Chapter 39: Battle for Purity

"Ah" I gasped as I woke up.

"Oh, that was a dream. What kind of dream was that and what were those ladies trying to tell me?" I questioned myself as I got up from my bed.

"What's on your neck?" Aria asked as I walked towards her with a messy bun.

"What do you mean? I asked as I rushed towards the mirror.

I noticed some dark marks on my neck with pale blue stripes that looked like a claw scratched me.

"Oh, my goodness!" Aria exclaimed as she put her hand on her mouth and looked at me again.

"What is it? What happened,” I asked looking confused but a bad feeling swarmed my gut.

"That's a poaters mark. They weren't just trying to get your strength. They were trying to own you and eventually change you!" Aria said with tears forming in her eyes. "What?!" I exclaimed as I turned around to face her.

"What does that mean? How can we get rid of the marks?" I asked.

"First, I need to figure out what they put inside you. If not, I cannot get it out," Aria said.

"Okay, how will you do it?" I asked.

"We have to start the spell now." Aria rushed up to get herbs for the spell.

"Now you lay down in the tub and I will move round you chanting the spell. If you feel a sharp pain anywhere, let me know, okay?" Aria said.

"Yes," I nodded as I lowered myself into the tub.

"Ahh!" I screamed from the force of the pain that rushed to my lower abdomen where the poaters cut me to extract my blood.

"Where is hurting?" Aria asked quickly.

"Here! Ahh!" I pointed to my abdomen.

“Here?” Aria asked and I nodded.

"This is where they put it in." Aria placed her hand on it and gasped.

"It was a fingernail. The king put in his fingernail." Aria held my hand and pulled me out of the tub.

"Lay down. I have to get it out of you. I need to get the ancient grimoire. We need to go back to the witched havern," Aria said as she got prepared to transport us to the witches havern. "Ahhh!" I screamed as her spell chanting got stronger.

"Kyle! Call Kyle!" I screamed.

"Okay," Aria said with shaky voice as she disappeared.

Aria appeared in Kyle's room and before he could say a word, she reached out to him and grabbed him. She appeared in the witches havern with Kyle.

"What happened to her?" Kyle said as he rushed towards me.

"The poaters king left a nail inside her stomach. He was trying to.."

"Change her" Kyle finished and Aria nodded.

"So, we do we need to do to remove it from her?" He asked.

"I was chanting the spell to remove it but she said I should call you here. Please hold her hand so I can continue with it," Aria said and Kyle held my hand. "Ahh!" I screamed again and Kyle held on tighter and whispered into my ears helping me to calm down.

"I will try to take on most of the pain now," Kyle said to Aria.

"How will you do that?" Aria asked confused.

"Hybrid benefits," Kyle shrugged.

"Okay I am ready now, you can continue," Kyle said to Aria.

I wasn't feeling any pain anymore, Kyle took all the heat. I was really grateful.

Aria brought out a silver knife to cut the exact same spot where I was feeling the pain. The blood that gushed out from the area made me numb to every other thing that was happening. The blood was black. It looked like poaters blood.

Aria dipped her hand into my stomach and pulled out the finger nail. It was about 3 inches long.

I let out a sigh of relief as the pain stopped but I started feeling dizzy as I started losing a lot of blood. "We need to do something. She is losing a lot of blood!" Kyle panicked as my body started convulsing.

"Hi there, you are back again. Remember when I told you the person that you trust the most will betray you? I meant that. take it seriously. Anyways you should also look deeper into things, everything is more connected that they seem. I promise you. You would come to understand someday." The lady said.

"Honestly, I am tired of all these appearances. I don't understand anything you or the other ladies have been telling me and if you cannot explain things to me then stop repeating the same things to me." I responded frustratedly. "Oh, dear child. We are sisters of the queen mother. We cannot explain the fates to you. We can only warn you ahead of time. You will need to find a way to interpret them in your own way. All we are here to do is to remind you about it and that's all we will continue to do." The lady said to me as her cold hand held mine.

"But you could help me understand it better, maybe by showing me what you mean? That would be really helpful," I replied to her.

"I don't think I can show you but I am very sure I can help you out. Hold on to my hand," she said.

I held on to her hand and I fell.

"Ahhh!" I screamed as I opened my eyes.

"Lyra!" Kyle and Aria sad as they both rushed towards me.

"What happened? Why did you scream?" Aria asked as she touched my neck.

"I don't know. These ladies have been appearing to me and they have been speaking in riddles to me and whenever I tell them to explain to me, I always wake up either screaming or having this feeling that someone was watching me. She said that they re the sisters of the queen mother. I don't know if that is a good thing or bad thing," I explained to them.

"They said they were the sisters of the queen mother? That is not a good thing," Aria said in a low voice.

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