Chapter 36: A Fight For Survival

"Stay strong my child you need to keep on fighting. The balance of the world depends on you," I heard a calm voice say to me but I could not understand I found myself floating in a void and I was panicking.

I found a very bright like and I willed myself to float towards it, but nothing happened. I screamed, cried, shouted but I couldn't hear my voice.

Is this how it is going to end? I am going to die like this? without paying Ryker back? without confessing my feelings to Kyle? I closed my eyes as I finally accepted the fact that I was dead and gone and suddenly I found myself floating towards the light. "Ha," I gasped as I opened my eyes.

"We saved her!" the doctor's assistant squealed in excitement as my eyes adjusted to the room and I was the king, the doctor, the assistant and someone new that I suspected to be a healer staring at me. "Okay, that was very dangerous. We wouldn't try to cut her open again. We will do a normal blood transfer next time. Finally, we have blood for the ritual," the king smiled and walked away from the laboratory. KYLE'S POV

"I don't know how to track anyone with their hair. Et me check y grimoire for something. It has to be blood I am sure of it. What will we do now? We need to get to Lyra," Aria said in a panicked voice.

"Don't worry I know how. I can track her with her hair. It is a hybrid's thing," I smiled at Aria who stared at me like I had grown two heads.

"How? How are you going to do it?" She asked curiously.

"Watch me." I said as I took a knife from my pocket and slit my palm. I put a strand of Lyra's hair into my palm and my palm healed.

"Why did you do that?" Arai asked with wide eyes.

"One thing you don't know about hybrid is that we can act as a tracking device. I can see where she is. I can feel her heart beat with her hair inside me, I am connected to her," I explained to Aria about our special quality.

"Okay, then. Where is she?" Aria questioned.

"Caucun mountain. That is where they went. Can you conjure a spell for us to get there?" I asked.

"There is no way magic will cross their borders and they won't know unless..." Aria looked at me and smiled.

"Unless what?" I asked needing her to speak up faster.

Aria ran upstairs while I followed her not understanding what she was doing.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"I am looking for some ancient magic. The poaters won't be able to sense it and it is best for our situation." She smiled. "So, it is a grimoire?" I asked.

"Yes, it is, it is a grimoire. It looks like a blob of blood and its pages feel like human skin," Aria said.

"That's really creepy," I made a face and Aria shrugged.

"Are you sure it is here? I can't find it at all. We have been searching for hours," I sighed.

"I think we should summon it but it will take longer as the book will come at its own will," Aria sat on the floor looking tired.

"What? How long will it take. Lyra's life is in danger. Your book needs to understand that." I growled.

"It is not just a book. I won't have you disrespect my grimoire!" Aria warned.

"Maybe if you were more arranged, we would have found it and we wouldn't need to summon it," I shrugged.

"That's it!" Aria said with a tone of finality as she whispered some strange words and suddenly my head felt like it was going to explode. "Ahhh!" I screamed.

"Please Aria. I am sorry please stop!" I continued screaming as blood started to flow from my nose and ears and my eyes turned bloodshot.

I fell to the ground and I felt like life was being pulled out of me.

"Aria please," I whispered as I spat out blood.

Aria snapped her fingers and suddenly everything stopped and the blood disappeared. It looked like I had just imagined everything that had happened. "Now can we summon the grimoire?" Aria asked cheerfully making me wonder if she was bipolar.

"Yes, we can, but if it takes too log won't Lyra be already used for whatever ritual the poaters are planning?" I asked.

"I don't know! But we can try," Aria said as she rushed to get the herbs and potions needed to summon the ancient grimoire.

"Now take this, steer the pot while I can't over it," Aria said to me as she handed over the spatula.

I collected it and started to steer, the more she whispered her spells the harder it was to steer. It took all my strength to continue steering by the time she had finished the summoning spell; the potion had turned solid. "Are we...."

Before I could finish what I was saying, a big clot of blood appeared.

"The grimoire!" Aria squealed in excitement as she picked it up.

"That's a huge clot of blood," I whispered and Aria turned to give me the stink eyes.

"The grimoire must sense the kind of trouble Lyra is in for it to appear so quickly." Aria said.


"Finally, the ritual day is here, I hope the blood is still preserved," the king asked the doctor as he walked into the laboratory.

"Yes, your majesty. The blood is still very fresh," the doctor brought out the pints of blood they extracted from me days ago. "That is very good," The king smiled then called in the priest.

"We need to transfer the blood into a large bowl and carry it outside to the camp fire." The priest said.

"Does she need to be present?" the king asked the priest.

"Of course, she needs to be present. It is her blood we are using," the priest smiled and I got an eerie feeling.

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