Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate

Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Chapter 38

”Keep your head low,” Nathaniel advised.

”Why?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

”because you don’t need to react to anything, but your wolf does. Keep your face away from anything that may disturb your focus, and then deep breaths.” No idea why that was revilement at all but decided to trust him. I closed my eyes, shook out my arms, and before lowering my head, focusing on my breathing.

Deep breaths, in and out. My chest expanded as the scent of the water and the forest filled my lungs.

I jumped and opened my eyes when Nathaniel’s hand suddenly rested against my stomach. He stood behind me, I looked over my shoulder and saw his eyes were closed.

”Close your eyes.” He ordered. How did he know?

I listened, taking a deep breath, and exhaling slowly. His hand remained there softly pressing against my stomach, following my movements.

”Do you remember the waterfall?” He asked me. His voice took on a much nicer and calmer note that was more pleasing to listen to.

”I do,”

”visualize it.” It didn’t take long before the image of the waterfall appeared before me.

The water streaming down, and the children laughing as they jumped down from the top. The sound of the water breaking the surface of the river and the sun reflecting off the wall.

”Feel it,” I imagine putting my hand in the waterfall, feeling the water flowing down either side of my hand. ”Smell it.” His soothing voice eased my nerves as the scents of cedar, grass, earth, and rainwater filled my nose.

”You’re going to learn the basics—how to see a memory and make it real in your mind.” It was an odd feeling. As if my feet were truly walking on the tickling grass and the wind that blew softly against my skin felt like tender caresses.

He took a hold of my hand and positioned it over his own.

I wasn’t sure about the reasoning behind the move. Was I supposed to feel or see something, as it had when I touched the table?

He intertwined our fingers, his chest pressed up against me as he breathed and I felt him growing tenser behind me.

Nathaniel’s hands suddenly pulled away from me and I turned around.

He had stepped back and observed me.

”You didn’t see anything?” He asked. I shook my head.

”I didn’t, what was I expected to see?” He took a deep breath, expanding his chest and causing his shirt to stretch, revealing the contours of his pecs through the thin fabric

”Never mind. It seems to take longer than I anticipated to teach you our powers.” In the blink of an eye, Nathaniel bent down and swiftly picked up a rock that was tossed at my face. Staring at him with wide eyes I circled my fingers around the pointy rock and threw it aside.

“What the hell is wrong with you!” The blood rushed to my head, as I stepped towards him. ”Is this how you teach the pups, by throwing rocks in their faces?”

”Are you ten?” He retorted, raising an eyebrow.

”No, I’m not.” I seethed, taking a step back.

”Then don’t compare yourself to those who are. Your training will be different because you are different. Our plan has to be tailored to your abilities.” He scanned me up and down and clicked his tongue.

”You’re fast, we can use that. How about your strength?” Before I knew it,he stood in front of me. Nathaniel gripped my arm and twisted it behind my back, causing me to grit my teeth in pain. I faced the water, with him pressed against my back holding my arm in a painful position. ”Let’s play a game. Let’s see if you can break free before I break your arm.” He pressed my arm further up towards my neck, and I growled. My other arm grabbed a hold of his arm and I spun on my feet, ducking under his arm and pushed at his chest so he fell back a step.

The pride shimmered in his eyes, much like the sun itself.

”Nicely done,” he cooed and grinned.

”Let’s head back, you’re done for today.”

”That’s it? That’s the whole practice?” I asked as my arms shot out. All he had done was have me breath and then nearly break my arm.

”That was it. I need to plan out a new schedule for you, and once I do, your training sessions will be three to six hours a day for the foreseeable future.”

”I’m sorry, what?”

”See it as a full time job-” he said and started walking back but he paused for a second and turned halfway.

”-only you’re not getting paid, and it will be physically and mentally brutal.” Lovely.

I was thrilled to see my fridge and freezer were fully stocked with both meats and veggies as well as snacks and ice cream. Taking out some chicken breasts and pasta I decided I’d make a delicious dinner. I’ve never cooked before, as it was always my parents or the pack chef who handled the kitchen duties, so I figured it was time to learn.

”Parmesan chicken,” I said, mouth watering as I read the recipe and looked at the pictures.

’You’ve never cooked in your whole life’ Clara said, sounding worried.

“I know that but how hard can this be? The recipe is step by step”

’Alrighty’ Clara was eagerly watching everything I did and smelling the chicken had her salivating.

’I smell something. It smells burnt’ She commented. I turned around and cursed when I saw the onion turning black in the pan.

”It’s fine,” I said, quickly rinsing them under water.

’Imagine if you just got this house for free and within a week, you burn it to the ground’ Clara remarked sarcastically.

“Thanks, Clara”

’Anytime, Layla’

“Ahem,” I turned around and saw Justin clearing his throat behind me, displaying a cheeky grin and a guilty look on his face.

”I knocked, but I don’t think you heard me, and then I smelled fire and invited myself in.” He leaned over and peered into the pan.

”It looks good, but you know, I think cream would make the sauce tastier than water.” I playfully nudged him with my shoulder and rolled my eyes.

”I’m learning here, it takes time. Nobody can expect perfection on the first try,”

”That’s very true.” He said, bobbing his head.

”Um,” I turned with a glare, noticing his hand was held out over the pan. ”You might want to add some oil to that first,”

”…great, now pour in the onions.” I was walking away to start cutting the garlic when he called me over.

”You can’t just leave the pan unsupervised. The onions will burn if you don’t stir them,”

”Oh,” I started stirring and sighed. Never did it occur to me how boring cooking food would be.

I added the chicken and was about to add the cream when his hand shot out again. There was certainly nothing wrong with my visualization skills because I could clearly imagine his hand on top of that cutting board and a knife slicing down on his wrist.

”The chicken has to cook first,” he said, tryin to hold back hid laughter, hid face turning red.

”I knew that,” I gently placed the cream down and waited patiently.

’Patiently?’ Somewhat patiently…

Justin took over and flipped the chicken like a pro, tossing it in the pan. I leaned back against the counter, sipped my coffee, and enjoyed the delightful aromas that were filling my house. ”Voila, dinner is served,” he smiled as he filled a plate and garnished it with some parsley and shredded parmesan. I returned the smile, walked over to the cabinet and grabbed another plate. ”You can’t cook and not eat,” I said and loaded up a plate for him.

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