
Chapter 20


I poured the deer feed into a bowl for Dash. It’s been two months since Alice and Xena accepted Noah as their own child, and Dash has not left the house since. It’s a little strange to have a buck in the house but he will not leave my side. Alec even made a side comment about helping me get rid of him and I strongly disagreed with him. For whatever reason of Dash wanting to stay, it’s helping more than anyone thinks. It gives me something to do during the day by looking out for another animal.

It gave me a chance of not being bored throughout the day when Alec was working. Although, within the last two months, I had to give him credit. Alec was balancing out his time with his pack and company to spend more quality time with me. Just us. We had gone on a couple of dates which helped improve our relationship, and we stayed at home watching movies too.

Anyway, since Alec has his eyesight he’s been making changes to his company.

In fact, he should be home now at any second. Currently, I just finished straightening up the house.

Earlier this morning I got off the phone with Xena. She was telling me how Noah clung on to them like a newborn child. I’d say he is still pretty shaken up. I’m sure time will allow him to heal as he gets older. At least I know he has the best female providers I can think of. Last week we all had dinner with all our closes friends. It was a chance for Noah to get to know us. Damon and Noah got along pretty well too. It was nice for Noah to have a male figure around, besides Alec, because Noah said that he never knew who his dad was.

Since it was a new month, I have been waiting for the pain. I had a feeling it would start soon if not today because I have been nauseous all day and that’s usually how it starts out. Last time when I had the pain, nausea came first in the morning then it progressed into a pain that crippled me to my knees. I would then have burning sage in my room as I cried in pain. Alec still had no idea it happened because he was away working.

A sharp pain rippled throughout my abdomen and I clenched it in pain. It was not enough to make me gasp or cry but it was enough to let me know it was going to happen today.

Out of all days it had to be today. Alec and I had plans today but I guess they were going to be rescheduled.

Another round of pain traveled down my body and I hunched over in pain. I kneeled down on the ground and sat down. Then I scooted over to the wall to rest because I felt extremely dehydrated. I felt like I was going to pass out.

I felt myself drifting off into a sleep and I didn’t fight it. At least in my sleep, I would feel no pain.

A warm hand touched my cheek and I felt something nudge me. Someone was talking, but it came out as echoing.

“She is awake.”

“Her heart is beating slow. Someone call Alec and the pack doctor.”

I opened my eyes to try and see who it was. At first, my vision was fading in and out but it finally focused. I saw Damon, Axe, and a man wearing white scrubs.

Just at that time Alec burst through the door and starts growling at everyone who is crowding me. He was ready for any sign of a threat. As he approaches me everyone backed away except for Damon.

I am sure I was pale and sweating.

Alec wiped the sweat off my forehead, “Are you alright?”

I nodded my head because I was too weak to say anything yet. I was still severely dehydrated.

Alec retrieved a glass of water. I felt the cool liquid cascade down my throat and physically I was regaining my strength.

“Alpha, I suggest that you bring the Luna to the clinic to be evaluated. Sickness in a werewolf is uncommon.” The man in the white scrubs says. I can tell that my scent trick was still working because he thought I was a werewolf.

My eyes widened and I rapidly shook my head. “No clinic. Please, no clinic.” I couldn’t go because they have no idea what they were dealing with when it came to me.

“Are you sure?” Damon asked. Damon was holding my hand looking at me with worry. The other guys watched me from afar. Alec just watched my facial expression.

“You heard what she said. I want everyone out, now.” Alec knew something was wrong with me. He probably knew it had something to do with me being a different species.

Alec gathered me in his arms, breaking Damon’s contact from me. He lifted me up and carried me to his room.

For some strange reason when I was in his arms, I felt no pain. The dehydration that troubled me was gone. The pain in my chest and stomach disappeared. The aching feeling in my legs and arms vanished. I felt normal when Alec carried me. It confused me as to why everything seemed better when I was closely near him.

Alec sat me down on his bed. Just like that, as coldness settled upon me so did the pain. I writhed in pain as Alec was no longer near me. It seemed like if Alec had contact with me then there was no pain.

“I need you to get me my mortar and pestle, and some sage in the room.” I requested to Alec. I had moved every witch item to my room, that Alec gave me, where I perform magic.

“Is that the mixing bowl and weird stick?” He asked confused.

I nodded my head and without another word he quickly left. He had no idea what I was doing but he trusted me. That and I’m sure he didn’t want to see me in pain. The further away he was the more intense the pain became.

A small cry escaped and not long after that Alec appeared through the door.

He gave me the mortar and sage and I quickly did the routine, as Alec shut the door.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

When I was done I would answer his question.

Saying the last words in Tamil that completed the spell, I then knew I was free to talk. “Burning sage keeps our conversations private. Now no werewolf can hear anything inside this room.” I forced myself to say this against the pain that intensified.

Alec pulled up the chair next to the bed. I pulled the blankets over me.

“What is wrong?” He asked. I knew the question was coming sooner or later.

“Just one of my consequences. Feeling an extreme pain one day out of the month, losing my wolf, and being able to see and talk to Charlie. The little boy I tried to save from the crash. Those are all the consequences I have to face for your eyesight.”

“I don’t understand how you can say that without hate. No bitterness in your voice at all.” He said.

“Because I don’t regret it.”

“Did you know about the consequences before you died?” He asked.

“No, but I would still do it again if I had the choice,” I told him.

He stared at me and a small smile came to his lips. “You are the best mate I could ask for. So selfless.”


That’s all I felt next. My head pounded against my skull and I rubbed my temples.

“I’m sorry that you’re in pain...” His voice turned sour and sad. His hand caressed my cheek and the pain alleviated. I could still feel pain in my chest but it was tolerable.

“That helps.”


“I don’t know how, but your touch makes the pain go away,” I told him.

My eyes were shut but when I felt the bed dip they instantly opened.

He laid down and cuddled me. The pain was nonexistent and it felt nice. I sighed in relief. Not only did it feel right when his arms were wrapped around me, but I could finally breathe without a stabbing feeling in my lungs.

“Where is Dash?” Now that I was finally able to think, I realized that I left him downstairs alone.

“He was in the living room, but there is no need to worry. You know he hasn’t left the house.” Alec answered.

“I like him a lot. He’s furry.”

“Yeah, the only reason why I tolerate him is because I like you.” He grumpily said. “I can’t believe I have a fucking deer in the house.”

I laughed. “Even when I was a werewolf I still liked deer, but I was sad that they could never come to me.”

“Well, they ain’t good for anything but eating.”

I lightly slapped his arm and glared at him.

“You’ll regret that.” He toyed with me. Humor in his eyes.

“Oh really? Because I don’t think I will.” I said in a seductive voice.

His eyebrows shot up and that’s when I made my next move. I don’t know what got into me all the sudden, but it seemed like my body acted by itself. I never felt this way before.

We were facing each other laying on our sides, so I purposely turned around making sure to rub against him on the way. My back was against his chest and his arm was still around me. He squeezed me tighter then he started to tickle me.

Uncontrollably, I laughed and thrashed around. My pathetic attempts at attacking him did not work. “Please, stop! Alec!”

He finally stopped. “I like it when you say my name.” He said into my ear and I jumped at his close proximity.

Things were getting intense as he left little trails of kisses down my neck. I did not protest because I enjoyed it. It still felt magical even if I did not feel the sparks. It was like I was floating on a cloud. Slight tingles spread across my skin and a shiver ran down my spine.

Suddenly, Alec paused and his demeanor changed. I could feel his breathing against my skin became more intense and heavy.

A sharp pain exploded where my neat met my shoulders. It took me a second to realize what had happened. I was more in shock that it actually happened. When his fangs retracted from my skin and I felt his tongue swipe across the mark to heal it, I slightly panicked. I touched the sore mark on my skin that slightly ached.

I hissed in pain, then I quickly sat up. “Did you just mark me!” I exclaimed.

I looked at him. His golden eyes were glowing and I knew his wolf took over. In a way, it wasn’t Alec’s fault. It was his wolf’s fault, but I was still a little upset. However, I shouldn’t be because it was going to happen either way. Plus, I did edge it on by teasing him.

Alec was now sitting up like I was. This time there no pain from us being apart. I assume it’s because there is still a pleasant burning sensation from the mark. The mating mark from an Alpha werewolf.

When his eyes returned back to brown realization hit him hard. “Shit. Fuck. I am so sorry. I tried to fight him...” Alec trailed off looking puzzled as he stared at my mark. I followed his gaze down to my neck and gasped.

Everyone mark was different from the next. It showed a piece of who you are and who your mate is. Humans would consider it as a tattoo because that’s what it looks like, but it shows so much more than that.

“I never have seen anything like that,” I whispered.

“Me either,” Alec said.

Black spirals formed on my skin where the mark was, then the mark continued to travel. I couldn’t see what they formed because I had my clothes on, but by the icy hot sensation, I could tell that the mark extended down my arm and down my back.

“Can you tell me what it made?” Without waiting for an answer I turned away from him and lifted up my shirt.

Alec traced down my skin but stopped at the middle of my back. “That’s weird.”

“What?” I asked curiously.

“It’s not finished.” He said.

“What? Why?” I asked too many questions sometimes.

“Every mark tells a story...”

“What does the mark look like so far?” I asked another question again.

“At first, it’s a head of a blond wolf howling,” My wolf. “The wolf has spirals that connect it to a black rose, then spirals that descend down to my wolf with bright brown eyes. My wolf is connected to candles.” He said.

“Wolves don’t have the same color as their humans though. It should be like a golden color.” I blurted.

“I think it means that your wolf died for mine. Which is why your wolf is connected to a black rose and my wolf has brown eyes with candles near it.” He reasoned.

I nodded. That makes sense.

“After my wolf, red spirals try to create something else but it fades and I can’t see it.” He finishes.

I pull my shirt down and lay down. Alec lays down too. “Are you upset with me?”

“No. Not really. It would have happened anyway.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Are you feeling okay? Do you need some water?” Alec asked. He looked at me caringly and I was very happy at that moment to have him.

I wanted something to drink but I wanted him near me more. I told him I didn’t want water, more than anything I was tired now.

After the new feeling a being marked faded away, the same pain returned. So, just like before we continued to lay next to each other until I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up on a cold floor. Looking around all I saw was darkness. I stood up and looked around to see nothing. It was too dark. A cold water drop fell to my skin. Where was I?

Loud heavy footsteps echoed in this dark room. Then light suddenly shined into the room and it was so bright I had to cover my eyes. The room wasn’t as dark as it was before and I could finally see. A big man walked into the room with a torch and went to light candles on the wall. I was in a room with stone flooring and white walls. The man turned my way and I was stricken with fear at his looks.

Black hair with vibrant blue eyes that made me sick. A cruel grin. Big ugly scars. A large nose and pointy ears. Half of his face was scared of what looked like a fire accident.

I was sure he saw me and his loud evil laugh proved it. As he walked toward me his boots echoed, along with the sound of water drops that dripped from the ceiling.

I moved away from him and surprisingly he didn’t come after me. I was not his target. I watched as he grabbed a teenager by the neck and slammed him against the wall. Effectively leaving another hole in the wall. My eyes adjusted to the male teenager.

I felt like crying. I felt like screaming. I couldn’t. My mouth was sealed shut and I was suddenly paralyzed as I watched in horror. I couldn’t even lift a finger to help him.

I recognized them as a younger version of Alec and Crow.

Alec was not completely skinny but he wasn’t as muscular because he was still considered a child. However, he was more muscular than the average werewolf teen. His brown eyes showed hatred and anger.

Crow released the boy to the ground and laughed. “Stupid boy.”

Alec looked up at him and I could see his purple bruised face. His swollen eye and the dry blood that surrounded his cheek made me cringe, but I wasn’t able to look away.

“Victoria! Bring me a knife of your choice.” Crow yelled.

Alec’s eyes softened as a blond headed teenager came into our view. Then his eyes filled with betrayal and hate. He looked crushed but yet no tears were present on his face.

I looked at Victoria for the first time, absorbing in her looks. She did look similar to me, but she looked more soft and innocent. It made me wonder how she could do such a thing. No wonder why Alec had a hard time trusting me.

“Victoria. My sweet little angel.” Crow and Victoria shared a kiss that made me want to vomit. She was only a teenager just like Alec. Crow was way older.

Alec looked too weak to fight anymore. Almost like he had given up. By the look in his eyes, I could tell that he had given his all to this girl, Victoria.

Crow had the knife in his hands, toying with it, taunting Alec. Crow swiped the knife across Alec’s thigh, leaving a deep cut. Alec looked pissed but he kept in well. He kept in his anger just like he kept in the pain that he felt. He did not scream or cry in pain.

“You are worthless.”

Crow cut his other thigh.

“You don’t deserve a mate,” Crow said.

“You are useless,” Crow said to Alec.

I watched as Crow continued to harm Alec. It was unfair. I couldn’t understand why an adult would harm an innocent child.

Crow continued to hurt the young teenager.

“You don’t deserve a mate. Look at yourself.” Crow yelled at the younger version of Alec who was chained to the wall.

Victoria approached Alec looking innocent, but it all a lie. “When you get a mate she is going to be disgusted. I mean look at you! You’re weak. Such a disappointment as the future alpha. Your mate will hate you and will cheat on you just like I did.” I could tell her words hurt deeply. That was the first time he showed any emotion on his face.

Yet, he still never cried.

“At least I’m not a whore that sleeps with someone who’s ten years older.” Alec retorted.

Victoria slapped him across the face and grabbed the knife out of Crow’s hand. She stabbed him in the shoulder without a second thought. Then she stabs him two times in the leg.

“Go get Alice,” Crow commanded Victoria.

Victoria hurried out of the room.

“You want to make smart remarks boy?” Crow had Alec by the neck.

“Get off!” I couldn’t stop the yell that escaped my lips. I was getting too heated.

Victoria threw Alice, who was very young, on the floor. She landed hard and a small cry escaped her lips. She was covered in dirt as she looked around frantically.

Crow grabbed his knife and marched over to Alice.

Pointing the knife at Alec, Crow stated, “You are going to regret what you said.”

Crow cut Alice’s clothes off revealing her naked body. Alice clawed him and tried to fight him with all of her might.

“No! No! No!” I began to thrash around. I couldn’t watch this anymore.

The desperate cries from Alice to stop, broke my heart. The yelling from Alec and the evil laugh from Crow made me want to kill him.

The familiar burning coursed through my body. My hands turn red and soon my skin was completely red. While creaming to the top of my lungs, my hands ignited.

I yelled, “STOP!”

My whole entire body was on fire at this point.

The whole room went up in flames. Everything burned to ashes and came tumbling down.

I jumped awake. My hands immediately went up to my mark. I looked at Alec who was sound asleep. Due to him starting the mating process I must have seen one of his memories. That was the only logical reasoning behind it.

I sighed thankfully that I was gone from that memory. It must have been horrible to see that. Not to mention I only saw one incident of him being abused, not all of it. The only problem was that I could escape from that, Alec couldn’t. Who knows how many times he has relived that in his dreams.

Laying back down I stared at Alec. He looked so peaceful I didn’t want to disturb him. Just watching him and his sleeping state was perfect. Even with all the scares present he still looked perfect to me. I don’t care what anyone had to say.

His eyes fluttered open and his stomach growled. “Hi.”

“Hey. Are you hungry? You should go get some food.” I told him.

“Then you will hurt.” He pointed out. His voice still sounded drowsy.

“I can deal with the pain long enough so you can eat.”

He shook his head, “I’d rather stay here. I can hold off going to the bathroom and eating for a day.”

“Okay, but you don’t have too.” I tried to tell him.

“But I want to.” He said.

We stayed in each other’s arms and talked for a while. This was absolutely one of my most favorite moments. Just us together sleeping and talking in his bed. It only took a couple of months to be sleeping together, but now that I had this, I’m not sure if I wanted to sleep alone anymore.


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