Rising from the Ashes (Andrew and Lauren)

Chapter 335

Chapter 335 The crowd, stirred up by Aspens accusations, began to eye Andrew again with suspicion. If he had really cheated by colluding with the owner, it would be a scandal of epic proportions

Andrew remained unfazed and responded calmly, I thanked the owner, but not because he told me which piece was genuine

In fact, I dont even know this man, he continued, his tone light yet firm.

If anything, Id say this seller is more likely to be Mr.

Kelces acquaintance.

Orions face darkened, his teeth clenched tightly as he stayed silent.

Aspens heart skipped a beat.

Could Andrews claim be true? Was the owner actually on Orions side? If that were the case, her earlier accusations would make no sense.

After all, there was no reason for someone to align with Orion to help Andrew cheat.

Elsie stepped forward with a calm but serious expression.


Cooper, as one of the event organizers, we have access to your background.

Youre from Bridgefields, correct? And from what we know, you and Mr.

Kelce have partnered together at these appraisal events for years.

John Cooper forced an awkward smile and replied, Thats correct.

I am from Bridgefields, which is exactly why Id never side with Mr. Lloyd against Mr.


He then added with visible discomfort, Both bowls are indeed fakes. Mr.

Kelce instructed me to bring them here.

This doesnt break any rules, but I must admit, I never expected Mr.

Lloyd to figure out the truth so decisively

The crowd erupted in shock at his admission.

Aspen was thoroughly humiliated, and she stood frozen with her mouth agape, unable to process what had just happened.

The audience, including collectors and antique enthusiasts, began shouting angrily at both John and Orion.

The two had clearly schemed together, setting a trap for Andrew

Luckily, Andrews sharp eye and bold confidence not only exposed the ruse but also left Orion utterly defeated

Enraged by the uproar, Orion shouted, Enough! Everyone, shut up! He jabbed a finger at Andrew and growled, Now tell me, how did you figure out which bowl was fake? If you cant explain it, Im not acknowledging this win! Andrew chuckled and said, Its simple.

While Mr Cooper didnt say a word to me about which was real, his reactions gave it away. 1/2 # 25 BONUS Chapter 335 Aspen sneered.

Reactions? Andrew, are you serious? Do you think anyone here is buying that? John was visibly panicked, and he waved his hands in protest


Lloyd, youre a genius, but please, dont involve me in your story! I didnt give you any clues intentionally or otherwise

If you keep this up, Ill be a pariah when I return to Bridgefields

The man looked genuinely distressed, as though Andrews words were about to land him in serious trouble with both Aspen and Orion.

Andrew stayed calm and stated, Lets go back to what I asked earlier.

Remember when I questioned Mr.

Cooper about how much the genuine bowl would be worth? Andrew reminded them, The piece was supposedly worth millions one of a kind in the world of porcelain.


Cooper said it was highly valuable and precious.

Francesca blinked, confused.

But what does that have to do with determining which bowl was fake? Andrew grinned. Everything

Didnt you all notice what I did during the appraisal? Each time, I threw the bowl into the air as if I were ready to let it smash to the ground

When I did that, everyone held their breath, terrified that I might destroy it.

No one wanted to be responsible for damaging something so rare and priceless not even Mr.

Cooper, the supposed owner of the piece.

Cedric nodded

Exactly! A bowl like that should never be treated so carelessly.

Andrew smiled and added, And thats the key.

A bowl worth millions wouldnt be thrown around lightly if it were real.

The owner Mr

Cooper should have been a nervous wreck every time I tossed it.

His lack of reaction spoke volumes.

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