Chapter 33: The Weight of Truth
"Have you tested her blood?" One of the elders spoke.
"No, but I know it will work well. This girl could kill us now if she wanted but she hasn't harnessed her full powers yet. With a weapon like her blood in our systems, we would rule the under world and this one too," Their king said and started to laugh while others joined in.
"Call on Mickelow, he should have something new on her blood, we need to know if we can get on with this ritual or not," An elder said.
"Don't worry, you don't have to rush. We are looking for the best possible means of extraction so we don't kill the girl as she will serve to be useful for all of us," the King explained to them. "How? What is the use in keeping her after we have gotten her powers?" A curious elder asked.
"I don't think we can get her powers completely right now. We can only get part of it which won't be so much. We need everything and the best way to get everything is during the full moon when she will turn to her wolf," The king smiled sinisterly.
"Is that really necessary? I mean that we already have our own powers. Without her we are strong. Don't you think we would want to just get a little more from her and call it a day?" A female elder asked.
"That is the thing with you females. You don't think about how strong you could be. But we males do. We want to be the strongest there is and that is why I think we don't really need females as part of the council," A male elder said and the rest grunted in approval earning fowl stares from the females.
"This is no talk about males or females, Lugeo! I am saying that it may be too risky. If she is very strong in her wolf form, don't you think she will be able to kill us all? I mean. I feel she is holding back and trying to get as much information from us as possible," the elder said.
"So, you can track them using their blood?" I asked again to be sure I heard what Aria said.
"Yes, I can. It is a ritual I have done with the blood of other species. Hopefully, it works with their blood as well or we have hit a dead end." Aria said as she gathered some herbs from the garden.
"Is there anything I can help with? To speed up the process?" I asked.
"Uhm, you can help me pick out the basil leaves and the rosemary, that is our compass, it will lead us to them so be sure to pick good ones," Aria said to me.
"Alright." I responded.
I bent down to pick up the flowers then the things Aria told me about Lyra come back to me and I couldn't help but feel chocked.
"Look for her and bring her back to me," He smiled in a very dark manner.
"Are you done?" Aria tapped on me and I gasped as she startled me.
If I were a mere wolf, I would have been worried that she could see my thoughts and the flashback I'd just gotten and she would know my true goal but, I am a hybrid and it is almost impossible for her to read through me. "What got you so lost in thought?" Aria asked.
"I was just thinking of all the times I spent with Lyra and how much she means to me," I lied.
"Hmm," Aria smiled.
"I actually miss her. a lot." Aria sat beside me.
"Yeah, me too," I said in a very low voice I'm sure she couldn't have heard me.
I really did mean it. And I also meant it when I said I was in love with her.
"I don't think those basil will give us the right directions, I mean they are not properly grown," Aria said and she started laughing.
“That wasn't funny and you didn't tell me what a properly grown basil looked like." I rolled my eyes.
"You are too sassy," Aria shook her head and took the basil she needed while I carried the rosemary and we went inside.
"I think it is ready now." Aria said as she brought out the boiled herbs and poured the water into a bowl.
She took a syringe and grabbed some blood from the floor.
"It's truly a wonder how the blood isn't tried up yet." I said.
"One this is an enchanted house, so it understands what we are doing and it won't let the blood dry up and two poaters blood doesn't dry up quickly." She explained. "Okay," I nodded.
She put a drop of the blood into the herbs water and added a few basils and rosemary to it, then she spoke a few foreign words.
"Take us to where this person is" she said into the water and the basil and rosemary leaves started swirling and then it got faster until it exploded. Aria burst out in laughter.
"I knew they would do it, but it won't help them because I will still find them," she smiled to herself.
"What did they do?" I asked not understanding.
"They tried to make themselves untraceable by blood, so now I have to perform a ritual to break that hex before tracing their blood.
"How long will it take?" I asked.
"That I don't know. It depends on how strong the hex is. It can take a few hours, days, weeks or even months," Aria said.
"Weeks?! Months?! Can we wait for that long?" I asked starting to feel angry at myself for leaving her when I knew the kind of danger she was in.
"I should have left her alone. This was all my fault. I should have come here with her this is all fucked up! How will we get to her now before they carry out that their ridiculous ritual out on her and drain her of all her blood?"