Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 3)

: Chapter 90

Nathaniel grabbed my hand harder and turned back to the others.

“Eland Wheeler,” the first man stepped up on the rock. He heaved a sigh as he walked up to us. “My king,” He said and bowed his head.

“Any last words?”

The man looked up through his lashes and shook his head.

“I do not regret my actions,” Eland stated.

“Please,” Nathaniel said and gestured with head. Eland went down on his knees in front of Nathaniel. Everyone was watching; even the children were forced to bear witness to the barbaric event.

Jackson stepped up on the rock and held back Eland’s head. Nathaniel gripped my hand even harder and raised the blade. In the blink of an eye he slashed Eland’s throat. A gasp escaped me and my hand flew to my mouth, everything slowed down and I watched in the slowest way how Eldand’s eyes rolled back, and fell limp to the ground, laying in his own pool of blood.

My stomach started turning, and I was seconds away from vomiting.

’You need to calm down; you can’t throw up’

I don’t think that’s a choice

’It is; you have too handle this’



“Ed Far,” Nathniael called. He stepped up on the rock and watched Eland’s lifeless body laying in a pool of his own blood.

“Any last words?”

“I’m sorry, my king, but I do not understand my wrongdoings.” He said in a raspy voice. He was older, older than my father.

“Then you cannot make right for what you did,” Nathaniel said and gestured with his head.

“But, my king, I will try to-“ his words were cut short as Jackson pressed behind his knees, forcing him on his knees.

“No, please,” his agonized cries for help pierced my heart. Heavy, and a suffocating weight was laying on my chest and I couldn’t believe what was happening in front of me.

I wanted to rip the dress off; it was oppressive, and I was getting warmer with each passing second. Nathaniel pressed the bloodied blade against Ed and pierced his throat without hesitation. His blood spurted and I looked down at my dress when I felt some drops hitting me but they melted into the color of the fabric.

“Jonas Hall,” Jonas— I knew him; we’d been talking a lot in my first few weeks here. I looked over at the boy and his mom; they were a family. Jonas was the boy’s father, but why was he here?

“Any last words?” Jonas looked at me, his eyes boring into mine, his lips curling into a gentle smile before answering Nathaniel.

“No, my king, I regret only the fact that I didn’t do more.” Nathaniel’s jaw clicked; he was reacting differently than to the others. He let out a small chuckle, like he was pitying him. Jonas descended to his knees keeping eye contact with Nathaniel. Nathaniel gripped the handle of the blade much harsher this time. In milliseconds he brings the blade to the air, but stops. He slowly retreats and instead points the tip to his throat, slowly, painfully, pushing it in. Agonized yells were echoing through the forest and I couldn’t help but to close my eyes. One of the few people who took me in and showed interest in me when I came here, was now drowning in screams and blood.

I opened my eyes after the dying screams died out and what was once a gray rock was now painted crimson red.

I was biting back the tears with all my might; Nathaniel’s hand still clasped onto mine, and it was starting to hurt.

He looked up, his face painted with red splashes from the blood he drew and he looked at the woman who was standing alone.

I drew a shaky breath and swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

Nathnaiel’s brows furrowed in confusion, as he looked around at the others. His eyes looked past the woman, and the anger that radiated from him was causing me to shiver.

“Where is Justin?” He asked. My heart stopped, it sank slowly into my gut and my body started shaking.

“What?” I breathed.

“My king, he wasn’t with the others when we went to grab them,” Jackson said.

“Why am I only hearing about this now?” He seethed.

“We figured the ceremony would still take place as usual, and it’s Justin; wherever he is, he won’t make it very long.”

“We’ll talk about this later,” Nathaniel said. The glint turned into a treble of fear and Jackson bowed his head and stepped back.

“Stella Arnold,” she stepped up, her head held high and her back straight. She looked so strong, so beautiful, and I couldn’t believe what was about to happen.

“Any last words?” Nathaniel asked.

“Yes,” she said and turned her head to me.

“Sometimes, in order to win, we must take ourselves out of the equation,”

She said and stared into my soul as she spoke. Stella was forced down on her knees by Jackson. Nathaniel pressed the blade against her throat but this time he tugged me closer. He circled his arm around my waist, and I was standing inches away from her.

He looked at me, his face inching closer, and he nuzzled into my hair as he forced my head to the side to bear witness, and the second I was looking, Nathaniel slit her throat. The drops flew and prickled my jaw.

A tear fell without permission, it slid down my cheek. Nathaniel turned his head and wiped the tear away with his thumb. He watched me, his eyes gazing into mine as Jackson came over and grabbed the weapon from his hand. Nathaniel drew a deep breath; his eyes flickered to my lips as his fingers played with the strap of my dress. He drew circles on my shoulders before sliding them down my chest, and I bit together as the burning pain started shooting out in spikes.

“Shh,” he whispered, his fingers tracing over the lines on my skin, causing my body to tense up. Nathaniel leaned in, his lips brushing against me he pressed them ever so slightly against my neck. “You really are exceptionally beautiful,” he whispered and pressed against my chest. A scream pressed its way from my lips and I fell into his arms as my legs buckled underneath me.

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