Chapter 52: Preparing For Battle

"I.... Um... I forgot to tell you when I found out about it a while ago. I was going to tell you but I didn't want to scare you. That is why the queen mother chose you, she chose you because you were partly a witch and she didn't want me to tell you when I found out. She said that I should let you find out yourself. I am really sorry," Aria bowed her head in guilt.

"It's okay," I moved forward and hugged Aria.

"Well, since that's out of the way, we need to find out how that demon got her and tried to possess Aria because if one came, trust me there are many more of them coming from Trago." Merida said to us.

"Can you remember what happened before the demon came? Or if the demon said anything regarding why he was here?" I asked area.

"Yes, he had a reason to come here, I could feel his intent. He was sent to track you. The demon lord is working with someone who wants to find you." Aria said.

"Then that's a good thing because I know a demon banishment spell. Now they won't be able to gain access to this house until Lyra is ready," Merida smiled at us then she brought out a grimoire and said some spells.

"It is done," she nodded at us.

I felt a presence while I slept it was like someone was watching over me that night. This one the only night Lacienda wasn't in my dreams.

I suddenly felt the need to open my eyes and I did. I saw here standing there staring at me.

"Lacienda," I said.

"Nice to meet you in your world. Now I am here for you to perfect your form. We will soon come to the end of your training and you will move on to your next book which is Alexis, she will teach you all about magic and spells." Lacienda said to me.

I got up from the bed and Lacienda held my hand and suddenly we were outside. "I can't go outside. I will be tracked by the other species," I said to Lacienda.

"We are in my timeline. I cannot come to your timeline because I don't exist there," Lacienda smiled at me.

"I want to teach you war craft, you need to learn about your special physical ability." Lacienda said to me as she led me to an open field.

The field was filled with many war dolls and Lacienda looked at me.

"I need you to knock out this entire column of war dolls with one kick," she said and I gasped.

"That is impossible, there are at least a thousand war dolls here in this column. There is no way one kick will knock out the entire column." I said to Lacienda who just shook her head at me. "You don't believe in yourself," Lacienda said to me.

"I do, I don't just think that is possible," I repeated.

"It is, I will show you," she said as she raised her leg and just touched the first war doll, all of them collapsed.

"How did you do that?" I said shocked.

"I will teach you. It is all about focus and targeting all your energy into the point you want to hit. Then applying the smallest amount of pressure and that does the trick." Lacienda smiled at me. "Now give it a try," she pointed to the second column and I moved towards it.

I took a deep breath and tried to copy what I saw her do while doing exactly what she said and half of the war dolls fell.

"That's really good for your first time, but if you really want all the dolls to fall, you have to apply very little pressure," she said and I nodded.

I tried again and this time the entire column collapse.

"Good, now I am going to teach you how to float and use the wind to your advantage. The first technique I taught you is to be used when people are closing up on you and you have no point of escape. Do you understand?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Now you would like to imagine that you are floating and will you entire body to become light and think of how light a feather is and aspire to be lighter and you'll see yourself floating but you will leave behind a massive amount of energy as you go up that will be enough to send anything or anyone around you five yards away," Lacienda said as she held my hand.

"I need to perform the one with you so we don't end up injured," she said and instructed me on what to do and soon we were flying with all the war dolls around us scattered and some of the broken to pieces from the pressure of the wind. After five intense hours of training, we finally took a break and Lacienda told me we will but all the techniques together in a fight.

"Now we will spar, all the techniques we've learned you are going to put it to the test now. You will spar with me.” Lacienda said and we started sparring.

I realize how much I have improve as we sparred. I was mirroring her techniques and suddenly I stopped to look at her moves allowing her to attack me but never letting her land any hit. I smiled and stopped as I realized I know the technique she was using and a thought came to mind. She will be able to tell my technique if I just continue like that so I decided to change it by merging two techniques.

Soon Lacienda started getting confused as she did not understand my techniques and I started landing actual blows at her so she switched up her technique too and became faster.

I made a mistake with my stance and that gave her time to strike so in panic, I closed my eyes and crossed my hand blocking my face waiting for the blow to come but it never came. I opened my eyes to see I was surrounded by a bubble and Lacienda was outside staring at me in astonishment.

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