Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 31: Old Man Chao

Chapter 31: Old Man Chao

Shi Tian smirked coldly when the owner was so rapidly accepting his offer. Before arriving at this particular stall, Shi Tian had already done some research on the pricing.

An old model Cellos was practically on the verge of extinction, similar to the former popular phone brand, Nokia, which is known for its sturdy and durability in withstanding lots of impacts.

Therefore, the price of such an old model Cellos was around 100 Eons or so, and his offering of 120 Eons was because he didn't wish to hear more blabbering from the owner.

Not to mention, he doubted other stores would still have old models in their merchandise since no one would purchase them even if they are short in funds at the moment.

One of the main aspects of the Cellos was its near-flawless cyber security. The world might have gone to shit, but technologies had continued to improve till this day, which was the main reason why humanity is still able to survive.

"Here are the 120 Eons, give me that old model." Shi Tian retrieved the money from his pocket and handed it over to the stall owner.

"Hehe, this sir is indeed a unique person." The owner readily gave Shi Tian the old model he pointed at and laughed cheekily.

"To purchase an old model that no one cares about anymore… I suppose sir is ready to do some business here." The owner added, seemingly acting as if he could perceive the thought process of Shi Tian.

Shi Tian remained silent, not planning on telling the stall owner anything.

The stall owner chuckled softly at the reaction of Shi Tian.

"People call me Old Man Chao, so sir can do so as well. And if sir is really in need of some help in the dark, do give me a call. My number is in that old model that you purchase. Who knows… maybe you might need my assistance one day." The stall owner, proclaimed as Old Man Chao, said as he watched Shi Tian walking away.

And although Shi Tian had walked quite far already, he had heard what Old Man Chao said. It was just that he didn't put it to heart at the moment since his main priority was finding a replacement for his right arm. Only when this matter was done could Shi Tian start to focus on other goals.

A man must set his priority straightforwardly and not have any other deviation. Otherwise, it would only come to harm him in the long run. contemporary romance

'With this old model, the cyber security would be a bit lacking, but it should be doable for now. Now I just need to change all the profile information to Nathan, making it believable.' Shi Tian thought to himself, inputting numerous data on the old model Cellos.

Sure enough, while inputting data into the old model Cellos, Shi Tian noticed one number in the contact list. Though the name wasn't listed as Old Man Chao. Instead, it was listed as Salty Rogue.

Shi Tian didn't think much of it since Salty Rogue was most likely the nickname or code name of Old Man Chao to avoid suspicions.

In a time of insecurities, code names were indeed popular to keep one's identity hidden, and Shi Tian was no exception to this method either.

After finishing inputting the data of the old model Cellos, Shi Tian promptly returned to Optic Mech and took the elevator to the fifth floor.

When Shi Tian arrived and saw the receptionist, he was informed that it would still take another 30 minutes or so.

"There are some seats by the aisle, so if you wish to wait here, then you can take a seat there, Nathan." The receptionist kindly said.

Shi Tian nodded his head.

"Thank you, I'll wait over there until Mechanist Isaac Aaronax is finished." He then said, walking toward the aisle to find a quiet and comfortable seat to sit on.

He might have arrived a bit earlier than the estimated time given by the receptionist, but Shi Tian had nothing else to do currently. Thus, he didn't mind waiting a bit more in the building while researching every little bit of information that circulated within Gearits City.

As he sat quietly in the seat, Shi Tian browsed through the internet using the old model Cellos, keeping Yolanda's Cellos hidden from the public.

Information was transmitted quite rapidly through the internet and many people were still living in the age of a shut-in.

Compared to the apocalypse movies that Shi Tian had watched in the past, the current era was a far cry from what the movies had exaggerated.

People weren't cut off from communication seemingly because of monsters rampaging around the wilderness. Instead, they were still in extensive contact with each other, even if they were separated by a long distance.

'Who would have thought that the barren and dark environment could be livened up in such a manner…' Shi Tian exclaimed inwardly, feeling weary of the experience he had to go through previously.

After reading some information, the nearest city to Gearits was extremely far. It was like the distance between two large countries and goes to show just how far apart humanity had split.

Gearits City was able to be preserved for this long because of the technology it had used to filter the air pollutant and humans that were capable of resisting the monsters equipped in mechanical armors.

As for some other cities, they weren't that blessed and were in a much worse condition than Gearits. Though the main concerning part was that monsters seemed to have an increased rate of mutating, allowing them to become stronger.

'If this information isn't outdated, then sooner or later, Earth is going to experience another disaster worse than the first one.' Shi Tian thought to himself, recalling the dreadful incident of the Great Disaster 1.0.

Although he didn't feel much emotion because of his passive ability, there was still some trauma hidden deep in his heart. A trauma that Shi Tian still refused to confront.

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