Chapter 60: The Chase


"What's his problem?" I asked confused and Luke laughed.

"I think he his jealous," Luke said.

"Jealous about what"? I asked still not getting it and Luke just laughed and told me that we should continue with our training.

"So, how did you meet Kyle?" Luke asked.

"In the woods, I met him in the woods and we became close, he started to train me and from there we became friends," I said with a small smile.

"You probably made him jealous like Luke said," Arai responded and Merida nodded.

"Jealous about what?" I asked for the second time.

"Are you really that dense?" Merida asked.

"I am dense? How?" I asked.

"Do you know what, never mind you will figure it out by yourself. For now, we need to focus on our preparations for the war. I have a feeling that Ryker has spies that he sent over to watch us. He is keeping tabs on us that is why he is so confident that he will win," Aria said.

"So, what do we do about that because we are at a disadvantage if Ryker knows are routines and everything about our fighting style." I asked for their opinions on the matter.

"I think we should fish out the spies. They could be werewolves or any other species but I think he will send werewolves because he can easily control them as an alpha," Merida voiced out her thoughts.

"Hmm, okay, I will find a way to check out the spies and get back to you guys,' I said to them and Luke walked in.

"Hi Lyra," He smiled at me.

"Hi, can we go now?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Where are you guys headed to?" Aria asked me.

"We are going into town to get some supplies that we need," I responded.

"Why don't you take Kyle with you, it can be really dangerous with this war going on," Aria said sounding very worried.

"It's okay we can protect ourselves and I don't think Kyle like Luke at all and we haven't seen him all day since he stormed off," I said to them and they nodded.

"See you guys soon," I waved them good bye and walked into Luke's truck.


I walked away from the pack that morning because I felt the need to clear my head, I don't know but I felt like a sore loser and the fact that Lyra picked Luke to train with got to me but what she said made sense. She wasn't picking sides, she was only spitting facts. Luke was a newbie and she had to train him but I could not control my emotions and I became so jealous, which is unlike me.

I need to apologize to her. I said to myself as I went back to the pack.

"Kyle where have you been?" Aria asked me with a concern written all over her face as I came back.

"I needed to clear my head so I went for a stroll." I explained to her. A stroll that took the entire day because I was a piece of shit and it took me a while to come back to my senses.

"You strolled the entire day?" She asked confused.

"No, I went somewhere I could clear my head. Where is Lyra?" I asked changing the topic because there is no way I am confessing that I am in love with Lyra.

What where did that thought come from? I am not in love with her! she is just my friend and I like her! I corrected myself.

"She went out with Luke for hours, I am worried they are not back yet and none of them are picking their calls and I cannot sense her magic either," Aria said worriedly.

I tried to sense her too and I could not and I suddenly felt panicked.

"Where did she go?" I asked as I rushed towards where my truck was packed.

"She decided to go to town to pick up some materials needed. She was supposed to go with you and Luke but you were nowhere to be seen so she had to go with Luke." Aria explained and I was filled with guilt. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to just disappear," I found myself apologizing.

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize to me, I understand how you feel," Aria nodded knowingly.

I drove to town and tried to track down Lyra but she couldn't get any signals from her and I was starting to panic.

"Is there any possibility that she was attacked?" I asked.

"I don't know, I think it is a possibility because of how dangerous things are going on and the amount of interests on Lyra," Aria said.

"Why didn't any other person go? Why did Lyra have to go by herself?" I asked as anger washed all over me.

"It wasn't properly thought about and you know how stubborn Lyra is, she wouldn't have wanted to risk anybody's life so she would have gone by herself either way," Aria told e and I nodded as smile finding it's way to my face as I remembered how stubborn Lyra is.

"Yeah, that true. I don't think she here in town. We have gone around this town twice now and I haven't seen her at all," I looked at Aria.

"Let's check the woods," Aria nodded to me like she understood my line of thought.

"Okay, then," I said as I parked my truck at the middle of the woods and we continued with our legs because of how dense the woods are and how hard it will be to drive past the trees.

"We can't get a signal from her, is it possible she is in a place where we can't sense her?" I asked Aria.

"It is possible, but where will she stay that we will not be able to sense her?" Aria asked and suddenly it dawned on us.

"Water!" we said together as we rushed towards the direction of the only lake around.

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