
Chapter 32. A Cheese Feast

‘Shit, Vi... I shouldn’t have told Tann that Ely has got the naga.’

‘Don’t worry.’ She stroked my hair. ‘You did good.’

‘I was so scared that he would freeze my boobs or my face or...’

‘I know, I know, don’t think about that.’

‘Maybe I should have been stronger, I’m such a fucking wimp,’ I groaned.

‘Stop it, will you! This nutter wouldn’t have stopped until you told him something. It looks nasty... but I’m sure the bandage and Ibuprofen will help and I’ll come tomorrow night to change it. Are you sure you don’t want to go to A&E?’

‘No, I’ll have to wait for ages and they won’t be able to do more than what you’ve already done. I’m more worried that he’s going to find Ely now and torture him too.’

‘But the twins have lost Ely too, haven’t they?’

‘Yes,’ I said, twitching my nitrogenated foot.

‘So, Tann doesn’t know where he is and that’s why he’s come here to see if anything was happening.’

I nodded, mulling over what Vi had just said. She pointed towards my bedside table.

‘But he didn’t find the naga, so in all logic he should leave you alone for a bit. Great coincidence that lampshade, by the way.’

‘I reckon it’s no coincidence.’

‘You think!’ Vi smiled. ‘So the naga chose me too!’

‘Yes, you’re also one of the naga’s pawns. God, I don’t want you to get hurt either; you can’t stay here too long.’

‘Listen, that’s enough with the dark thoughts. Nothing is going to happen to me. You have confirmed to Tann what he believed. That Ely has the naga, so he should be off your case for a while. I think you should be proud that you didn’t give him the naga.’


After Tann and Sommai had gone, I had called Vi and Bek. They had helped with my foot, which had a big hole burnt on the ball. It didn’t hurt quite so much now; the pain was more of a dull throb and I could just about hobble around in the house.

Apart from clean bandages and strong pain killers, they had also brought wine and cheese. There was brie, camembert, blue stilton and gorgonzola. I had some crackers in my cupboard and there was enough for a feast. I was ravenous, as if I hadn’t eaten for days, and I kept spreading cheese on the crackers and shovelling them into my mouth.

‘I shouldn’t be stuffing myself like this,’ I said. ‘What’s wrong with me? I’ve just been attacked by a psychopath and Ely is missing.’

‘That is weird,’ Vi said.

‘Maybe you’re getting ready for something?’ Bek added.

‘Yeah, maybe,’ I said.

‘Anyway, it’s good that you’re eating.’ Vi filled my glass of wine. ‘You need to get some energy.’

‘Sure.’ I polished off the last of the stilton.

‘Are you sure you don’t want to come and stay with us?’ Bek pleaded one last time.

‘No thanks, Bek, you’ve done enough. And I don’t want you to be more involved. I feel better now, I’ll be all right. Don’t you worry your pretty little head.’

Bek muffled some words. Vi laughed and gave me a hug.

‘By the way we’re organising an early autumn barbecue tomorrow afternoon. You should really come, you know. You shouldn’t stay on your own too much and whether you sit down here or there, your foot will heal too.’

‘Okay… yes,’ I answered, without thinking about the implications of meeting people.

As they departed, Vi turned to me. ‘Annika? I know you’re feeling rough right now, but what are you going to do next? Because Tann will leave you alone for a while, but not forever.’

‘I know.’

‘You’re not going to run away, are you?’

‘No, that would be pointless. First I need to get better.’

‘And then?’

‘Then, I have to get ready for another plane of existence.’

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