Chapter 419: Vol 9: A Great chance to Create A Clone

Ibro looked towards this growing drop of blood as he didn't know what to do about it. he didn't know what was its nature, but he already guessed its function, this would bring the fiend from out there.

'I have analyzed this energy drop, it's highly concentrated drop of very pure demon energy, it also carried the print of a high end demon,' the system said.

'You mean the fiend will use it to open a path to here?' Ibro asked to confirm his guess.

'No, you are mistaken, it won't open anything, it will clone that fiend and create an exact copy of him,' the system replied, 'in fact, this is a great opportunity for you.'

'What do you mean?' Ibro asked with doubt.

'This drop of energy is unknown technology that can create a copy of anyone as long as it has the print of that person. 

If you manage to erase the existing demon print here and put yours instead, then you will have created an exact copy of you,' the system explained with a hurry, 'but we have not much time now, so you must decide fast or else this chance will be lost.'

'Is there any danger?' Ibro asked.

'Everything has its own risks,' the system answered.

Ibro looked towards this growing drop of blood, it was now the size of two fists, and showed no signs of stopping. Ibro didn't think much, as he decided to take this risk. 

At the very least, he would prevent the presence of another fiend in this universe, which he was pretty sure of his inability to face right now.

'Ok, let's do it, what do you need me to do?'

'It will sound crazy, but it's the only way,' the system said hesitatingly.

Ibro felt strange as this was the first time the system would hesitate to express its thoughts, which was a bad indicator to him.

'Is it this bad?' Ibro asked.

'It's just this risky,' the system replied, 'you need to jump into this drop of energy, and then try to protect yourself using the defensive shield spell of yours. 

Don't try to absorb any of this energy, as it will affect the final product. Also don't try to fight back, just lay there and do nothing except protecting yourself.'

Ibro felt weirder as he asked with more doubt:

'How will we erase that fiend mark then and implement mine? are you sure of this plan?'

'I will erase the mark very carefully and put yours, but you need not to do anything there, no matter what,' the system replied.

Ibro felt more suspicion as he asked further:

'You make me suspect your intention partner, can you explain further in detail?'

'We don't have time, but briefly I can tell you that drop of energy is connected via remote connection with that fiend. 

If that fiend sensed your interference, it won't hesitate to explode the energy ball and that would be very dangerous,' the system explained, 'now jump and don't waste time, it's about to be completed.'

Ibro gritted his teeth as he was still hesitating about his decision.

'It's now or never Ibro.'

The words of the system came to make him take his decision, as he ran towards this drop of blood, ignoring all the fear and risk alarms he felt, and jumped straight into it. He decided to trust his system again, as his system never failed him even once.

Ibro was ready this time, as this wasn't his first time entering into a fiend's body, this fiend's body in particular, so just as he jumped over towards this drop of energy, he began to repeat the spell like chanting:

'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'

'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'

'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'




'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'

'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'

'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'

Ibro entered the drop of energy and vanished inside it. Once he entered there, he was faced with a huge endless ocean of thick dense fluid with scarce light everywhere. He didn't feel panic, and he listened to his system advice and did nothing. 

He felt familiar with this place, as it was like the body he entered when he killed the fiend protecting the core of this universe. 

He knew this time the fluid around him was far concentrated, which made him know how dangerous it was this time, so he didn't even try to increase the size of his protective spell, he just kept it adjacent to his body and protecting him from any danger.

'Listen to me well and don't reply back, you are now inside the link between that fiend and this drop of energy. I will search slowly for the print of this fiend and when I find it, I will tell you to use your strongest attack to hit that place suddenly and hard. 

Let me warn you, you will only have this chance, so once you fail it, there is no do over,' the system said slowly. Ibro understood his words, and he didn't reply as he waited patiently for the chance to kill this fiend.

Time passed rapidly over Ibro who felt more danger with every passing minute. 

The more time passed, the more helpless he felt, as if he was to kill this fiend, then he should have attacked here from beginning, but now he left the fiend to rapidly grow that drop of blood and it was about to reach the size of the fiend itself. 

As he was about to lose all patience and hope, the system said in his mind:

'I found the print, just use your strikes and I will guide them to the location of this print.'

Ibro was about to move, but he suddenly felt suspicious. He entered here without any resistance from the fiend at all, he even wasn't attacked like before. That drove suspicion inside himself, to make him rethink again about this plan, which began to look more like a trap.

'The fiend isn't stupid, it must have noticed my ability to deal with his body from our last encounter,' Ibro said.

'What do you mean?' the system asked.contemporary romance

'It must have taken his precautions, like putting two prints and not one, so when we find one print we attack and destroy it, and then we leave thinking we won but instead we lost,' Ibro said.

'You know you are quite paranoid, but let me check the whole area then, I will need some PSR crystals from you to fasten the job,' the system said.

'You never get satisfied, you greedy system,' Ibro complained.

'It's just to make things go faster,' the system said in a defensive way.

'Whatever, take what you want, and make sure you leave not a speck unchecked, this fiend is very cunning so don't underestimate it.' Ibro said.

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