Rising from the Ashes (Andrew and Lauren)

Chapter 528

Chapter 528 Though the time was short, Troy had managed to satisfy Ruby to some extent.

Those brief bursts of intense effort had at least brought her a flicker of enjoyment.

However, just as they were reaching the peak of the moment, Troys phone rang loudly.

Neither of them paid attention at first they were too caught up to care.

The phone refused to stop.

It kept ringing persistently over and over again, as if determined not to give up until someone answered. Troy let out a sudden yelp of frustration, his face contorting with both anger and despair.

Ruby, startled, asked, Whats wrong? Troys expression was a mix of fury and helplessness as he gestured downward

See for yourself! Ruby glanced down and immediately froze, disbelief spreading across her face.

Troy had completely deflated his once enthusiastic presence reduced to a soft, limp failure.

The repeated phone calls had dealt a devastating blow, killing the mood entirely.

Grabbing his phone with a vengeance, Troy answered, practically shouting into the receiver. Who the hell is this? Laurens icy voice came through the line.


MacAfee, watch your tone.

Where are you right now? I have something urgent to discuss with you.

Troy was stunned it was Lauren

While he had shifted his allegiance to Michael and often disrespected Lauren, the memory of working under her lingered

Deep down, he still feared her commanding presence.

His defiance crumbled instantly.

After a brief pause, he forced an apologetic laugh.

Oh, Im so sorry, Ms.

Rhodes! I didnt realize it was you.

Laurens tone was sharp.

What were you doing that was so important you couldnt pick up my call? Troy glanced at Ruby, who was glaring at him, her displeasure evident.

He stammered, trying to sound calm.


Rhodes, Im not at the office right now.

Im meeting with an important client at a restaurant to discuss a deal.

Its been a hectic meeting I didnt realize youd called.

Laurens voice turned unexpectedly cheerful.

Oh, really? Youre not, by any chance, meeting Ruby? At, say, a hotel suite, perhaps? Troy cursed Lauren silently, but outwardly, he forced a strained laugh.


Rhodes, youve got it all wrong.

The last time Ms.

Dickinson and I were at a hotel was a total misunderstanding.

Right now, Im meeting with a different client definitely not her.

Lauren chuckled lightly.

Alright then, carry on with your meeting.

I called because I needed to discuss something urgent, but after talking to you, I seem to have forgotten what it was

Ill call you back when I remember.

Sure thing, Ms.


Take your time! Troy said hastily before hanging up.

He slammed the phone down, his face dark with irritation.

7/2 Chapter 528 Lauren, youre playing games while I try to enjoy myself.

Great for you, but not for me, he thought bitterly.

Turning back to Ruby, Troy plastered on a grin.

Baby that was just a little hiccup

Lets pick up where we left off! Ruby, now reclined against the headboard with a cigarette in hand, her bare body still exposed, waved him off lazily.

Forget it, Mr.


Your stamina is awful you cant give me what I want.

Lets just call it a day

Her cold dismissal left Troy stunned for a moment before his face flushed red with anger.

What did you say? Are you saying Im not good enough? Like most men, Troys ego could not tolerate

any implication of inadequacy, especially not in this department.

In a rage, he grabbed Ruby and tried to rekindle the moment.

But no matter how hard he tried or how desperate his attempts were, the issue persisted his dear buddy simply refused to cooperate.

His frustrations boiled over as he shouted at himself, Get up! Get up, dammit! In a panic, Troy even resorted to slapping himself below in an attempt to force a response.

Yet, the result was the same nothing

His buddy remained limp, his efforts utterly futile.


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