Chapter 50: The Colossal Threat

"You were right, it is attached to tracking magic, I will open it for you Merida offered as it was her house and no one knew I and Aria were living there. "It is a message from an unknown person and it only says, 'watch out!"" Merida said confused.

"Who would have the audacity to send a slimy one to deliver a message to you. The person must be very powerful and I am sure the person must have gotten my energy and not yours but the person knows you are here. the person doesn't know your location but slimy ones do. They are messages so they will know it and they will never tell but slimy ones rarely give out messages. This person mut be very powerful. I mean well versed in magic." Merida said and Aria gasped. "We need to do a consultation," Aria said as she immediately left with Merida leaving me confused.

"What are they hiding?" I said out loud as I walked to another room and slept on the bed.

"Kill her! kill her!” they all shouted as they pursued me, Elijah leading them.

"Don't do this, you know that she was sent to help us all. Do not try to kill her, she will be of help to us," Aria said trying to stop and persuade the hunters.

"I am the new head of the hunters now and I can do whatever I want. She is a wolf and she will be killed. Her kind has been killing our kind for a very long time, they all deserve to die," Elijah sneered.

"The queen mother sent her to save us all, if you kill her now, everything will go south," Aria tried to reason with him.

"I will say this again, I don't care. Hahahaha," he laughed in a psychotic manner as he slowly walked towards me and loaded in a silver bullet in his small pistol.

"I will be your end and you will watch the smile in my face, while I kill you, Hahahaha," Elijah laugh.

"Ahh." I gasped as I woke up.

"It was Elijah, he is working with someone," I said out loud as I ran towards Aria and Merida.

They were still turning their potions then, the put in the letter.

"It was Elijah," I and Aria said as the same time as she looked at the potion.

"How did you know?" she asked me.

"He attacked my dream, like warning. He is not alone. I think he is working with a specie from the underworld. He said something like he is now the new leader of the hunters," I told them.

"This is more serious than we thought. It is only one person apart from the queen mother that could send a messenger and they would go," Aria said and realization dawned on me.

"It is the colossal god," we all said together.

"Of course it makes sense now, it has to be the colossal god because there is nobody that is that strong and I will be his greatest enemy because I am the person that will send him back to the dark abyss of the underworld. He doesn't want my powers because he doesn't need it. He wants me dead and he doesn't trust any other species to do that because they are power hungry and they might come to a preposition with me and I will survive and he can't work with the demons either because they are too cunny. The next best option is a rage filled hunter who already has a lot of hatred towards my specie," I said out loud and it was like something finally clicked.

"Lacienda," we said all together as I carried my book and started reading.

"Yes, I need to stay in here and well hidden, if we can we have to up the security spells. We need to make our location hidden. They shouldn't sense any form of power," I said to them what I just got from Lacienda and Merida went forward to bring her grimoire and Aria brought the ancient grimoire.

They started a spell that was so strong I could feel it but I knew that no one outside this house could feel it.

"What are you people doing?" the poaters king asked as another species came into his land.

"Our lord sent us, he really wants to know if the girl blood really works, we can find her if he is sure that she is really as strong as they say." They commander of the species said to the poater king.

The poater king knowing that he didn't want to admit defeat in the eyes of his people went to a witch to find out what happened and he found out a hybrid had contaminated her blood but he also needed an explanation for his people as to why he ran away so, he took the strand of Lyra's hair which he found on the bed and asked the witch the extract the power from it and he came back stronger, telling everyone it was Lyra's blood because he was too ashamed to admit he had failed and he had to use her hair.

"I need to speak to you lord, tell him to make an appointment with me," the poater king said to the commander who nodded and walked away with his troops.

"I could team up with this specie and we could share the power from that girl, it is really enough to go round. If only her hair can make me as strong as this, I wonder how powerful her blood will be," the king said thinking out loud as he smiled. KYLE'S POV

"Has she reached out to you or you are not as close to her as you have been saying," he said to me with a mocking smile.

"We are close, I will never lie about that but I understand her need to flee and hide. She is not stupid, she knows communicating with me will make them track her," I said to him.

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