Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 2)

: Chapter 67


Danielle grabbed her robe and placed it around her body. The whole room shifted into darkness; the blinds were drawn, and the air stiffened.

Kade’s eyes burned into mine. His eyes were yellow, and anger filled the room.

Mason and Cara stepped around him, both of them with their wolves front and center. Danielle backed away, and Kade stepped inside. The door hung off its hinges and then slammed onto the floor.

Kade was wrathful, and I assumed he knew everything that had just been said. I looked over my shoulder at Danielle, who looked void of emotion as she stared back at me. That bitch, she double-crossed me.


The cellar doors slammed shut, and Sebastian was tossed down on the concrete floor. The door opened up into the dungeon, and his dad came running in.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing!” He walked up in my face, and a warrior came up behind him, and grabbed around his throat with a blade cutting through the skin barrier.

“Alpha Kade, this is preposterous!” Dimitri said, frantically looking between everyone.

The dungeon was dark and cold. It wasn’t a nice place to be in, and it wasn’t supposed to be.

They were all expressing fear, which was good; they knew the stakes here.

I growled, and everyone quieted. Cara walked up to one of the cells and held open the door.

They tossed Sebastian’s father in there, and Dmitiri was in a cell opposite of them. I grabbed a chair and sat in the back.

“Sebastian, I would like for you to tell them what you just said,” I voiced and leaned forward, placing my elbows on my knees. He scoffed and spat on the floor. I gestured for one of the warriors, and he opened the cell and dragged Sebastian’s sorry ass out. He fell down on his knees in front of me.

I gestured for her to come, and Daneille walked up, standing beside me. She looked down at the sorry excuse of a man sitting on the ground.

The warrior raised his knee and kicked. I heard Sebastian’s ribs break as he flew back a few inches.

“You thought that because you were fucking my ex, that you were suddenly all mighty, didn’t you? Because Danielle showed you affection and opened her legs for you, you thought could do more than be a pathetic little brat who will never amount to anything.” I squatted down in front of him. “She let you fuck her because I told her to. She sucked your dick because I told her to. Everything that has happened since you showed your ugly face here has happened because I made it happen.” I stood and slammed my foot down on his chest.

“Tell him what you said!”

Sebastian was shaking as he pulled himself up into seated position and looked at his dad.

“I… I told her,” his voice was a whimper.

“Louder, or I will rip your tongue out if you have no use for it.”

His lips trembled, his eyes sparkling from tears that were building up, and snot was

coming out of his nose.

“I told her!” Spit flew from his mouth, but even with that, his dad seemed confused as to why he was sitting behind bars.

The blood started to stain Sebastian’s clothes, and his hands were shaking from the pain that he would soon heal from.

“See, the problem with torturing werewolves is that we heal so quickly, so we’re just going to have to inflict twice as much pain until you start singing like a bird.”

“I don’t think it’s going to take so much,” Mason said with a grin. He was ready, he wanted it, and he was going to get it. My sister was next in line, but her job was taking care of Aldo, and she had her tools ready to go in case Sebastian was tougher than he looked, sounded, or said.

“You are not going to torture my son!”

“Oh no, we are. And in case that doesn’t work,” Cara said and took out a knife from its leather sheath. She threw it with a precise precision, and it flew between the bars up at the ceiling and hit a latch. The hatches opened up, the fans started spinning, and by pressing a button on the side wall, the wolfsbane seeped through the bars into Aldo’s cell. He pulled his hands off and then ran across the floor as his feet started sizzling from the poison. With burn marks and torn flesh, he pressed himself back onto the wall and started screaming in agony.

Sebastian watched in horror. He knew the pain of wolfsbane, we all did, and now his father was experiencing endless torture from it.

“Stop, stop!” Sebastian cried out and backed away.

I nodded my head, and Cara pressed the button. Aldo fell to the floor, his eyes piercing in pure hatred at me and then at his son.

“He told us your plan with Layla. You were going to take her, use her, and force her to do your bidding. I have been nice up until now. I invited you into my home. I agreed to have you come with us to help her and to fight the Emberclaws. But did you really think for even a second that I trusted you? You abused the niceties, the welcome, and the hospaitly that I showed. And if ever there was a doubt in your mind about who I am…“ I circled my fingers around the poisoned bars, and the smoke rose as layers of my skin were burnt off. “…I will now show you.”

The sun had set, and only a few lamps helped shed some light throughout the house. People were asleep, but I was sitting in my office going over every fucking piece of paper that we had. I needed to find the diary and I needed to do it now.

Mason was downstairs trying to pry out information from Sebastian, and Cara was with Anna, trying to come up with a way to get into the Emberclaw pack or somehow contact Layla. I hadn’t met Analise for days now, and I could feel myself spiraling.

“Kade,” Danielle poked her head in through the doors.

“What?” She closed the door behind her and stepped in.

“Look at me.” Holding the papers in my hand, I looked up at her. She took a set on the chair in front of the desk and smiled a somber smile.

Her eyes showed how tired she was, and she never had dark circles under her eyes until now. She really had taken one for the team; I just still didn’t know which team she was on.

“When we talked earlier,“ I said.

“—you said that they thought you were her, they thought you were Layla. What did they do with you when you got there?” She ran her fingers through her hair and looked at the papers on the desk. She picked one up and nodded her head.

“They were all really nice at first. I got a darling house to live in, and everyone was friendly,”

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