Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 33


Our wolves climb slowly over rocks and ice. The bitter cold and thundering winds slowing down our climb.

Christian is up ahead, guiding the way. Jumping across icy boulders. My wolf follows, but he struggles. His head is turned and lowered pushing against the winds.

The snow from the blizzard, hits us like rocks.

The rock face is slippery and steep. I dig my claws into a boulder and pull myself up. Every muscle is burning with heat and cold at the same time.

We’ve been climbing for a few hours, but every step feels like days.

My head, chest and back is coated in snow and ice.

“WHERE’S THE PASS!” I link Christian.

His wolf looks back. “UP THAT RIDGE!”

I look to a black snow capped ridge.

I look behind me. Where we started is complete gone. No wonder Ricky could never find it. It’s next to impossible to get to.

I pull myself up the next set of boulders and one rolls out from under my back paws.

I growl as I fall back. Trying to grip the ice covered rocks as the wind tries to push me down farther.

“ZANDER!” Christians wolf runs back to me. His wolf has way better grip than mine.

He grabs my scruff and pulls me up. I dig my claws in. “Thanks.”

“Come on. We have to hurry before the pass closes.” Christian nudges.

“What do you mean closes?” I ask as I jump carefully to another rock.

“With a storm like this, the passes become impossible to navigate. We have to hurry!” Christian yells.

My wolf bares down and pulls up the rocks.

The higher we go, the colder it gets. Although my fur is thicker than most, the cold is stabbing through it like knives. It’s day, but the storm makes it black as night. The snow falls at a horizontal trajectory into my face. My nose is frozen, my paws are even worse.

We climb more and we are almost at the top of the Ridge.

“Careful. This gets a little hairy.” Christian warns. We slowly climb the extremely sloped sheet of ice and snow.

My paws fight to dig my claws in. My legs shake uncontrollably with every hold I make. The wind coming from the pass threatens to blow us off. The snow hits us as harrowing speeds. The ice is slick and unforgiving.

I dig the claws of my front paws into the ice wall and the ice crumbles. My wolf yelps as I hang from one paw and my back feet try to find their footing again. The winds beating my body.

Christian looks back and climbs back down. “Zander. Grab my tail.”

My wolf clamps Christians tail. Christians wolf growls as he pulls my weight with his.

My wolf digs his claws in again and gets a stable hold. I let go and continue the climb up the icy ridge. We pull ourselves up and flop on the ledge.

I open my eyes and the pass sits between two peaks of Brynja Mountain. The wind howls between them. I can almost see the pass filling with snow.

Christians wolf grabs my scruff. “Come on. We’re not done yet.”

I pick myself up and follow Cristian into the pass. The snow is very deep.

“Walk where I do. This pass is covered in gaps to caverns below.” He warns.

I nod.

We navigate the pass and the storm is relentless.

At what, Christian indicates as the halfway point, I have to stop. “I can’t feel my legs. I need rest.” I pant.

Christian turns back to me. “There’s a rest cave over here.” He leads me to a cave. “We can’t rest long.”

“I just need to warm up a bit.” My wolf is exhausted and needs to sleep. It might be hypothermia. I don’t know how cold it is up here, but I know without the help of a Nordic wolf, Ricky wouldn’t make this trip on her own.

We enter the cave and I already feel a sense of relief once the pressure of the winds is off me.

My wolf curls into a ball and tucks his nose into his tail.

Christians wolf wraps around mine. “What are you doing?” My wolf eyes him.

“Sharing body heat. Don’t make it weird.” His wolf growls.

Christians wolf closes his eyes and I do too. After about twenty minutes, I feel warm. Like really warm.

My wolf raises his head and looks at Christian whose sleeping. His wolf is steaming a thick fog in the cold.

“Christian! Christian, wake up!” I link.

“Wha…What?” His wolf blinks his eyes.

“’re smoking.” My wolf stands.

Christians wolf stands too. The ice and snow around his paws melts.

“What the hell?” He looks at himself.


We both shift. Christian is on his knees. I kneel down and feel his skin. “You’re burning up. Do you feel sick?”

He looks at me and shakes his head. “No. I feel fine.”

“Your eyes.” My eyes widen.

“What? What is it?” He panics.

“They’re ice blue with a fire red circle around them. Like you’re a walking fire and ice man.” I grab his head and study his eyes.

He shoves my hands off him. “So what. I can bite fire?”

I narrow my eyes. “I don’t think so. Go out there and stand in the snow.”

He does as he’s told. “Ok, now what?”

“Think hot.” I smirk.

He closes his eyes and opens them again. The red ring in his eyes glows and his body starts to steam as the snow tries to cover him. The snow around his feet starts to melt.

“That’s incredible.” I say in astonishment.

“It must be one of things that Ricky said might happen from the other chemicals in my body.” He grins.

I get up. “It might come in handy. So don’t lose it.”

“I’ll try not to.” He shifts to his wolf.

I shift to mine. “Is it still day?”

Christian looks to the sky. “For a few more hours. Hurry.”

I shift and run out of the cave. Following Christians steps.

Now, that I’m warm, I have renewed energy. The snow is even deeper as we walk through the path. It’s up to our wolf knees.

We cross the pass and come to a wolf sized tunnel. “Through here.” Christian instructs.

We go through the tunnel and Christian crawls out if the entrance. I follow suit.

I peer over a rock beside Christian. “We’re here.” His wolf motions to the Nordic wolf city. It’s buildings are all wood and stone. Smoke from chimneys

Nordic wolves are everywhere.

The houses and buildings stretch down the vast valley.

“The pack house is over there.” He motions to a simple two storey house on a cliff. He indicates a small shack beside it. “Ricky’s probably in there. That’s Gabriel’s punishment box. You’re shackled in silver and naked. There’s furs, but nothing else. Exposure will have her weak at best. At worst….”

“Don’t…” I growl.

He nods.

I look on. “We need a plan.” Christian states.

“We have one.” I stand and my eyes glow angelic white. My wolf doubles in size.

“What are you doing?” Christian links.

I let out a demigod like howl.

Everyone stops and looks. My wolf stands tall and Christian stands beside me.

I eye the people.

Christian looks to them and then to me. “Ok. Now what?”

I shift and jump on the rock. “Bring me Gabriel now!” My voice booms across the valley.

The pack house door opens and Gabriel’s walks out. “Hey there, King. We were expecting you.” He smiles.


He steps closer. “See I would, but I kind of like having her around. Besides, there’s someone here who wants to have a conversation with you first.”

He points to the top of the rock wall across from us. A black figure stands on the ridge.

“Hey, Zander. It’s been a while.” His voice floats across the valley to my ears.

My face twists into a snarl. “Damon.” I growl.

I look all around the rock wall as it fills with vampires.

“ICE UP BOYS!” Gabriel yells.

Vampires above us jump down to where we stand.

I spin and throw punches as they land. Christian does too.

We fight the pile of vamps that’s growing.

Both of us jump from the ledge we were on.

We shift and start ripping heads and throats out, but we’re severely out numbered.

“We need to get to Gabriel!” Christian yells.

“You go, I’ll fight them off.” My wolf growls. My pack is grabbed and I’m thrown to the ground.

Christian runs to find Gabriel and I’m tossing vamps like they’re toys. I remember the wolves have twenty minutes so I have to kill them before their ice kicks in.

Should be a piece of cake.

I look at the hundreds of wolves heading my way. “SHIT!” I turn tail and run through the streets of the town. I really did not think this plan through.

I turn down more streets and head back to the pack house with wolves and vampires flying at me. I’m managing to dodge and out maneuver them.

Think, Zander. Think.

I look behind me to the wave of fur claws and teeth baring down on me.

“Fuck!” My wolf runs faster until there’s nowhere left to run.

I turn around in the square in front of the pack house.

My wolf is breathing heavy. The wolves growl and drool. The vampires hiss. They perch themselves on thin outcrops on the rock wall behind me.

I’m completely surrounded.

I swallow. My eyes looking wildly at how fucked I am.

Damon saunters out in front of me and stand with his hands in his pockets.

Gabriel comes out with Christian by the neck and stands next to Damon.

“Gee, your highness. You seem to be in a bit of pickle.” Damon smirks.

“Boy. You’re in for a world of hurt.” Gabriel grins.

Come on, Zander. Think of something.

My wolf puffs up and starts to growl loud.

The wave growls and hisses back.

“Need some help?”

A deep voice boomed across the valley.

We all turn. I shift. “William!”

I look as Eve walks up and stands beside him. He’s joined by a pack of super wolves behind him.

“How?” I yell.

He taps his nose. “Super sniffer.” He grins.

The ice wolves and vamps turn to the super wolves.

The super wolves snap and drool at them. They push to the edge. The tension builds.

“I guess the tables have turned, Damon.” I growl.

I shift and lunge for the Damon.

William, Eve and the super wolves pour out of the entrance. 60 super wolves, all looking for their own pound of flesh.

Eves black wolf clamps down on necks and rips them out.

William is twisting heads of vampires.

Christian is fighting Gabriel. Landing blow after blow in human forms.

I’ve shifted and am swinging at Damon. He’s hissing with his eyes glowing. My eyes glow white as I call my power. I land blows to his face.


“I WONT BEAT YOU, ZANDER! I’LL KILL YOU!” He jumps in the air and tries to land on me, but I high kick his chest. Sending him flying into the battle.

Gabriel has Christian by the throat. He looks into his eyes as Christian fights for air. I watch as Christians mouth goes small and his eyes glow red. His skin becomes red hot.

Gabriel screams and let’s go. Christian throws punches over and over. I swear I see steam rise from every connection to Gabriel’s skin.

I look for Damon. The area is covered in blood and fighting. The super wolves are cutting the vampires down like they were dolls.

I spy Damon trying to climb away. I run at him and jump. Shifting in mid air, my wolf grabs his leg.

His claws dig into the rock wall. I pull him off and toss him back to the valley floor.

I jump down. I shift. “I trusted you. You were considered a friend. You betray me?” I growl as I stalk him.

He bares his fangs. “I wasn’t your friend, Zander. I was your prisoner. My people have been under your control for too long.” He growls

“Because this is what you do, Damon.” I motion to the war going on around us. “All you want is death. I cannot allow you to be free. Now, stop this or die.”

“It won’t be me dying.”

He jumps at me and I shift. My wolf grabs his arm and throws him into the frozen rock. His arm separates in my teeth. He kicks me and I slide into a pile of fights.

My wolf stands and runs back at Damon. He moves and wraps his one arm around my neck. He pulls back and I’m fighting for air. My back paws trying to get enough grip to free my head.

As I fight Damon’s grip, the clouds part and the blue moon is rising over the peaks of the mountains.

The vision of it is getting blurry as Damon increases his pressure.

My eyes glow white and my wolf increases in strength. My back feet find their grip and I pull my head free.

I lunge and crush Damon into the ground.

“Your reign is over!” I think as I grab Damon’s skull and crush it in my teeth. Ripping the rest off his neck.

The vampires squeal and scream as they all feel his death. They start to climb the walls. Super wolves try to contain them and drag then back down

I look and Christians wolf is pinned in Gabriel’s jaws.

I run to Gabriel and grab him by the back slamming him into the ground.

Christian gets up. “Gabriel. Don’t make me kill you, brother.” His wolf stalks Gabriel as he gets to his feet.

“You stand no chance, brother.” Gabriel growls.

The two wolves clash on hind legs.

I fight more ice wolves. Their ice powers are proving to be ineffective on me or the super wolves.

I’m tearing a throat out when I hear a mighty alpha howl.

The ice wolves instantly stop fighting as do the super wolves.

Eve and William stand at my side. All of us are covered in blood.

We look and Christian is standing over Gabriel’s dead body.

What vamps that were alive, took this pause as an opportunity to escape. There’s only a dozen lower vamps. I can hunt them down later.

Christian stands. Bloody and tired.


His eyes glow both red and blue at the same time. I step forward and shift. My chest is puffed out.

I offer my hand and Christian shifts. He takes it. I pull him and raise his hand. “YOU’RE ALPHA!” I yell across the valley.

The ice wolves shift. So do the super wolves.

The ice wolves lower their heads in submission.

I turn to him. “Nice job, Alpha. Now help me.”

He nods.

We run to the little shed. Even in the blistering cold, I’m hit with the smell of orchids. The light is a deep blue.

I grab the lock and break it.

“Please.” I say to myself as I open the door.

My heart breaks and a lump develops on my throat as I see her naked and half covered in the furs. I don’t have to touch her to tell she’s freezing.

My heart is thumping as I approach her. I fall to my knees at her side.

My breath hitches as I reach out my hand to her neck.

“Please.” I choke as tears well.

My fingers hit her ice cold skin. I close my eyes and lower my head.

A tear falls from my eye as I suck in a breath.

“Zander.” Christian says quietly.

I turn to him and hitch. I smile. “She’s alive.”

He runs in, ripping off the furs. She’s wearing a silver shackle on her ankle.

I reach down and break it. Throwing it away.

I touch her face. The electric warmth I’ve felt so many times, slowly comes back.

I move her hair out of her face. “Richelle.” I say in her ear. “Come back to me.”

“Zan…” She says weakly.

I huff out a laugh. “Yes, my little devil. I’m here.” Another tear falls.

I turn to Christian. “Can you warm her?”

“I can try.” He sits at her side. He places his hands on her and his skin begins to heat.

I stroke her cheek softly as Christian works.

Eve and William are at the door.

I see color in her cheeks and her lips turn from pale blue to her beautiful pink.

Her face was a sight I thought I never wanted or never see again, but I was horribly wrong.

Ricky was what I missing. Ricky was the hope I was craving. She’s my everything and I will do everything in my power to get her off this mountain and make her mine.

I was afraid to admit it before, but what I thought was love for Hope, was love for this gorgeous, sensational, pain in my backside.

I will tell her just that when I get her safe.

“Zander? You’re here?” She opens her eyes slightly and starts to stir. I wave Christian off.

“Yes. I’m here. I’ve come to save you.” I kiss her cheek.

“About time, ya big lug.” She mumbles.

I laugh. “Come on. We’re not done yet. We have to get you out of here. Can you shift?”

She gets on her hands and knees. “I think so.”

She calls the wind and shifts to her grey wolf.

I reach out and pet her head and ear. “Good girl.” I nuzzle my nose in her fur and her wolf licks my cheek.

I walk out with Ricky and Christian behind me.

Eve runs over and hugs Ricky. “Thank God you’re OK.” She pulls back. “Don’t ever scare me like that again!” She scolds.

“Ok. We have to go if we’re ever getting out of here.” I say.

I shift to my wolf.

Christian looks at me. “Try to stick to the paths. I’ll join you shortly. I have to deal with this pack first.”

I nod and nudge Ricky toward the entrance.

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