Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 4


I swear of all the people I have stood up against, this Ricky woman is the most excruciatingly, enraging woman I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.

I want to wipe that smart mouth off her face, but something is holding me back. Normally, she wouldn’t of lived past the first sentence out of her mouth. I don’t know why I’m keeping her breathing.

If she was anyone else….

I need to stop her arrogance before the others start noticing. If I look weak, the rest will follow her behavior. I can’t have that.

I don’t know why I can’t treat her just like anyone else who disrespects me. Something stops me from removing her head from her shoulders. I’m madder than hell, but every time her eyes meet mine, it’s like I can’t move. My feelings don’t change. I want to spill her blood all over the floor, but my mind won’t let me.

Her scent of sweet orchids is the most aggravating. No matter what, if she’s anywhere within a hundred feet, I smell it. My blood pressure hits the roof every time. I’ve brought down kingdoms with my bare hands, but this damn woman’s scent has me stopping in my tracks.

I shake my head as I drive to the unit. I decided to drive myself so I could think in peace. I need to get rid of this woman before I really lose it.

Just thinking about her soft curves, her sparkling eyes and wet lips, has me drooling for bloody murder.

My knuckles turn white as my hands wring the shit out of the steering wheel of my Bentley Continental GT. I’m driving the two lane road of Falcon Ridge’s main strip.

I glace in the rear view mirror and I see a black motorcycle with a rider dressed in all black leather and an all black helmet. I can’t see the riders eyes.

I shake my head as he tailgates me. He’s right up my ass. I step on the gas a little more to get some distance.

The driver revs the engine and passes into the outside lane. He pulls up beside my window. I look and he turns his head to me. He lifts his visor and I’m met with big, brown eyes.


Instantly, the vein in my neck threatens to explode.

She winks and throws her visor down. What’s she playing at?

She pops a wheelie and speeds up. She pulls in front of my car. I have no choice, but to stare at her ass in those tight leather pants. Thoughts invade my mind and I have to shake my head to replace them with thoughts of her dead on the floor. The problem is no I have pressure in my pants that’s making my skin heat.

I stare at her longer and my eyes go wide as I see her jump both her feet to the seat of her bike. She puts one foot on the gas tank and lifts her body up. Putting her arms out to the side For balance. She’s fucking standing on her motorcycle as it speeds down the road.

“She’s fucking insane!” I watch. The shock of it has me swerve my car a bit.

My heart is racing as thoughts of her falling, crash into my brain. My eyes bug out as I stare at her daredevil act.

She looks back and bends down grabbing her handle bars. She hops up and her legs split, bouncing back onto the seat.

She pulls back into the outside lane and slows down. She keeps speed at my window.

I glance at her. She indicates to me roll my window down.

I do.

“How ya doing, King?” She throws up her visor. I can tell she’s smiling behind her helmet.

“Are you crazy?!” I yell at her. “Of all the reckless, stupid, irresponsible stunts…you could’ve killed us both!”

She arches a brow. “Reckless? That’s not reckless. This is reckless.” She slams down her visor and speeds up. She stands on her bike again, but this time she plants her biker boot on the hood of my fucking car!

My car serves again as I panic. “Get off my fucking car!!” I yell out to her.

She hops back on her bike and drifts back to me. She shoots me that stupid gun salute and pops a wheelie. Speeding up the road into the distance.

My heart is thumping like a jack rabbit. I’m sweating buckets. Her act actually scared me. I thought I was mad before.

“I’m going to fucking kill her.” I snarl as I tilt my head and wring the steering wheel even harder.

I pull into the Unit parking lot and I see her preparing to dismount her bike.

I throw off my seatbelt and push open my door. She’s getting the road rage incident of her fucking life!

I look at the boot print that’s now on the hood of my car. My head turns to her. I’m fucking fuming.

I slam my door and take huge strides up to her fast. Throwing my finger at her as I approach. “You are so fucking dead! You dare put your boot on my fucking car! You have the audacity to threaten my life!!” I boom across the lot.

Time slows down a bit, she removes her helmet, shaking out her long, silky brown hair. Her face sports a smile that’s maddening and makes me want to strangle it off her.

“Relax, hot stuff. I was just having a bit of fun with you.” She leans on her bike with her hands on the seat and her feet crossed. Of course, she smirks.

Hot stuff? Her fucking mouth.

“You call that fun! It was dangerous and stupid! I don’t consider that fun in any way!” I growl.

She crosses her arms. “Wow.” Her brow goes up.

“What?” I spit.

“The big, bad king was actually scared.”

“No I wasn’t! I just don’t want to be in a car wreck before I’ve had breakfast if that’s too much to ask!” I snarl.

She laughs. “Oh my God. You were! You were terrified!” She practically doubles over. “This is so good. The scary king can’t handle a little adrenaline rush.”

I tick my jaw. My fists ball as I watch her laugh at my concern over her reckless behavior.

That’s it. The last straw.

I tick my head. In a split second, I’m in her space with my hand around her throat. Her eyes go wide as she starts to choke.

I pull her head close to mine. “I’ll show you real fear as I drain your life.” I growl low and deep. Her eyes go to slits as she struggles against my grip. Her breath squeaks out as I stare at her. My rage boils as my eyes flick to her pouty bottom lip.

“You mess with me like that again and I will not hesitate to break your neck.” I brought her closer and my snarling lips just barely brush hers. My eyes turn to slits like hers. She squeaks again. Her cheeks flush and I hear her heart beat racing. Her eyes flash gold for a second as her wolf peeks out. Her scent fills the air around me.

As I continue to stare at her, I sense her fear. I see her sweat. I feel her muscles flex as she grasps at my hand. One thing I can’t do is read her thoughts. Why can’t I read her? This confuses me and rip my hand from her throat. She doubles over in a coughing fit.

“Stay out of my way. This is your last warning.” I growl and turn into the building.

Leaving her there, rubbing her throat and supporting herself in her bike.

I’m sure now she knows she’s tested me for the last time. That little exchange should correct her mouth. I’m still mad as fuck, but I can feel my blood pressure drop a bit as I walk to my office.

She will bow to me. Now, she knows I’m not one to be played with.


Now to get the rest of these insolent Alphas under control.

My morning was ruined by Ricky, but thankfully I won’t see her this afternoon. I’ll be at this council meeting the Alphas have. Here’s where I’ll make my demands and expectations known loud and clear.

Walking into the council room, I look around.

“Good morning!” I boom with my head held high.

I turn my head to the Alphas sitting on the couch. Arching my brow, I wait for proper behavior. When that doesn’t happen, I remind them. “When I enter a room, you will stand!!” I growl loud.

The Alphas slowly stand. That’s better. Finally, some obedience.

“Table, now!” I snarl.

We all sit at the table. I let Alpha Cole take his podium, but I’m sitting on his left.

After an awkward exchange with Nala and her arriving to the meeting as a Savannah cat, I get down to business.

“Uh…ok.” Alpha Cole says. “Well, in light of recent developments, I would like to announce that Falcon Ridge is no longer in my control.”


“What the fuck?!”

“Bastian? What’s going on?”

I watch the ever growing protests as Alpha Cole tries to control the room. I cannot believe the disrespect in this room. I rub my forehead. Trying to control my wolf from tearing this room apart.

“Hold on! Hold on! Relax.” Alpha Cole starts. “I’ll still be Head Alpha. It’s just from now on everything that happens here….”

“Will be reported directly to me.” I lean on the table and eye the Alphas.

“Wait. Since when?” The short Alpha in the biker jacket scowls.

“Since now!” I growl.

“Okay. I was just asking.” He mumbles as he leans back.

“Since my arrival, I’ve noticed some disturbing things in this unit. Things that will be changed. Any of you even think of challenging me, you’ll find yourself in a High council prison faster than you can blink. Do you understand?”

The table nods.

I lean on the table. “The correct response is Yes, Alpha!” I glare at each one.

“Yes, Alpha.” They grumble. I can see it grinds them to say it. They better get used to it fast.

“Now, I want all of your job descriptions on my desk by the end of the day. I will be analyzing them and seeing for myself if any of you deserve to even be here. The next thing to change is attitude. Including smart ass remarks.” I glare at the little idiot in leather.

“What?” He holds his hand out as all eyes turn to him.

I strut around the room. “I will not tolerate disrespect in any form. You will do as you are told. You will not make a move until I tell you to.” I walk past Alpha Cole and spin facing the table. Stopping beside him. “I don’t even want you breathing without my permission. Am I clear?”

Luke puts up his hand.

“Yes?” I squint my eyes.

“Um…Can we breathe?” He puts his hand down.

“Yes, you can breathe.” I grind. Scrubbing a hand down my face at the stupidity.

I sit back down and the meeting carries on. It boring, but it does lay out the current situation caused by Alpha Preston and Isabella. Antonio is a big problem. One that I mean to fix.

My head hurts, but all I can say, right now is, these idiots are better than that enraging woman.

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