Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 19

I head to the floor I know she got off on. I even know the room. I wasn’t letting Miss Harrow disappear without knowing everything. I also know the man she’s with.

Despite my jealousy and anger, I keep my expression calm, but Astro, not so much. We stop at the door to the suite, and I know Dal is here. I should have watched him more closely.

He basically told me how he feels about her. The fact that he feels anything at all is shocking. Unlike the others, I know Dal’s true depth and coldness. He would be classed as a psychopath, yet he feels with her and that makes him dangerous, especially toward a threat like Trav, who is with Reign.

The door is slightly ajar, and I step inside with my gun out as I head into the bedroom. I take in the scene in a second, my training kicking in as Astro protects my back at the door.

The bed is a mess, and I ignore my flare of fury and focus on Dal. He has a knife to Trav’s neck, and I see a drop of blood as well as a black eye, but he’s not dead yet so that’s good. He’s scared but also angry. If he knew just who Dal was and what he was capable of, he would be fucking terrified. Even I would hesitate to go up against Dal, but I have no choice. Reign would never forgive us, and for some reason, I don’t want to hurt her, even if she was up here fucking this rock star instead of us.

“Astro, go back down to Cillian,” I order without sparing him a glance.

He hesitates, looking between Dal and me before moving away as silently as we slipped into the room. I know Dal won’t react well if Astro hears what I have to say, and this is between Dal and me. I’m in charge, and if Dal can’t remain professional and calm, I will remove him or all of us from this job. I won’t let Dal kill innocent people simply because of these new, confusing feelings. I will always protect him, even if he doesn’t understand why.

“Dal, release him.”

The man is smart. He kneels with his hands on his head, and although his eyes are wide and terrified, he stays silent and doesn’t move, as if he’s facing a predator, which he is. Dal glances at the rumpled bed, his nostrils flaring, and I swear internally as I shift to block his view of it.

“Dal,” I warn, “if you do this, you will lose her.” I try to appeal to his careful side, but it seems to have fled when faced with these new, intense emotions. “She will never forgive you. She clearly likes this man, and from what I’ve read, they are friends. If she finds out you killed him simply for touching her, she’ll kick you out of her life for good. Right now, you have access to her, the access you need. Do this and you’ll be in jail. Not even I can protect you from the consequences of killing a rock star.”

The man glances at Dal. “Look—”

Dal presses the knife firmer against his skin, drawing more blood.

“I wouldn’t speak,” I hiss. “Dal, think about it. Do you want to lose her?” I know he doesn’t care about prison—hell, we have all been in worse places than some cushy cell—but he’d be trapped without access to the one person he clearly wants. I see him hesitate, thank God.

I don’t drop the gun, but I won’t kill him. He’s my brother, even if he never admits it or feels the same way, but I can wound him, knock him back, and give the man time to escape. I’d have to bribe him not to speak on this and get Reign up here to calm Dal down, but it’s the only plan I can come up with.

“We didn’t have sex,” Trav says very carefully, and we both look at him. “She called me to hook up like we used to sometimes.”

Dal snarls and I wince.

“But we didn’t. We kissed, but it felt wrong. I’m . . . I’m in love with someone else, and she likes someone else too—obviously you since you’re here threatening to kill me for even being near her. Reign is my friend, I would never hurt her, but I promise I didn’t touch her. Our clothes stayed on. We kissed once, and then we had food as soon as we realized how wrong it felt.”

“Are you lying?” Dal says calmly, too fucking calmly.

He shakes his head. “Check room service, check the bed or even my phone.”

Dal hesitates but slowly releases the man.

“You move, you die,” he whispers, and Trav nods as Dal moves away.

I watch as Dal walks to the bed, stripping it back and searching for any signs of sex. When he finds none, he moves to the trash to check for condoms, eyeing the man’s shoes on the floor. Dal calls down, checks room service, and then picks up the man’s phone. “Passcode,” he demands.

“2325,” he mutters. “Spells Beck.”

Dal raises a brow but types it in and seems to scroll through something. “The same Beck you’re texting here?”

He nods.

“Who is she?” I ask. If he’s cheating on our girl, I’ll kill him, even if they aren’t together.

“She’s our new lead singer,” he answers. “She’s totally off limits, but it doesn’t stop me from wishing though. That’s why I agreed to meet Reign tonight, to try and forget. It didn’t work.”

“She’s jealous,” Dal tells him as he drops the phone. “She likes you too. Fine, you won’t die tonight.” He puts the blade away, and I relax. “But if you try to touch Reign again, I’ll hunt you down, understand?” Dal crouches before him. “I’ve killed many people, Mr. Wright, and I won’t hesitate to end you. Not even Reign could protect you from me. Do we understand one another?”

A pale Trav nods, and Dal moves over to me. I put the gun away and start to follow him out, unsure how the hell to deal, with this when Trav calls out, “I might not have your skills, but if you hurt Reign, I will make you regret it. How do you know Beck likes me?”

“It’s a Saturday night and she’s at home texting you and jealous you aren’t with her. She likes you, idiot,” Dal mutters. When I shut the door, he nods at me. “I like him. He’s protective of Reign.” That’s it. That’s all he says as I gawk, unsure how the hell to proceed. He makes that decision when he heads to the elevator.

“We’ll talk about this later,” I snap.

He simply faces forward as if he didn’t hear me. “She didn’t sleep with him.”

“And?” I mutter.

“That means something.” He nods. “It means she’s in this as much as we are.”

Fucking hell. I can’t even believe I’m having this conversation with him. “Later,” is all I say, knowing I need time to come up with a reasonable argument to explain why he can’t do that kind of shit. Usually, he would just follow my orders unless he thought it would get us killed, but this time he’s fighting me and I know why.

Reign fucking Harrow.

I knew she would be trouble, but even as I think that, a smile curves my lips. He’s right though. She didn’t sleep with him, and that means something. I just don’t know what.

I can’t stop the satisfaction I feel, knowing she’s going to have to come to us for relief if she wants it. I might be hired to be her security guard, but I’m only a man.

A man who wants Reign Harrow more than I want my next breath.

Storming downstairs with Dal in tow, I curse when I see the empty lobby. The paparazzi are mingling outside the hotel, no doubt alerted to her presence, but I don’t see Reign, Astro, or Cillian.

Where the fuck are they?

I search the lobby before hurrying to the reception desk, where a woman sits primly in her suit.

“Have you seen Miss Harrow?” I ask the receptionist, panicking. Astro and Cillian are gone too, but anything could have happened. Dal is searching behind me.

She blushes and lowers her head. “Um, I saw her go into the bathroom with one of her security guards. It was a while ago.”

Fucking hell.

I pull out some bills and hand them over. “There was a threat. It was for her safety,” I lie, and she nods, clearly not believing me, but she takes the bills. “If this gets out to anyone, I will remember your name, Caitlin,” I warn, reading her tag, and she pales.

I move away from the desk and follow the signs for the restroom. There’s a men’s bathroom at the beginning of the corridor, but farther down is a wooden door for females.

I twist the handle, but it’s locked.


There’s a giggle and a moan—one I know better than my own voice.


Motherfucker. I try to slam it open, but Dal stops me, yanking me away. “This is how we keep her. You stopped me up there, and I’m stopping you here. Get over it.”

I have no choice but to turn my back to the wall and protect the door. He’s right. I can’t stop this. They are consenting adults and it’s her choice. Instead, I have to stand there and listen to her moans and the slap of their bodies. My cock is hard, and I glare at anyone who comes too close.

I’ll protect her from out here. I won’t let anyone see this.

I can’t even be too angry about it. She’s a siren and even I couldn’t resist her, so how could they? A part of me knew when I left them alone that this would happen. It was inevitable. I just wish it were in private without so many prying eyes. It’s our job to protect her reputation.

Time passes slowly, and my cock is uncomfortably hard the entire time as I hear them fucking until it’s finally over. I hear water running, laughing, and mumbling, and a few minutes later, the door unlocks.

I turn as they open the door. All three have wild hair and are breathing heavily, and they all look way too fucking satisfied. “Have fun, Miss Harrow?” I snap.

She smirks, not the least bit bothered, and shuffles out. Astro and Cillian look far too smug, not even unsettled by my glare.

“Out back so no one sees you,” I mutter.

“Nope, front door.” She goes to walk away and I grab her.

“You look freshly fucked, Miss Harrow, and there are cameras,” I warn.

She smiles, lowering her voice. “They will think it’s from him, but we’ll all know it’s from you.” Patting my chest, she steps past once more. The woman is going to drive me to madness, even if I feel a twinge of satisfaction from them seeing our girl and knowing it was from us.

“Get in formation around her, straight to the car.” I don’t let her argue with that. I press my hand to her back and guide her out the door, gritting my teeth against the flashes that instantly blind me. She smiles and waves, winking at the shouted questions.

“Reign, who did you meet here tonight?”

“Reign, are you seeing someone?”

“Reign, some think you’re dating Trav from Dead Ringers. Confirm or deny?”

I elbow some of them out of the way, and Astro runs to the car door, opening it before she slides inside. I follow after her. Astro slides in after me, while Cillian and Dal get in the front, and then we are off.

I open my mouth to reprimand them for being so careless when it comes to her security, but she crawls onto my lap. “Miss Harrow—” I begin, but then her lips are on mine and I swallow my words, gripping her hips and kissing her back. When she pulls away, she smirks. “Reign.”

“Have you noticed that I’m always Miss Harrow when you’re trying to be professional, but then I’m Reign when your dick gets attention?”

I try to remain professional. “Tonight was reckless—”

“Kind of my whole vibe, big guy,” she purrs, leaning into me. “We locked the door.”

“And if someone got in and took a picture?” I challenge.

“There are worse pictures of me out there.” She shrugs, and I grip her tighter.

“I don’t care, not on my watch. You want your privacy, Miss Harrow, Reign, then I will give it to you. We will protect you from everything, but you have to listen to us.”

“If that means not having fun or fucking where and when I want, then I won’t listen, Raff. When are you going to realize that? Plus, we both know you are an exhibitionist and love watching me be fucked.” She reaches between us and grips my hard cock, proving her point.

“Miss Harrow—”

She leans in, rubbing me to distraction, and my eyes almost cross. “I wonder if you would call me that with your cock in my throat.”

Fucking hell.

She’s enough to tempt the fucking devil. “Reign, I’m trying to keep you safe. Your mental health as well,” I admit weakly, thrusting into her hand.

“And I appreciate that, but I’m a big girl who can make her own decisions. This isn’t my first rodeo, Raff. I can take it. I know what to do and when to do it. I will make mistakes, but you will be there, so stop being so uptight and learn to have some fun.”

“He doesn’t know how. Why don’t you show him, beautiful?” Astro suggests.

“Reign,” I rasp, not sure if I’m begging for her to stop or for her to continue.

“Raffiel,” she mocks, gripping my cock tighter. “Enough talking. I’m bored and want to play.”

She drops to her knees in the moving car. I should stop her, and I had things to say, but it all disappears when she unzips me and pulls out my hard length, sealing her pretty lips around my cock.

I should have known that Reign Harrow always gets what she wants, and that includes me.

My careful control flees at the sight of her big, bright eyes locked on me while her pouty lips carefully wrap around the thick head of my cock.


I slide my fingers into her luscious strands, gripping them tight and pressing her down my cock as she whimpers. “Fine, you want to make it up to me? You want to suck me? Then do it, baby. Show me what you did to my men that made them forget their duty. Show me how much of a good slut you are for me.”

She moans loudly around my length as I relax back into the sea. I lift my hips to bury myself deeper in her mouth, trying to take over and remain in control. She grips my base harder, to the point of pain, as one of those stunning eyes winks at me, and then she shows me just how out of control I truly am when it comes to her.

She seals her lips around my tip until I groan. My head hits the seat, but even then, I can’t take my eyes off her.

She’s just so damn beautiful.

Smirking, she pulls back, lapping at my precum with an appreciative sound before sliding my cock along her tongue as I watch.


My baby teases me, tortures me, and I’d tell her anything she wants to know in this moment as long as she never stopped. “Please,” I whisper.

She hears, her eyes tightening in pleasure, and then she drops all the way down my length, taking me to the back of her throat. She hums around me as I shudder, pleasure exploding through me. My hands tighten in her hair and pull her up and off. I try to shove her back down but she resists, and only when I stop tugging does she carry on.

My heart races, and my breathing is loud in the silent car as her head bobs up and down. She takes my length all the way back with expert sucking, her tight, hot cavern making me lose control until I fuck her throat wildly.

“Shit, she’s insatiable,” Astro growls. “Aren’t you, beautiful?”

She pops her mouth off my cock, licking at her lips as I groan, thrusting into her hand. “When it comes to you all? Yes. I want you everywhere I can get you.”

“Don’t stop,” I bite out, the order harsh.

She looks up at me, arching one eyebrow, and waits patiently, fluttering her eyelashes.

“Please, baby,” I ask, not ashamed to beg when it comes to her.

“Good boy,” she purrs, leaning down and swallowing every inch of my length as I cry out.

“Fuck,” I shout as I hammer into her mouth. She lets me. The pleasure becomes too much, and it washes through me like a tidal wave as I come, hollering her name.

My cum splashes down her throat as she whimpers.

I try to pull back, but she doesn’t let me, sealing her mouth around me and drinking every single drop as I groan. When I slump, she finally relents, sliding her mouth up my cock and licking me clean as I watch, slumped in my seat.

How the fuck am I supposed to survive Reign Harrow?

“Shit, you can do that anytime. It stopped us from getting told off.” Cillian grins at her. “Using your body against him? Why didn’t I think of that?” he teases.

“It wouldn’t work,” I mutter, swallowing since my voice is hoarse. “Only for her.”

That makes her grin as she sits back, sucking on her thumb as I watch.

Grunting, I force myself to focus. “Miss Harrow—”

She groans. “Raffiel,” she counters, making me smirk.

“Just, next time let me protect you, okay?” That’s what it comes down to, and it’s more than just my job. It’s a need to protect her from the world, from the vultures that circle such an amazing soul and peck it clean. “At least let me do that? I’m not asking you to change, but to let me in enough to be at your side. Can you do that?”

She eyes me, probably reading more into my words than I would like. “I’ll try,” she replies, and I feel like shouting in victory.

I’ve been to war, and I’ve assassinated people, but I have never felt such a victory as getting Reign Harrow to trust me, even if it’s just a little.

I don’t know what that says about me or us, but I couldn’t care less.

Not with her smiling at me like I’m her savior.

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