
Chapter Epilogue


3rd Person P.O.V

Water dripped from the ceiling of the room. The cold damp atmosphere was enough the make the devil shiver and crawl back to wherever he came from. But for sick twisted werewolves and rogues, this was the place to be.

A small mouse scattered across the run, dreaming to make it to the other side in peace. All dreams were crushed with a large steel toe boot.

A wicked light-skinned man moved his boot and spit on the floor. The crush mouse would end up staying there because no one would even attempt to clean the place. He smirked sadistically, "Deserves it right."

The man walked through the aisle of cells, taking his baton and clattering it along the bars to wake up the prisoners or humans that walked into the territory unknowingly.

"Wake up you pieces of shit. Food is served." Another minion said as he pushed plates of food through the bars. The food fell on the floor, but the most hungriest prisoners didn't mind. They scavenged through the food on the floor and ate what was edible.

The guards all laughed at how pathetic the display. Oh, how much they would love to see a certain pack like this.

"Alpha wants to see you." Another guy said to the one who killed the mouse.

The man nodded and headed out of the prison room.

The land he walked on was partially dead and burned down, but it didn't matter because most of the structures were underground so they wouldn't get caught.

He climbed down a ladder and walked through the underground dirt tunnels.

Two frail teenagers walked past him with food trails. His eyes traveled back to them. He was thinking that maybe he could mess around with them for a little bit after he was done meeting his Alpha.

He knocked on the big steel door. "Come in." A gruff voice said.

His alpha was sitting at a desk looking at a map of our enemy's territory. "I heard you failed at executing Leah."

The man hung his head low. "There were complications. A woman seemed to have stopped the bullet in mid-air. I heard they are family." The man explained. "I had to leave before I was killed. Luckily thanks to you. I knew exactly where to find, and your witch came through with the potion that helped mask my scent."

"I understand. This only means one thing. We have gained knowledge. I already know from Miranda here," He nodded to a dark-skinned girl that was taped to a chair. She looked, beaten, weak and half-starved. Usually, the tape wouldn't be able to contain a werewolf, but she didn't have all her strength. "That Leah is a witch. Thanks to Miranda's useful flowers, that was known a long time ago. Which has given me the time to search for a Dutura flower."

"What is that?" The man asked his Alpha.

"It's a flower that liquid can be extracted from. The liquid weakens witches by paralyzing them and large amounts injected into her bloodstream can kill them. It's the only weakness a witch has, and it's unknown to most of the other species." The alpha answered.

"Is that how you're going to kill her? Kidnap her soon and give her the datura flower."

The Alpha chuckled, "Well no I have a better idea. Alec deserves to suffer more than that. He thinks I'm dead, but he doesn't realize that I had a witch on my side to fake my death. I know he has smelled my scent, after all, I did run in front of his car. I have him in high alert mode."

"Which is why we should ambush them now. They well are distracted by Leah anyway because she is pregnant. Alec would be worried for Leah's safely that his guard will be off." The man suggested.

"No," The alpha waves him off. "You want to know something." The alpha said. He continued, "Alec deserves to suffer for even thinking he could destroy me. He must pay for the sins of his father, who killed my mate. So do you know how to completely destroy a man?" He prompted. The Alpha thought back to how she died. A car accident, but he didn't care if it was by accident or not.

"How?" The man asked.

"Destroy his family. We've waited years for this moment. I say wait till he has more children then we go in for the kill. I'll kill his youngest son first." The man chuckled in the evilest way possible. "Tell the other that we are going to wait. A couple more years won't kill us."

"Yes, Crow. I'll tell the others." The man walked away.

The Alpha of the Sete de Sânge pack, Crow Lonuţ, had a lot of work to do. Like starting with recruiting more rogues for this war. This time, he was planning on winning this battle.


A/N- Another announcement will be posted soon. So stay tuned!

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