Rescued By The Merman: A Little Mermaid Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 3)

Rescued By The Merman: Chapter 31

I sit in front of the mirror as Althea runs a comb through my long, red hair. Dressed in my silken, white wedding gown, I stare at my reflection, trying to convince myself this is what I want, when I know, deep down that it’s not.

Gerold walks into my room. “You are sure you want to go through with this?” he asks.

I sigh and turn toward him. “Henrick is a good man. He may be blunt, but he is honest, and kind and—” I stop short. Drawing in a deep breath, I meet Gerold’s eyes evenly. In my heart, I know this is wrong. I do not love him. “I cannot marry him. Oh, Gerold, what have I done? He is a good person. I do not want to shame him and—’

Gerold gives me a faint smile and kisses my forehead. “As you said, he is a good man. And an honest one. He appreciates the truth, and he will respect your decision. I’m sure of it.”

He hugs me and pulls Althea into the embrace. “I’ll call him in here to speak with you. All right?”

I nod.

It doesn’t take long for Henrick to come to my room. As soon as he enters, he walks toward me. He takes my hand and sits down in a chair beside me. “You have changed your mind.”

He says this as a statement, but I recognize it is also a question. “Yes.”

His blue eyes study me a moment before speaking. “Thank you for being honest.” He darts a glance at my brother. “Our alliance will remain intact either way. Whatever aid your city needs, you must simply ask, and it is yours.”

Gently, I squeeze his hand and his gaze snaps back to mine. “You are a good and honorable man, Henrick. Thank you for understanding.”

A faint smile crests his lips. “If you change your mind, my offer still stands.”

Guilt fills me. “I… do not want to offer you any false hope, Henrick. I have made my decision.”

He grins. “You cannot blame me for trying, can you?”

“No,” I laugh softly. “I suppose not.”

He stands. “Well, I suppose I will be off.”

“Surely, you do not mean to sail away tonight. It would be safer to leave in the morning, would it not?” Gerold calls from the doorway. “You are welcome to stay as long as you like.”

“I appreciate that,” he says. “I will take you up on your offer and stay tonight. I will leave at dawn.”

He makes his way to the balcony, casting his gaze out to the sea.

I carefully make my way to his side.

My mouth drifts open as I notice a pair of glowing blue eyes staring up at me from the water.

“A Mer,” Henrick murmurs beside me, pointing at him.

“Halla!” the Merman calls out.

“Who are you?” I reply. “How do you know my name?”

“Please,” he replies. “Meet me down at the shoreline.”

Henrick growls low in his throat, and Gerold moves to stand on my other side. “What do you want with my sister?” he shouts.

“I just wish to speak with her. That is all.”

“Come to me, Halla,” a voice seems to whisper on the wind, tugging at my very soul as if there was an invisible tether between us. “Please. You must trust me.”

I feel compelled to go to him. As if this is the reason I am drawn to the sea.

“Fate led us to each other,” I remember the whispered words of the man in my dreams.

While I understand it is strange, I cannot ignore this feeling. I must go to the shoreline. I look to Henrick and Gerold. “Will you help me down?”

Gerold’s head jerks back. “You wish to speak with him?”


He frowns and I take his hand. “I… cannot explain it, Gerold, but there is something familiar about him. I have to talk to him. I need to understand why I feel this way.” I dart a glance to the sea. “I have dreamed of those eyes. Several times. It’s as if I know him somehow.”

Gerold blinks several times, but finally nods in agreement. “Fine. But I will go with you.”

“I’ll come as well,” Henrick says, his voice a low growl. “If he dares try to drag you into the water, I will end him.”

“I do not think he wants to hurt me,” I say quickly.

“How do you know?” Henrick’s gaze snaps to mine. “He is Mer. There are rumors about them, you know.”

“Yes, but their people helped ours. They gave us several chests full of treasure to rebuild the city. I doubt they want to harm any of us.”

He sighs. “I suppose you are right. But still… you cannot be too careful.”

Still dressed in my wedding gown, I make my way through the castle. Henrick on one arm and Gerold on the other.

My progress is slow and my legs feel weak, but I refuse to give up, even as Gerold and Henrick offer to carry me the rest of the way to the beach.

Instead, I continue out into the gardens and down the pathway to the shoreline.

When we reach the beach, the waves crash upon the shore. The warm water washes over my feet and ankles, leaving trails of seafoam in the sand as it retreats.

My hair whips around me as the cool air blows in off the sea.

A Merman swims toward us and my mouth drifts open as I recognize the man from my dreams.

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