Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 39: Dilemma

It was the time of departure.

Shiron expressed his desire to say his farewells, ushering his companions out first.

Standing leisurely in front of the main gate, Shiron glanced over his servants.

Not a single one shed tears. Instead, they seemed more resentful of Enshia and Ophelia for leaving them behind.

To Shiron, this was a pleasant fact. Better to live a life with as few tearful moments as possible.

So, he spoke in a calm tone.

“I’ll come back when I become stronger. Until then, take good care.”

“I’ll be praying for that day to come soon. I feel like I’ll miss seeing your face, even if it’s tomorrow.”

Yuma’s soft-spoken words carried a hint of sadness in her eyes.

She then handed Shiron a pouch. Shiron, with a questioning look on his face, accepted it.

“What’s this?”

“I sorted out things from the storeroom that can be quickly converted into cash. You know, no matter how much money one has, it’s never enough.”

Upon opening the pouch, various trinkets and jewels peeked out. Shiron smiled warmly, tucking the pouch inside his clothing.

“Why did you gather all of this for me?”

Even though she had already gathered everything useful, Yuma generously gave even more. Shiron felt, once again, that Yuma was especially fond of him.

“Take care of yourself.”

“Actually, I’m more worried about you.”

“Well, worry a lot then. The path ahead is uncertain, and that worries me too.”

Even in this situation, Shiron joked with Yuma. His unwavering smile throughout the morning contrasted with Yuma’s somber face.

“And this,”

Shiron handed Yuma a letter.

“What is this?”

“It’s for my father after I leave. Don’t read it now, only when the time comes.”


Yuma politely took the letter.

It was unprecedented, awakening the power of prophecy before the coming-of-age ceremony. He clearly foresaw the future.

But she didn’t feel scared. Instead, her trust in Shiron only grew. Finally, Yuma managed a small smile.

“I’m done here.”

It was time to wrap up the farewells.

Shiron turned to look at Lucia.

Her awkward posture suggested she still felt uneasy around Yuma and the maids.

Lucia averted her gaze with a sulky expression.

“Fine, you’re not a child.”

“You’re still a child. And since when do children avoid farewells?”


She didn’t respond.

‘After reincarnating, did she truly become a child?’

Growing impatient, Shiron approached Lucia and forcefully pushed her back.

“Don’t be stubborn.”

“Stop, don’t!”

Although she resisted strongly, Shiron continued pushing Lucia with all his might.

Lucia glanced back at Shiron with a murderous look, but Shiron pretended not to see and closed his eyes.


Lucia and Yuma stood face to face.

Realizing there was no escape now, Lucia reluctantly spoke.

“…Thank you for everything.”

“I believe you will adapt well in your new place, Miss Lucia.”

Both kept their expressions neutral throughout.

“I should get going now.”

“Take care.”

With those words, Yuma bowed deeply.

It was a rather plain farewell.

Considering the warm conversation between Shiron and Yuma just moments before, Lucia and Yuma’s relationship seemed almost antagonistic at a glance.

‘They are indeed adversaries.’

Shiron chuckled as he observed the stiff pair.

The one who nicknamed Yuma as the “Horned Yuma” was Lucia’s past life, Kyrie. While Yuma might be unaware, the thought that Lucia was conscious of that fact amused Shiron.contemporary romance

Lucia nodded her head towards Yuma.

Then, she turned around and glared sharply at Shiron.

“You really are spiteful.”

“You only realized that now? Living with patience sure has made you slow.”

“Look at your audacity, truly horrible.”

“I wonder why I’m like this? Maybe my head got weird because I kept being raised by the demon race.”


“I’m dying because I couldn’t sleep. I’ll go ahead.”

After finishing his words, Shiron stretched out a yawn and headed far ahead. Lucia quietly watched Shiron walk away.

‘In the end, I left without finding out anything.’

Lucia, with a discomforting feeling, looked around the vista of Dawn Castle.

The remnants of the past she was experiencing for the first time after her reincarnation.

The only thing she learned here was that the Prient family was being raised and maintained by the demon race.

The two months were too short a time to figure out the reason for her reincarnation on her own.

Aside from morning training, she spent most of her time in the library. However, the history books she barely managed to read didn’t have a single line explaining how the Prient family came to be.

Only occasionally were there mentions that they were descendants of the hero.

‘If I were stronger, could I have directly asked Yuma the reason?’

Lucia looked back at Yuma, with whom she had just exchanged farewells. As Yuma bowed her head in farewell, a particular horn on her head stood out.

Every time Lucia saw Yuma, her heart felt uneasy. It might be because she’s a demon, but the existence of that horn was the most significant factor.

500 years ago, during the days when they were constantly battling the demon race. Yuma, who once terrorized the expedition team, couldn’t even stand up against Kyrie. When Yuma first met Kyrie, Kyrie had already reached the pinnacle of a sword master.

‘You people are proud of your horns, aren’t you?’


‘Why should I? You killed people even when they pleaded not to.’

With cold eyes, Kyrie turned Yuma into a one-horned being. The vivid memory of Kyrie’s powerful hand destroying Yuma’s left horn and the desperate scream Yuma let out still lingered.

At times, the image of the old Yuma, who shot poisonous glares at Kyrie, overlapped with the current Yuma.

If it was Kyrie from back then, she might have disregarded Yuma’s grudge and scoffed and mocked her.

She was definitely like that in the past. But not anymore.

She didn’t expect to be reincarnated.

She didn’t anticipate meeting this way.

Kyrie, reincarnated as Lucia, was too weak. So powerless that Yuma could kill her with a mere gesture.

‘If I revealed I am Kyrie… I would probably be dead.’

Even though she now showed warm smiles to children, like a mother, mending a gap in one’s emotions wasn’t easy.

‘Compared to then, both Yuma and I have become gentler…’

But the fact that Yuma was a demon hasn’t changed. Lucia still hadn’t forgotten her piercing gaze.

So, leaving Dawn Castle was a liberation for her.

Had Hugo not suggested it, she might have lived there with that emotional burden forever.

Luckily, Shiron decided to follow Hugo. Parting with those he had known for a long time was a choice, but Shiron decided to leave Dawn Castle.

Seeing the conviction in Shiron’s face, she wondered why he looked so sure. But even if she asked him directly, she wouldn’t get a straightforward answer.

Acting as if he’s some kind of poet, he just prattled about the starlight and other eccentric tales.

Whether he’s telling the truth or evading it, she couldn’t tell. Given that Lucia was hiding her identity as a reincarnator from Shiron, she couldn’t press any further.

‘At least until I can reveal that I’m Kyrie…’

Lucia felt the urgent need to become stronger.

Until she could announce that she was Kyrie and overcome all potential dangers, she had no plans to reveal her identity to Shiron.

Lucia hastened her steps, wishing for that day to come quickly.

In the distance, she could see the carriage prepared by Hugo.

On the way to the capital.

Inside the last carriage of the Knights’ procession, which was conspicuously extravagant.

“He must’ve been really tired. He’s sleeping like a log.”

Siriel chuckled as she observed Shiron, who had taken up an entire corner of the seat. Even though the carriage prepared by Hugo was luxurious, it shook quite a lot. Yet Shiron was able to sleep through it.

“What on earth did he do last night to be this exhausted?”

Lucia replied sarcastically, sneaking a glance at Shiron’s hand.

His hand, placed neatly on his belly, resembled someone resting in a coffin. Before they knew it, his wound had healed. It was far beyond normal human regeneration. They had assumed it would take months to heal.

“…His hand, it’s completely healed.”

“Ah? Oh, you mean the hand. I’m glad it healed quickly.”


Lucia spoke calmly, but her expression betrayed her unease. Siriel laughed it off without giving it much thought, but Shiron’s rate of healing seemed off to Lucia as well.

Was it the power of the Prient bloodline or the influence of the holy sword? Since Shiron was a child whose true background was a slight mystery, one could naturally speculate in that direction.

In the end, Lucia was filled with unanswered questions and growing curiosity.

Rumble Rumble-!

“What was that?!”

The carriage began to shake violently. Dust from outside darkened the carriage’s interior.

“A landslide? An ambush?”

“Uh… probably neither?”

“You think not?”

Lucia looked skeptically at Siriel. The carriage shook as if there were an earthquake, yet Siriel remained surprisingly calm. Thankfully, through all this commotion, Shiron still slept soundly.

After a moment, the shaking stopped.

“… It’s stopped.”

“Right? This happened a few times when we were on our way here.”


The vibration ceased, and the carriage began to move again.

“It happened several times?”


Siriel smiled as she adjusted Shiron, who was about to fall off his seat.

“I bet it’s because of father.”

“Hugo… You mean the Duke?”

“Yes. Want to look outside?”


Siriel shifted her gaze out of the window. Following suit, Lucia turned her head.

Moments later, as the dust cleared, Lucia’s eyes widened.

A massive object lay in two parts next to the procession. Right now, their procession was passing through the gap. As the carriage moved forward, the enormous thing occupied their entire view.

“…Looks like father took care of the beast blocking the road.”

Lucia turned her gaze to Siriel. As if such an event was nothing out of the ordinary, Siriel smiled serenely.

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