
Chapter 18


When I got back to the pack house it seemed like everyone had already settled in. Alice was sitting on the couch playing on her phone completely oblivious to all the stares she received. Children and adults were whispering around the pack house as they pointed at her. They could tell that she was of an alpha bloodline with the power radiating from her.

When the door shut all attention turned to me and I did receive a lot of happy smiles. Some even waved at me and I waved back.

I felt a sharp pain in my back when I got tackled to the ground by someone. The person laughed and hugged me tightly. Her dark short hair and nose piercing made me recognize her instantly. I hugged my best friend, Xena, but a deep growl cut our reunion short.

It was as if Xena had finally noticed but she stiffened and smelled the air. “Mate?”

She instantly got off me and dusted herself off. Axe offered me his hand and I gladly took it. I watched as Alice stepped forward to greet Xena for the first time. I didn’t know Alice was a lesbian, but regardless, I was happy for them. They would be perfect for each other.

The whole room erupted into clapping and cheering. Alice and Xena hugged each other. Once the celebrating died down, I made my way to the couch to see Chris. Chris and Christie were sitting on the couch cuddling and they were so cute together. Chris kissed Christie on the forehead and stood up to hug me.

For the millionth time today, I had my guts squeezed out. If I got squeezed by another werewolf today then I might just explode.

“I missed you. Where have you been?” He expectedly asked.

“Long story. I tell you later?” I offered.

He nodded his head. “I heard you found your mate, Alpha Knine?”


“And yet I see no mark on your neck.”

Christie cleared her throat, “Where is Alice?”

I searched around the room but found no one.

I laughed, “They left already.”

I walked around and held friendly conversations with my former pack members who asked hard questions to answer, but I found a way to answer them. It almost felt like home but only one thing was missing.

I was spending time with my family in the living room when the other members cleared out of the pack house. Alice and Xena eventually came to hang out with everyone, and I have no idea where they went but they seemed happy. I smiled as I eyed their locked hands and it almost made me jealous. They just met each other and they seemed perfectly in love.

“Sissy, I have to show you something.” Blake grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. I’m guessing he was taking me to his room.

When we entered his room I noticed two things. He had cars spread out on the floor and he had no blankets or pillows on his bed. “Bubby, where are your blankets and pillows,” I asked.

“I sleep in your room. It smells nice. Leah, can you play cars with me? It’s been a while.”


I sat down and crossed my legs. I played with Blake for about two hours. He was a fan of Lightning McQueen, so most of his car collection were replicas of the cars in the movie. When I noticed that Blake was not playing anymore I looked up at him. His brown eyes were distressed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Can you keep this?” Blake asked me as he gave me one of his most prized golden cars.

“But it’s yours. Do you not want it?”

“If I give it to you then you will never forget about me.” My heart began to ache. I needed to see him more.

“I would never forget you anyway, but I’ll take it if you want me to,” I confirmed and he was so happy that he started to dance.

Light knocks on the door resonated through the room and then it opened. “Mom has dinner done. Everyone is downstairs.”

Blake ran out of the door and left me alone with Chris. “Hey, I have a question.” I stood up. “Since you have found your mate are you going to stay in this pack or go to come to mine.”

“I was hoping your mate would let me come back to his pack so I could be with the both of you. Xena was wanting the same thing.”

I smiled. “I’ll talk to him. Let’s go eat.”

We all gathered around the table and I was the first one to sit down. Xena, Chris, and Blake saw me sit and it was like a race to see who could sit beside me. However, their dreams were crushed when Axe and Rem both sat on my left and my right. Growls filled the air and I rolled my eyes. “We aren’t in enemy territory,” I said.

“You can never be too sure.” They both said.

If I could growl than I would have because I can see this isn’t going to go well.

I was hoping that dinner would be peaceful and no one would argue but, of course, halfway through I was wrong.

“You are mated to an Alpha,” Xena stated.

I nodded my head.

“Then where is your mark?” She asked like everyone else.

“They are taking it slow.” Mark mocked and everyone let out a low chuckle except for my pack members and Blake. He probably didn’t understand.

“What’s wrong with taking it slow?” Axe questioned to everyone.

“I don’t see a problem with it.” Christie shrugged.

“I see a problem with it because usually, an Alpha would have already mated you unless he wants other things,” Chris spoke up.

“It is not any of your business,” Christie told Chris.

“She is my sister so it’s my business.”

“Your sister is her own person.” She raised her voice.

Everyone was silent.

“Anyway honey, how is his pack? What’s it like?” My mom asked.

“Very friendly. Everyone is nice and so welcoming, and the pack layout is a lot like ours.”

“Chris are you going to Christie’s home pack or are you staying here with her.”

“I asked Leah to ask permission if I could travel back with them,” Chris said. “Xena is doing the same thing.”

My mom nodded her head.

“Great so all three of you can get killed over there.” My dad growled and Mark snickered.

I glared at Mark and my mom gasped.

“My bad.” Mark raised his hands in defense.

“Michael! Don’t say such things.”

“He isn’t going to kill us.” I raised my voice.

I zoomed out at their pointless unnecessary bickering and continued to eat.

A small cry interrupted everyone. Blake stood up from the table and cried, “I don’t want them to die!” He ran upstairs.

I glared at my dad. He should have censored himself in front of Blake. He was only a child.

Chris and I stood up to go chase him. The last thing I heard before I went upstairs was Chris telling dad off then the whole table went into an uproar.

An hour later and I finally calmed Blake down. He was asleep in my arms. I carried him into my old room and sat him in my bed with all his pillows and blankets.

When I went downstairs the only people that were there were Rem, Axe, Chris, and Christie.

“Mom and dad had something to go do. They’ll be back. Can we talk to you for a second alone.” Chris asked me motioning to Christie as well.

“Let’s go to Blake’s room since he is sleeping in mine.” We quietly walked upstairs.

The door shut behind me. “I’m sorry that I got into your business earlier. It wasn’t my place.” He apologized.

“It is fine.” I smiled at him.

“Do you still want your hair cut?” Christie asked me.

The question kind of took me off guard, “Yes, why?”

Christie gave me a crazy psycho smile. She reached for something in her back pocket. “I got scissors!” She beamed with happiness.

“Oh my god. Your freaking nuts.”

“Yea yea yea. That’s what they all say.”

After thirty minutes, My blonde hair was now reaching my shoulders. I couldn’t wait to cut it when it grew out again so it could look healthier like Velvezhi said.

“Mom is back. Go downstairs and I’ll clean this up.” Chris said.

Christie and I walked downstairs and I was greeted with a cake on the table.

“We thought it would be nice to have a welcome back party.” My mom said.

“So how long will you be staying until you leave?” My mom asked me. We were currently on the way to the grocery store. After an hour of convincing Rem and Axe I would be fine they eventually agreed to let me go by myself with my mom.

“Probably for about two more days. I got a call the other night from Damon and Alec hasn’t been doing to great without me. Damon says he was annoying.” I chuckled. It’s been about two days since we have arrived.

My mom smiled, “Mates are like that. I bet the mate bond is tearing him apart right now.”

I shrugged my shoulders, “He will be fine. It’s not like I’m gone forever.”

“I missed you so much.” My mom said.

“I missed you more.”

My mom snorted, “I doubt it.”

After the grocery store, we went home and I helped my mom prepare dinner. That was one thing I missed. Cooking with her was the best when I was young.

I was in the process of making hot chocolate on the stove. “So Blake wants a dog for his birthday.”

“I think it’s a good idea you should convince dad. I know Mark wouldn’t mind.” I said.

“You think so? I was thinking of waiting till he gets more responsible.” She asked.

“No. I think he is fine now.”

We spent the rest of the day with my mom since I spent yesterday with Blake and Nick. I planned on spending time individually with everyone before I left.

My dad and I just got back the movies and we decided to go take a walk through the pack. It was a new day and unlike yesterday it was sunnier.

“Do you want to take a run later?” My dad asked. I knew he meant in wolf form.

I shook my head. “My wolf hasn’t really been feeling in the mood lately,” I told him.

“I understand.” He said.

“So what are we going to be doing for holidays?” He asked.

“You guys could come over to my pack. I’m sure Alec wouldn’t mind.” I suggested.

“I guess it would be a better idea. So he treats you good right?”

“Yes, dad.”

“I’m just looking out for you.”

“I know but you don’t need to anymore. I’m safe.”

My dad nodded his head and he looked away but it was too late because I had already seen the single stray tear. “It hurts when your only baby girl has grown up.”

“Dad...” I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to me. I hugged him and he hugged me back. I don’t know why I started breaking down but I did. We both silently cried as we hugged each other.

“You always will have me...” I told him.

“I wish I could see you more.” My dad said heartbroken.

“I know. I’m sorry.” I apologized.

“It is not your fault. It’s part of life.”

This was the last day I had with my pack. I spent the early morning with Mark and I was spending the rest of the day with everyone as a group. After dinner, we are going to leave. I was sad to leave but happy that I could see Alec again.

I was in the kitchen alone with my mother making dinner. The food was already out of the oven. All we have to do was add a few toppings but first, it had to be cut up. I helped my mom cut up some vegetables.

“It is sad that you are leaving. I’m going to cry all over again.” My mom said.

“I will be back.”

“I know. It just won’t be the same.” My mom put her elbows up on the counters.

On accident, she brushed up against the glass dish and it fell off the counter. We both gasped and without thinking, on impulse, I stopped the dish from landing on the floor with my magic. I looked into my mom’s eyes and she stared at the floating dish with wide eyes. My heart was racing and I made sure the dish was on the ground before relaxing my outstretched arm.

“Where did you learn that!” My mom gasped.

“There is a witch at Alec’s pack who taught me a few things. It’s no big deal.”

“No big deal! I wanted you to stay out of the life of being a witch. You knew that!” She scolded me.

“What’s so wrong about being a witch? Why can’t I be like Insuvai, Achira, and Velvezhi?”

“You know they are nothing but trouble. A werewolf is better than being a witch. I tried to raise you guys to not embrace that side of yourself.” She whispered so others, in the living room, wouldn’t hear. It looked like she was upset that I used magic.

I couldn’t necessarily blame her. She probably associated magic with her mother, Velvezhi. Obviously, I know why she would resent her and try to block out everything she knew about her. Which explains why my mom barely thought me how to use my fire magic along with Blake and his power.

My mom even hated to use her power, but she used it when necessary. “I know it may hurt you that I embraced my witch side but it was my choice,” I whispered back.

My mom nodded her head and continued to make dinner. We didn’t speak until I left.

After dinner, everyone that was leaving was in the process of packing. Chris was driving back with Alice, Xena, and Christie. I would be going back alone with Axe and Rem. Fine by me because I could sleep the whole way there. It wasn’t even night time but I was tired already.

Axe and Rem were already in the car waiting for me as I hugged everyone.

I lifted Blake up in my arms and he hugged me. “Be good now. I love you.”

“Love you more.”

I hugged Mark as we both said goodbye. Then I slowly walked to my parents. I didn’t want to say goodbye but I had too. It was killing me inside even though I knew I would see them again.

“I love you guys.” I hugged them both.

It took me thirty more minutes to say goodbye because I wasn’t ready to leave them yet. I haven’t seen them in so long and I just wanted to bring them with me. But I knew that their position in this pack prohibited them from leaving. Nick and Blake wouldn’t be able to leave the pack either because they would have to carry on the position.

When I was finally done I walked to the car with sadness. I waved to them from the back window as the car rolled off and it was horrible to see the pain on their faces, but at least they knew I would be fine.

I slept the whole way back to the pack. The whole six hours. Therefore, when I woke up it was dark and I wasn’t tired in the slightest bit. I noticed the town as we drove by and a bubbling feeling started in my stomach. Not due to nervousness but due to happiness. As crazy as it sounded I felt a sense of warmness as we drove down the long driveway.

The car parked in front of Alec’s house and I eagerly got out. Damon met me halfway on the sidewalk to the house.

“He’s your problem now.” Damon seemed to happy to leave. I laughed and walked up to the door.

When I got inside I put my suitcase in my room and put Blake’s golden car in the middle of my dresser.

After that, I looked around for Alec.

I walked downstairs and was instantly attacked by a hug. Alec buried his nose into my shoulder and sighed out loud.

“I’ve been losing my mind.” He said then he paused.

He looked at my whole appearance and his nose wrinkled in disgust. “Your hair. You cut your hair?” He processed this very slowly.

He ran his hand through my hair, “Why?”

I laughed, “It will grow back.”

His emotion quickly changed into happiness. “I have something to show you.” He quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me to the back door. I almost tripped because he was going at a fast pace. He opened the back door and brought me outside.

There was a new stone path that had outside lights on each side. Since it was dark, it was hard to see but the lights made it easier for me to see the huge greenhouse. My jaw dropped as I admired it. He actually got me a greenhouse. I can’t believe it!

I hugged Alec as hard as I could. “Thank you so much!” I squealed.

“Do you like it? I can get it changed if you want something bigger.” He asked.

“No, it’s perfect. I love it so much.”

“I asked Cevielle for help. I wanted her to tell me things about being a witch because I want to understand you. She gave me a mini lesson and she also gave you some herbs. They are in the greenhouse now.” Alec said.

I was smiling from ear to ear. “You did that all for me?” I was amazed at his effort to understand me.

“There’s more. Follow me.” I followed him back to the house. He led me to a door beside his office.

He opened the door and motioned me to go inside. I walked in the dim room.

“I redecorated it for you. It’s a place where you can do magic in peace.”

The wallpaper was black with grey spirals and the black carpet made me fall in love with it all. He remembered my favorite color, even though it is the same as his, it still shows effort.

A mahogany desk with a black fuzzy chair was in the middle of the room with an antique carpet under it. Long candles decorated the desk, and candle sconces were on each wall.

I was literally exploding inside at his kind gesture.

I turned to him.

“What made you do all this?”

His eyes were sparkling.

“Because I realized something. I have to win you over and that’s what I’m going to do.”


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