

The wolves followed.

“Good Lord.” My dad said, wiping his face. I was just as stunned as he was. My mind was still trying to wrap around what just happened. I had a few seconds to breathe, but still it was like I was running in the woods. Who knows what my dad is thinking? “What the hell is going on?”

I wish I could answer him.

“Was that Tony Shaw’s kid?” He asked.

“Monique? Yeah.” I answered.

It has been a day and a half since the report of her going missing. She was lucky to be found alive. By the marks I could see on her and the way her clothes were torn, I figured something bad happened to her. I even saw the bite marks on her neck, too. That didn’t bring pleasant memories back to me.

I hope she’s okay.

A few minutes later, two paramedics were walking with the other twin. He was limping, but at least he was conscious. Knowing him, he’d want to walk out of this situation. Either way, he’s still going to the hospital. He did not look like he would be okay on his own, and as much as I heard him say that he was fine to the paramedics, they didn’t listen to him. He was definitely going to the hospital.

A few officers wanted to talk to my dad about what happened this evening. There was only so much he could tell them. It’s not like I could say much more either. I have no idea what happened.

I was watching from the distance. I didn’t have the heart to go inside. Some of our neighbors came out of their houses and were standing on their lawns, watching as other police officers and cruisers were patrolling the area. The bright blue and red lights were distracting, as if the sirens weren't enough already. There was this hallow feeling in my body, it was hard to describe. My mind was elsewhere and I knew it.

Something pressed up against my back gently, making me turn around to see.

The white wolf.

He bowed his head slowly and closed his eyes. A quiet whine came from him when I touched his fur. There were a few streaks of blood around his leg. I brushed my hand near where the blood was and he began shaking.

“Are you hurt?” I asked him.

He whined quietly again, and this time lifted his front leg like he was wounded. I wanted to help him but I didn’t know how to. I ran my hands through his fur, and that seemed to calm him down a little more. He brushed up against me until I was pressed into him.

I’m glad he’s okay.

I hope his brothers are okay, too.

The wolf got up on all fours slowly and looked towards the forest area. I looked, too, because I could feel him getting antsy beside me.

In the dark, I could see a figure, their cold eyes piercing through to me. The animal stepped out of the trees, slowly walking towards us. There was...

The black wolf was holding a head in it's mouth.

I stiffened as I saw his jaw open, the head falling to the ground. It rolled a few inches and just stopped, facing towards me. Their mouth was agape, and somehow I was able to see their piercing eyes as well, like there was still life in them although it wasn't attached to a body. It was unsettling to watch as the wolf sat there with a detached head not to far from him.

Channing was not going to let them by without consequences.

The head began to wither away into a pile of ash. Now the only evidence of the being was that pile. The black wolf sat obediently at the edge of the woods, and he did not move. He didn’t make a sound. He just stared at me and the white wolf beside me.

The others were howling again, now they were further away. The black wolf was up and he turned to go back between the trees. The wolf beside me nudged my shoulder gently before walking forward to follow the other one.

I had this feeling like a war started tonight, and it was only going to get worse from here.

I went to the hospital to see the twins. I also wanted to see how Monique was doing. A few others texted me to let me know that she was awake. As for Lowe and Lowell, they had a lot more to deal with.

My dad was beside me. He had given me a balloon to give to Monique since I bought a bouquet of flowers first. Mom was at work on a different floor, but she came by to give me a card so I could give to Monique.

“What’s that?” My dad asked me. I looked around, but he was staring at me. He touched the side of my face and turned my head so he could see my ear. “Oh my God-”


“When did you get your ear pierced?” he asked, and I know he was about to get loud but he was doing his best to control it. “Are you serious, Gabriel!-”

“Dad, it was just-”

“Just what?”

I really didn’t know how to tell him that it was for my safety that I get the piercing. How do I say that I’ve been blacking out because of vampires and my ear piercing as two orbs that ward off evil? I don’t say it. At all. Yet, my dad was so pissed off and I didn’t have an excuse for him.

Forget being grounded now.

I’m on lock down.

Right before he could give me a huge lecture on what I could do to my body, and by that he means not doing anything stupid so I could get a good job in the future, his attention turned to two of the oldest Martin brothers that were walking by.

That’s when he remembered the twins were in bad shape as well. Monique was lucky to be awake as far as we’re told. Will Lowe and Lowell get the same luck?

“Mr. Wallace...” Channing was the first to greet my dad. Like usual, he was respectful. And there's nothing my dad loves more than a respectful person. “Thank you.”

What happened before was an absolute mess. My dad was helpful in finding his brothers. Honestly, anyone can rely on my dad for help. As much as he says he wants to mind his own business, my dad will be the first person to help someone in need.

“Did the police find what happened?”

“Not yet, but they think it has to do with whoever is causing problems in the city.” Channing gave the subtle hint.

As if seeing the black wolf holding a head in his mouth wasn’t enough of a hint already.

“Well, I hope your brothers are okay.” My dad shook Channing’s hand first.

And then Brendan’s.

Except for a split second, Brendan didn’t let go. He was staring at my dad, and that’s when I remembered that Brendan had his own inner issues to settle that had to deal with his feelings for my dad. Channing had to quickly distract the two of them. He hit Brendan’s shoulder to snap him out of his trance.

“He’s a little out of it.“Channing pulled Brendan aside. “A lot is going on.”

“No need to apologize.” My dad didn’t think it was a big deal.

Channing pushed Brendan along so they could leave. Clearly, Brendan had other things on his mind cause he looked back, not at me, but at my dad. He couldn’t even say anything, but the look in his eyes said it all.

I sighed quietly.

“No.” My dad snapped at me. “We’re not done yet.” He wasn’t going to forget that I have an industrial piercing. Here I was giving my dad all these compliments. However, I can’t forget that he’s the type to follow the rules and not cause trouble.

That includes getting piercings and tattoos.

He really didn’t have to worry about me before because I don’t even like needles, but the piercing is for protection. I just couldn’t tell him that.

“You better not have any others-”

“I promise I don’t.” I assured him. He was making me panic, but I could tell he was genuinely upset considering how he looked at me like he wanted to yell at me. “This is the only one I have, and I will never get another one.” I meant what I said.

He had a lot more he wanted to ask me. “You’re not a stoner kid, are you?”

“Dad, no!”

“Fine.” he said begrudgingly as he looked away.

Thank God he believed me. If he didn’t then I would be in trouble for the rest of my life. I really have to make sure that I don’t do anything to get myself in trouble for the next week or so because he will really lose it.

He walked away, going to greet Mr. Shaw who came up to the nurse’s desk.

This would be my chance to go see how Monique is doing. I had the balloons and bouquet in my hands. I saw some classmates that walked into her room, and I followed quickly before they closed the door.

They brought flowers, too. She had a few bouquets on the table and resting on an empty chair.

“...glad you’re okay!” Laurence hugged Monique.

She was laying in the bed, her arm bandaged and in a cast that was resting on her stomach. Her auburn frizzy hair was down around her face, but she didn’t try to push it back. She was smiling at the others around her which was nice to see considering how the others were panicking.

“Who the hell kidnapped you?” Tristan asked.

“I don’t remember anything that happened.” Monique said. “One moment, I’m at the mall, and then the next thing I know, Lowe and Lowell were running with me in the woods.”

“That’s fucking wild.”

I set the flowers down and let the balloons float by the door. Monique looked up at me and smiled dearly. She had a few cuts and bruises on her face, but she didn’t seem that distressed. Her smile was what made me feel better. “Thank you for saving me.” She said. “You and your dad deserve the world.”

“We’re just glad you’re not badly hurt.” I said to her.

I expected it to be worse.

Her arm was broken but other than that and the few cuts and wounds, she was fine. We were all happy that she was okay. Everyone was scared when we saw that missing persons report.

“I’m never going to the city now.” John said. “The last thing anyone needs is to get taken.”

“I’m with you on that one.” Laurence added.

“My parents started giving me a curfew.” Tristan said. “As if the whole protesting thing wasn’t bad enough, now they won’t let me go outside.” he complained. I definitely knew how he felt. “Well, I have to get going.” he got up out of his seat.

“Me too.” Laurence said. “My parents are terrified.”

“Same here.” John had to leave, too.

I was not surprised that everyone was getting a little worried. Considering how Monique was found, no one else wanted to experience that. The past few months have not been good, and parents catching wind of what’s going on makes it worse. This is a small town so secrets and incidents travel fast.

I was the last one to stay in Monique’s room. I took a seat by her bed as she smiled at me again.

“This is probably the worst question to ask.” I started, and she laughed. “But how are you?”

“I could be better.” she sighed, but she didn’t look that distressed. She mashed her lips after she took a deep breath. “The last thing I remember is Lowell grabbing me and telling me to run. I didn’t even know how he found me.” she shook her head. “Then Lowe showed up out of nowhere with a crowbar like it was a weapon.”

“I’m surprised you could tell them apart.” I said.

“I figured it out in eighth grade.” She laughed again. “Lowell can keep eye contact with people throughout a conversation. Lowe will look at his brother when he has nothing else to say.” It was such a subtle detail but she seemed proud to notice it. “They’re weird, aren’t they?”

“They are.” I agreed with her.

“But...” She paused for a second, looking away again because she was trying to think of a way to say what she wanted to say. “As we were running, I saw...I think the wolves were protecting us.” she looked at me, a sort of desperation in her dark eyes. “I probably hit my head or something.”

Well, that wouldn’t be surprising.

Then again, everyone knows about the wolves protecting people.

“It was...I mean, before I got knocked out again, I remember asking the twins what was going on, as if they would know more than me. They literally laughed and said that you would eat this up when they told you about it.”

I sighed and covered my face, annoyed yet not surprised. The twins will always manage to find a way to mess with me even in a crisis.

“They’re so annoying.” I groaned.

“Oh, I know.” Monique laughed. “But I’m glad they were there to help. I don’t think I would’ve made it out alive without them. I don’t know what we were running from, but it seems bad.”

She doesn’t remember anything, but I expected that. I know first hand what it’s like to miss parts of the day. At least she doesn’t remember the horrible experience.

That’s when I looked at her neck. There was a white cloth around her skin that was covering up her wounds. I don’t know how bad it was, but it seemed like she had multiple bites.

Monique put her hand over mine. “Could you...check on them for me? I didn’t get a chance to thank them.” she said.

I see why the twins like her. She’s very sweet and she cares about others. Seeing her smile, even though something terrible happened to her, gave me a bit of hope for whatever might happen next.

“Sure.” I said as I got up.

I was going to see them anyway.

I left Monique’s room quietly, and went down the hall. I remember Channing and Brendan walking this way and going to the last room that was by the window. A few nurses walked by me, but they didn’t stop me from going into one of the rooms.

The twins definitely had to share a room. I’m surprised they’re not sharing a bed right now. They were as close as they could be, but their monitors put some space between their beds. Compared to Monique, who had a lot of small wounds, cuts, and bruises, the twins looked absolutely awful. There were multiple cuts and stitches over their arms and shoulders. One brother had gauze wrapped around his forehead. The other had a cast on his leg. Both had this blank expression, a lifeless gaze in their eyes, and that just meant they must be on a lot of medications to mask the pain.

I went over to the twin on the right. His eyes slowly followed me. I picked up his hand, and turned his wrist to read his wrist band. Martin, Lowell Eve. His middle name is adorable. I scoffed and put his hand down. So he’s the one with the head wound. I went over to the other twin. I picked up his wrist, and he groaned miserably, wanting to pull his hand away from me but it was too late. I saw his wrist band. Martin, Lowe Anatole. He has a cute middle name, too.

Now I know which is which and they will never be able to trick me again. Plus, Lowe has a broken leg so that will be hard to disguise unless Lowell breaks his leg as well.

“They should be fine in a day.” Channing was sitting on the chair next to the small table that had flowers.

“Monique is grateful.” I said calmly.

Lowell groaned. “She’s okay...?”

I turned back to him and saw the desperation on his face. It was almost heart breaking to see him like that. “She’s asking for the two of you.”

Lowe sighed with relief.

Both of them seemed relieved. They closed their eyes, having a content expression on their faces. They were really worried about her. I can’t imagine what it was like for them to find her. I’m glad they were able to protect her. I’m glad they’re alive, too.

“I know I shouldn’t ask,” I turned back to Channing, “but you don’t think...the vampires did it on purpose, do you?”

“They’re vengeful.” Brendan answered for him.

“I would be stupid to think that they won’t pick off specific people.” Channing’s eyes were on me. Just by the fire in them, I knew he was mad. “Someone had to be watching because the day before, Lowe and Lowell asked Monique out.”

She was targeted.

I didn’t want to seem like I was scared, but I couldn’t help it. Knowing that so many people could get hurt just because the brothers know them makes things much worse. Vampires are vengeful, and I’m about to find out how much.

Channing was not happy. He was brooding more than usual. As if his dark glare or tough demeanor wasn’t enough to scare people, he was clenching his jaw hard and I could see the tension. Brendan had that same look as well.

Their brothers got injured. A girl they liked was used as bait.

I could ask how the Martin brothers were going to take care of this, but it was the first time I truly decided to stay out of the situation for now. The last thing I needed was to add to Channing’s stress. As long as I stay out of the way, hopefully I won’t become a target either.

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