Chapter 41: Secrets and Shadows



"I can't believe what he just told me. He is my real dad? Then who is Ryker? And why did I grow up knowing him as my father?" I questioned myself not being able to sleep after meeting with him. "I don't understand," I rubbed my temple as I replayed everything that happened earlier.

"Why didn't he reach out to me since if he was my father, why is he reaching out now and why does he want me to kill Lyra. And why did I accept such conditions!" I groaned as I rolled in my bed. "What are you doing?" I texted Lyra but she didn't respond and my heart started to race.

"Why didn't she respond? Is she alright?" I remembered the last time she was kidnapped by the poaters.

"I need to check on her," I said out loud as I stood up and left.

I went to the hunters house, even though I knew it was a very dangerous mission, I just wanted to make sure Lyra was okay.

Unlike the last time, I walked towards the guards that stood at the gate and asked them about Lyra.

"I am here to see Lyra," I said to them.

"She is not around. She and Aria haven't been seen for a while now," They replied to me.

"Do you have any idea where they went?" I asked.

"No, they just vanished. And yesterday the house was attacked," The first guard said while the other one told him to keep quiet. "Okay then," I replied as I turned around to leave.

Is it possible that someone is looking for them and they ran away? I thought as I went to the next place I knew she would be.

"Oh fuck, what happened here?" I walked around to witches havern to see it was turned upside down.

It looks like the place was attacked because I remember that Aria put a stronger spell to keep people out and I could not feel any magic holding this house apart from the house's magic.

I looked around to see if I would find anything and I walked into the room that Lyra stayed in when she was living here. I met no one but a scattered room with a warning written in blood.

"I will find you and I will rip you apart." It stated.

There was only on species that would write warnings with blood apart from the rogue species but they were no longer in our world. They were perceived dangerous and they were banished to the underworld.

It was the ghouls. They were back to our world. How did I not noticed that the entire place reeked of their scent. But then ghouls cannot break down magic.

Magic does not affect ghouls and they do not have access to magic nor can they do anything with magic which means that Aria knew they were coming and fled with Lyra and she removed the protective magic of this place so she could not be traced.

"Fuck they are in trouble," I said as I ran home.

"Where are you coming from? Went to see your little girlfriend? Although I suspect she would be dead by now," Ryker the man I once considered my father said to me with a sly smile.

Normally I would ignore his words but he said something that made me look back at him.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"My sources told me she would be dead by the end of this week and this is the end of the week isn't it," he stated smiling proudly because he knew something I didn't.

"Who are your sources? Are they ghouls? Do you deal with underworld species now?" I asked angrily as I stalked towards him.

His face changed from smug to surprised.

"G. g... ghouls? Why will there be ghouls here and why will I work with them? Ghouls are shameless deceitful animals that is why they were banished from this world. So why will they be back here. No matter how bad I am do you really think I will stoop so low to relate with underworld species?" Ryker asked.

"Then what did you mean by your sources? Who are they?" I asked.

"Why do you care? Don't you know everything?" He tried to walked away but I grabbed his arm and pushed him towards the wall.

"You will tell me what you mean or I will end you." I said I anger.

"You wouldn't dare," He smirked.

"Try me," I replied.

"Okay, so I work with some wolf I don't know but he has a big organization and they do most of their jobs which are illegal and non of my concern by lately, he took a special interest in Lyra saying that she can change the world or destroy it but he thinks the world is better off they way it is, so he wants her gone. He sent some of his men to the hunters home where she lives," Ryker rushed out and I let go of him.

That is what the guard meant when he said they were attacked. I thought.

"Who is the wolf that runs this organization? Do you know him?" I asked.

"No, he is very secretive and doesn't want to be known, so he sends his men to me," Ryker replied.

"Okay," I nodded.

I will check out the wolf later. Now I needed to find Lyra. I looked at my wrist remembering that her hair was still inside me as I tried to get hold of her and track down where she is.

"Fuck!" I shouted in frustration as the signals were repeatedly cut off.

Aria is doing this intentionally. She doesn't want me to know where they are hiding but I need to know if I am to keep Lyra safe. Something tells me that Aria knows way more than I or Lyra knows but she is holding back on telling us what it is.

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