
Chapter 24


“You look different,” Alice commented while I was finishing up breakfast.

“What do you mean? Nothing is different.” I replied.

“You’re smiling more. I never have seen you that happy in the morning.” Xena observed.

They were both sitting at the dining table waiting for food.

I invited them over for breakfast because Alec left earlier to meet a wolf who wants to join the pack.

“I guess I’m just happy this morning. Anyway, the food is ready.” I said. I turned off the stove and they came up to make their plate.

Once I made my plate I sat down and reminisced about last night.

Last night when I went to the lake with Alec. It was one of the best nights I’ve ever had. It was the first time Alec confessed his love to me. After he said that I felt like I could fly. I wish I could go back and repeat it, but life does go on.

When I got done eating I put my plate in the sink ready to do the dishes.

Alec and I were going to go out later today. Apparently, there was this new restaurant that Alec wanted to visit. It was owned by humans but Alice said the food was good. That’s why I didn’t eat much for breakfast. The only reason I made a lot of food was that Alice and Xena were over.

When I was done with the dishes I just spent time with Alice and Xena until Alec got home.

It shouldn’t take long for Alec to return because he was only going to meet them. I guess he would tell me about it because I do believe the Alpha and Luna have to consult with each other before allowing new wolves into the pack. I was planning on asking him that when he returns.

When Alec showed up in his nice car Xena and Alice both hugged me. Then they shifted and took off in the direction of their house that they shared.

Alec walked in and gave me a hug followed by a kiss.

“So how was it?” I asked.

“They seem like good people. He actually had a family and they moved down here. It makes it look less suspicious.”

“Well, that’s good. It’s a good thing to get new pack members.” I said.

“How was your breakfast with them?” Alec asked me.

“It was good.” I was really just happy to spend time with him.

When he was around me it was like nothing really mattered. It was just me and him. In my opinion, this was better than the mate bond because at least I knew it was real.

In the mate bond, it’s like your blinded. Not many people understood the magic pull of a mate bond but now I can understand that it’s better to develop feelings on your own.

When it was lunchtime we decided to go earlier than planned because Alec was hungrier than me. Since the restaurant was not fancy we had a casual attire.

When we arrived the restaurant was already packed. The panels on the side of the restaurant were a light blue color and the roof was black. White Christmas lights were hanging all around the building for decorations. There were even ribbons and streamers hanging up everywhere.

“Look at that. There is a deck that we can eat on.” Alec pointed out.

“We should do that.”

Humans walking by in their coats and jackets were giving side glances to us. Well, it was more toward Alec. I’m sure he got looks wherever he went. It was hard not to look at him. He just stood out, even in a crowd of a thousand people. He was definitely unique.

Even though the restaurant was packed it didn’t take us long to get seated. Mainly because we were one of the very few people that actually wanted to sit outside in the cold.

It was not windy or snowing so it wouldn’t affect us eating.

A blonde waitress leads us to our table outside and gave us menus. I couldn’t help but notice her lingering stare on Alec. I tried to ignore it but I couldn’t help but feel a little jealousy.

I just opened my menu trying to get my thoughts out of my head about strangling her. I needed to calm myself. I don’t know why I was getting so aggravated about it.

The waitress came back. “Hello! My name is Savannah and I will be your waitress. What drink can I get you today?” She was looking what at Alec as she scooted closer to him. She was too close to my liking and she wasn’t even acknowledging me.

“Um,” Alec noticed how close she was and I could tell he felt uncomfortable. “I would like a water, thanks.” He said.

“And I would like water too.” I made myself known.

She looked at me, “Sure.” Then she turned back to Alec. “I’ll get your water right away. I’m sure you’re thirsty.” The waitress winked before walking away swaying her hips.

Surprised and shocked that she would even do that in front of me, I glared at Alec.

He held his hands up in a surrendering motion. “What? I didn’t do shit!”

“I know. Is she a wolf?” I asked.

“No. Human.” He said.

“Damn it. Then I can’t kill her.” I nonchalantly said.

Usually, I would be repulsed at even thinking of killing another being. Even rogues. But something about this girl made me want to light her on fire. I hated how she just completely disrespected me to my face.

Alec’s eyes widened, “Leah calm down. She is nothing compared to you. The only person I see is you.” He could tell I was getting ticked off.

I smiled a little bit, “Well technically you see everyone.”

“I only care about seeing you though. Everyone else can fuck off.” He says. Then he smirks. “Are you jealous babe?”

“I’m not fucking jealous Alec. Shut the fuck up.” I snapped.

His eyebrows shot up and he squinted, “Jesus. Calm your fucking self. No need to snap on me.”

I sighed, “I know. I’m sorry. It’s just that she is annoying. Literally, flirting with you right in front of me.”

Alec reached for my hand, “I only want you. No one can break us up.”

I was starting to feel calm and relaxed. That is until the waitress came back with our drinks.

She asked what if we were ready to order our food as she put our drinks down. As Alec ordered the food the waitress stared at him the whole time. Her making googly eyes at him made me want to stab her in the face.

Alec was still holding my hand as we made eye contact when she left.

“She needs to fucking quit before I hurt her,” I announced.

“Babe you can’t do that. We are out in public.”

I laughed, “So I could if we weren’t in public?”

“I don’t give a fuck. I don’t like her.”

I shook my head, “Nah I couldn’t do that. She doesn’t deserve that.”

“You’re cute when you get angry.” He compliments me.


It took a while for the food to come out since the restaurant became so backed up but when then the food was finally done Alec leaned forward and gave me a kiss.

I could see the smile on the waitress falter, but not for long. She handed us our plates and slipped Alec a piece of small paper. I heard her say softly, “In case it fails.”

Then she left to attend to the few other humans on the deck. “What does it say?” I asked.

Alec opened up the paper and cringed. “It is her phone number with a heart.” He says.

My chair scratches the deck as I stand up. “That’s it.”

Alec stopped me from going forward. “Leah just sit down. Now is not the place. Just talk to a manager.”

I huffed and sat down in my seat. “Fine.” I grabbed my knife and my fork and started to eat.

If she knew how dangerous I was then she would leave us the hell alone. I could end her entire life with just the blink of an eye. No one would even know that it was me.

I tried to put aside my murderous thoughts and enjoy my food. Yet, the more I watched her work her way around the deck. It infuriated me.

She was holding a tray with glass cups filled with liquid.

Then suddenly the glass cups busted and all the liquid flew on her. I made sure glass didn’t cut her. It was the least that I could do.

A smirk crept on to my face as everyone looked around startled.

She looked shocked and confused then I watched slowly as tears spilled down her face.

Then guilt swept through me. Was it a bad thing that I did? I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Then again she should learn to know what belongs to her.


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