Chapter 456
Chapter 456 The news spread like wildfire through Jayrodale .
Many unfortunate creditors with outstanding debts with the Northern District rushed to Madblade Martial Academys doors , demanding their money back .
Dean , pay up ! Dean , youre Atlass senior and the Northern Districts second in command .
If you pay , you can join him six feet under ! dont Give us our money back , you crook ! Large red banners were unfurled at the academys entrance as angry crowds gathered , hurling insults .
The academy remained unfazed as students came and went , completely ignoring the protesters while luxury cars continued pulling up to the entrance .
The academys response was simple .
Want your money? Ask Northern District or the dead Atlas .
Madblade Martial Academy never defaults on payments , and we wont tolerate these circus acts .
Soon , a Volkswagen Beetle pulled up to the academys entrance , and two striking figures stepped out Christina and Aspen .
The creditors immediately swarmed around them .
Christina , you must be here to collect from Dean too ! Please help us get justice ! Ms.
Christina , youre Jayrodales most respected female CEO .
Please have mercy and help us get our money back ! Madblade Martial Academy is too arrogant they dont even see us as human beings .
Please , Ms.
Christina and Ms.
Aspen , stand up for us ! Christina frowned , reluctant to get involved in matters that did not concern her .
However , Aspen smiled and said , Everyone , rest assured .
Ill speak up for anyone who has legitimate .
claims against the Northern District .
The creditors showered Aspen with praise and respect .
Aspen truly lives up to her family name her compassion is like that of a saint ! With Ms.
Aspens education and status backing us , well definitely get our money back ! From now on , if Ms.
Aspen ever needs help in Jayrodále , just say the word ! Aspen , we might not even get our billion back , let alone help these people , Christina warned .
Are you sure you want to stick your neck out like this ? Aspen smiled confidently and replied , No , Christie , youve got it wrong .
Having more people gives us leverage against Madblade Martial Academy .
These people are victims , and while Im not really here to help them , simple folks like these are always the easiest to use .
Chapter 456 What if Madblade Martial Academy still refuses uncomfortable with the situation .
Aspen scoffed , Theyll have no choice but to pay Lauren could get back Rhodes Corporations 60 Todays Bonus Offer Chapter 456 What if Madblade Martial Academy still refuses to pay ? Christina asked , feeling uncomfortable with the situation .
Aspen scoffed , Theyll have no choice but to pay , or at least hand over Dean .
If Andrew and Lauren could get back Rhodes Corporations 60 million , why cant I get my money back ?