Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 33

I reluctantly leave Reign in the studio. She’s playing the piano, and the sight is beautiful. I could listen to her all day. She has the ability to transport you into another world. You feel what she feels as she plays, and you see her story, just like when we made love. She is just so alive that others crave her, me included, and what we just did . . . I know it was more than fucking. It was us—pure, raw, and unfiltered.

I wanted to tell her how I felt, but I knew it would scare her away, so I showed her, hoping she would understand. This is real. This is something people search for their whole lives. It’s a forever kind of thing.

If she will let it be.

I’m truly hoping so because despite what I said, it’s not obsession I feel for Reign. It’s love. I love her, and the more I learn, the more I love her. She is worth loving. She deserves love, and I hope she lets us feel for her. I don’t care what anyone else thinks, and she never has either. We are just . . . us. She once told us that she didn’t really have friends, but she does now. She has us, people who would fight in her corner to their dying breath and never hurt her, use her, or leave her.

No, it’s not just obsession. It’s love in its simplest and most brilliant form.

I’m just passing the security room to go check on Raff Jr. when the comms go off. “Yes?” I ask the guards at the gate. Usually, one of us mans this, so I’m betting they recently left.

“More flowers, sir,” the new guard Raff hired replies.

“Coming.” I head out to the gate, nodding at the guard who hands them over. Searching for a card, I head to the trash bin. I know she wants to donate them but it’s only a small bunch, and that’s when I realize they aren’t roses.

They are peonies.

Frowning, I find a card and open it.

I’ll be seeing you soon – your admirer.

Looking around, I head into the house. “Raff!” I call, not wanting to spook her. I go into the security room and put them down carefully. Raff hurries in, wiping his face, no doubt from the gym. “These were just delivered.”

He frowns. “So toss them.”

“They are peonies, and they aren’t from Tucker.” I point at the card. “I think this is what her management were talking about.”

Frowning down at the card, he switches modes instantly. “Find out where they came from and who sent them, now. I want the guard at the gate interviewed, all cameras checked, and her management alerted.”

“And Reign?” I look behind him. “Do we tell her?”

He glances at the flowers. “Not yet. It’s our job to protect her from this. That’s why they hired us. For now, we keep it between us. Understood? Send Astro to the flower shop to get what we need.”

“Got it, boss.” I text Dal and Astro as I speak.

“I’ll stay with her,” he says as he strides away, fully alert now. I’m thankful for the new security systems in place or she would have found them.

Astro and Dal hurry in. “What’s up?”

I nod at the flowers and watch as they look at the note, their faces clouding. “Astro, use the card, find out what flower shop they came from, and go there. See if they can ID who ordered them, if they used a card or cash, and get the camera footage. I’m going to interview the guard at the gate. Dal, tell her management.”

“Are we telling her?” Astro frowns.

“Raff says no, we handle this quietly.”

They share a look, and I sigh. “What?” I ask.

“We should tell her,” Dal murmurs. “It’s not right that she doesn’t know. I don’t like keeping things from her.”

“Neither do I, but this is for the best. It’s not like we are lying to her. We are here to protect her, so let’s do just that. They are clearly getting bolder, considering the letters her management intercepted. The quicker we handle this, the quicker it is over and we can tell her. Raff’s orders.”

“Got it.” Astro grabs his coat and heads out the door, card in hand.

Dal grabs his phone as I head out, going to the security gate. I think the guard’s name is Will. We handpicked them all ourselves, so we know we can trust them. They are the best, and although we upgraded all the security systems, we haven’t put many guards inside due to her need for privacy. Maybe that was a bad idea.

I remind myself they are just flowers, but we all know how quickly something like this can escalate, and we won’t let our girl be caught in this.

“Sir?” Will calls as he stands.

“I want to know everything about who dropped off the flowers.”

He starts to outline the delivery, and I have no doubt Raff is already looking at the footage.

We’ll get this bastard, and she will never know.


I smile at the woman in the apron behind the counter of the small flower shop, leaning into her. “Please?”

“I can’t give you their information.” She sighs. “I truly am sorry.”

“Come on.” I look at her name tag. “Penny, help me out. My boss will kill me if I don’t get it.”

Gnawing on her lip, she looks around for customers or her manager. My nose is stuffy from all the flowers in here, but I don’t let it show as I flirt shamelessly to get what I want. “Fine, but don’t tell anyone, okay?”

“You got it, cutie.” I wink as she blushes.

She starts looking through receipts before plucking one out and handing it over. “Paid cash, ordered yesterday.”

I frown. “Do your cameras work?”

“They do, but I remember this one. It was a sweet little old lady.”

“An old lady?” I frown.

“Let me show you.” I follow her to the back as she loads the computer and scrolls back on their camera system. “There.” She points, and I quickly snap a picture on my phone, sending it to Raff to get her information.

“Thank you, Penny, you’ve been very helpful,” I say as I turn. She catches my arm, and I glance down to see her smiling shyly.

“Uh, I finish at four,” she says.

I take her hand and kiss it softly. “Enchanted, but I’m sorry, my heart is already taken.” She smiles sadly, and I leave. Once I’m outside, I pull down my shades and take out my phone as I head to my bike.

“Speak,” Raff snaps.

“Got my text?” I ask.

“Searching now . . . Ah, here she is. Seventy-five-year-old Lorraine Watson. I’ll text you her address.” He hangs up.

“Bye to you too, asshole,” I mutter as I swing my leg over my bike, knowing he’s annoyed and worried. As I wait, I snap a picture of me on my bike, flexing my pecs, and text it to my girl.

Me: Gone for a ride, wishing it were you I was riding though.

A few moments later, a text comes through.

Reign: Then hurry back 😉

Fuck, I need to find this old lady and fast. Yanking my helmet on, I check the address Raff sent and pull out into traffic. It doesn’t take me long to get there, and I take the steps two at a time, about to buzz everyone to get in when the door opens and Lorraine herself steps out. She smiles at me as I hold the door and starts to head past me.

“Excuse me, Lorraine?”

She blinks, turning to me, bag in hand.

“Hi, you don’t know me. I’m Astro.”

She shakes my hand hesitantly.

“Sorry, the flower shop you used yesterday gave me your information. My girl got your flowers, and we were just trying to work out who sent them.” I put my hand in my pocket and give her my sweetest smile.

“Oh gosh! Well, dear, it wasn’t me. Some nice gentleman stopped me near the shop and asked if I could do it for him. He said he was in a hurry but didn’t want his wife not to get them . . . .Girlfriend, you said?”

“I did.” I grin. “You don’t happen to remember his name or what he looked like, do you?”

“Hmm, well, he was tall, but it was hard to see much more under the hat he wore,” she admits. “Sorry.” She pats my arm as she passes.

“Lorraine, where was this?”

“Oh, just outside the dry cleaners next door. I must go now. I’m late for a date.” Fluffing her hair, she hurries down the street as I pull out my phone, my smile fading.

“Yeah, it’s me. I want all the footage from the camera on Wilcox yesterday. We are looking for a little old lady and the guy who stopped her.” I hang up, knowing my friend will get me what I need. It’s time to stop this bastard. Today it was flowers, but tomorrow, it could be anything.

He’s getting bolder, and if Reign is going to marry anyone, it’s me.


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