Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 -Ignatius-

I had never before won a fight against my father. And, as I had told Dorothy, there had been many many fights. It was the only way Elliot would ever seem to be willing to hear me out. He expected me to fight to

be heard.

Looking away from my father and hearing his angry howls, I felt a plethora of conflicting emotions. There was no doubt Elliot did not see this fight as a victory for me. He was still alive and to him, that meant that I had not won the battle for Alpha

"You're a coward, Ignatius!"

He was still fighting as he was forced into the van, an extra sheet of silver had to be placed around his neck to subdue his shifting abilities

I chose to focus my attention on the young generation before me rather than the cold old man at my back. Elliot had done many great things for the Bielke people, but he had also done a lot of damage, and his time as Alpha was officially over.

I could feel the change like a swelling in my chest. Tor was filled with a new wave of power and my b*dy felt stronger than it ever had. Whether that was thanks to Dorothy's sneaky healing or my own Alpha powers coming into play, I had no idea but I was grateful all the same.

Dorothy's small soft hand was on my chest, reassuring me. I looked down at my mate in my arms. "Thank you," I whispered low enough that she had to lean her head in to hear me. "Thank you for being here. couldn't have done this without you.

She tapped her fingers on my chest, tracing the pale lines of scar tissue that had remained after she healed up the gas hes. "You were always meant to be a great Alpha and the leader of these people, I had nothing to do with it."

"Not true," I hushed her protests with a k*ss and pressed my forehead to hers. Her eyes blurred into one cyclops pupil as we looked at each other from such close proximity. "An Alpha is nothing without his Luna"

This made her smile even though Tor sensed that she still held onto alarming amounts of self-hatred for being unable to be of more use. I filed that away to be dealt with another day.

We had a lot to talk about it seemed, but I had just noticed the large slice on her jaw and neck that was staining her shirt red.

"You're hurt 1 exclaimed, kicking myself me ntally for not noticing it earlier.

"What, this?" Dorothy touched the sticky wound and frowned. "It's nothing. That guy brushed me with his knife after 1

broke his nose.

I heard the pride in her voice when she said that and I would have laughed if I hadn't been so concerned. "See? You did help out tonight after all. There would have been one less broken nose without you." -Dorothy-

"I'm fine Go d?"

Both Angie and Ignatius were fawning over me and my bleeding jawline. After Elliot and the others had been taken away to the Bielke Pack's cellars, everyone had congregated outside

Ignatius became aware of just how much blood I was losing from the slice up my neck and Angie had rushed over with gater and healing ointment. They had sat me down on the steps to bandage up the cut and proceeded to smother me completely in their concern for my health

I pushed Angie's hands away from me and smacked at Ignatius when he tried to lay another Layer of gauze onto the wound. "Ignatius Armoundt, 1 will not hesitate to hate your hand off if you don't stop right the fuck now!"

"Fiesty one isn't she, Angie said, ruffling my hair. The temper quatches the hair color perfectly


10:50 Fri, Jan 26 Chapter 55

"Arrghh!" I stood up and stepped away from the both of them, holding my hands out in front of me in a warning. "Go dda mmit. I'm fine. It was just a scratch" "You could have died, Dorothy. Ignatius said, trying to pull me back down onto his lap. "And then you were still dumb enough to try and heal me."

I allowed him to guide me onto his knees but I maintained my grumpy attitude. "You were passing out. And that's not a good look for the new Alpha of the pack." Ignatius muzzled my head and I pushed his face away. "Stop smothering me! I'm your new Luna, I need to be composed in front of everyone

Ignatius took both my wrists in one hand and kept up his muzzling, k*ssing along my cheek and my frowning face as 1 blushed. "But you're also my girl," he teased. After Ignatius was done faffing over me, his beloved, it was time to make some plans. Everyone gathered around as Ignatius dictated the new plan of action now that the pack had been taken back by the younger generation

He scheduled a meeting for the next day where a trial would also be held for the three shifters who attacked me. He would also spend tomorrow organizing a new councilors table.

Ignatius appointed Angie as the new official leader of the Bielke army and Angie in turn named Fae and Gideon her trusted subordinates. Three other shifters who I hadn't met yet were appointed positions in power until a proper vote could be organized

"Tonight we rest, but be on guard, Ignatius warned the pack. "There are still Tally imposters lurking about so stick together. To other rival packs, we may seem more vulnerable now that we have banished our previous leaders. It won't take long for the word to spread. We need to be ready. I'll see you all here tomorrow. And thank you for trusting me as your leader, it's an


After much congratulating and cheering from dozens of faces that passed me by in a blur. Ignatius guided me to Gideon's van which would be escorting us home. Angie and the other two had been offered a place to stay inside the mansion but they were all eager to get back to their families

Far's mother was a widower and Fae didn't want to leave her alone for too long. All of Gideon's brothers had been present for the attack and were heading back to their parents who had chosen to stay behind. Angie wanted to make sure her family had stayed put as was asked of them. Her grandfather would be dealt with the next morning.

Gideon dropped us off at the mansion and bid us goodbye. Everyone was still high on the adrenaline rush that the night had sparked but there was still a hint of unease in the air at the thought of Johan being on the loose.

Rita too had gone home after giving me a bear hug that was surprisingly crushing for someone so small and promised to see me at the councilors hall the next morning. She had brushed asile my concerns for her safety with a tw inkle in her eye.

"No shifter would dare come after me," she had said. "Il fly away before they can cause any trouble"

Ignatius had appointed a few of the best guards to take up camp around the mansion for the might I doubted Johan would be showing up so soon after he had been injured by Bielke members but Ignatius wasn't willing to take the risk.

By the time we walked inside I came to realize just how exhausted I was by the long night we had had The moon was high in the day and I suspected it was long past midnight by the time we peeled off our clothes and crawled into bed

It was only after Ignatius and I had gotten cozy, lying n*ked together in a tangled mess of limbs that I felt a sudden shift in my stomach and a fiery athe arose in my loins. I ignored it for some time thinking it was the leftover effects of nerves from earlier but it grew tou strong to push aside.

"Um. Ignatius?"

"Hmune" his rough voice already spoke of deep slumber.

10:50 Fri, Jan 26 G.

Chapter 55

"I think I'm going into heat",


Ignatius didn't seem to hear me at first but he snapped to full attention when my honey-sweet scent became apparent.

"Now?" he asked, suddenly on high alert and heated himself as my scent coaxed him closer. "Does war and revolution get you off, Dorothy?"

"Shut up, I moaned and pulled him on top of me in a deep k*ss

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