Realm of Wings

Chapter Chapter Twenty-three - Underneath the skin

Jade, stuck against the door in Kallan’s room:

In a moment of primal urgency I swirled my arms around his neck and accepted the passionate kiss he was providing me with. I had promised myself to not fall in love with a man but even though I did, I had just spilt out my feelings towards this one. I wanted to stop this, our making out, our passionate moment, but I couldn’t. This felt right, even though it should be wrong…

Our tongues fought for dominance and once he had realized that I wasn’t about to stop our actions, he lifted me up against the door by putting his hands under my ass and grinding his groin between my legs. He was dry-humping me against the wooden panel which aroused me as much to fill up my current underwear with warm moist and slickness. I hadn’t even checked what I was wearing but I didn’t care to think about checking it now either.

If it were for me, he could have taken me right here, right now, and I wouldn’t even bat one single eyelash over the fact that we might be relatives to each other. But he did. He did have the strength to stop the kiss, and unfortunately with a heavy sigh, put his forehead against mine.

“Jade, we have to be sure.” He sighed. “I’m sorry I kissed you.” He continued softly while keeping his eyes closed and breathing heavily.

“Well you did more than that,” I grinned. “but you are right.” I said with a gentle smile while looking into his green eyes as soon as he opened them.

“Yes, I know I did more, so now I have to get a cold shower. Be right back.” He said as he put me down on the ground again and reluctantly let go of me to turn around and walk towards the bathroom.

I took a seat back on the bed and curled myself up in the warm blankets that were faintly covered in his smell. After a few minutes he had come out with only a towel wrapped around his waist as he had forgotten to take fresh clothes with him. The few tattoos that were on his muscle-covered body, shimmered in the silky wetness that he hadn’t bothered to dry off, which made me instantly aroused again.

“Seriously Kallan, if you keep walking around like that I might just hump you when you expect it the least!” I laughed at him at which he grinned and shook his head.

He went inside his closet and took out some clothes to change into, but when I expected him to go back inside the bathroom, to change there, he just dropped the towel on the floor and showed me his fine ass. And when he leaned forward to raise his shorts… Fucking heaven and all pristine white unicorns on a flourishing rainbow! Shit, oh lord save me from this torture!

For just a single moment, when he lifted his feet to step into the thin clothing, his crown jewels dangled gloriously between the walls of muscle that surrounded his femurs! My mind was boggling with stars and fizzy bubbles, which took away my normal reasoning and common sense about anything remotely meaningful to a living person!

“You know, Jade, for a Fae who has her mind blocked for anyone to read, your face says it all.” Kallan laughed, which made me shake my head out of my daydream and realise that I was drooling right now.

“Yes, well I have never cared about what people think of me, so I might as well admit that once we find out that we aren’t cousins, I’m going to hump that thing without a thought!” I said in a full serious tone.

It took him a moment to reason with my statement as he probably hadn’t expected me to respond in such a way. But once he knew that I truly didn’t give one single shit about making comments about sex, he laughed wholeheartedly.

“You do realise that normally men say such words towards a woman, right?” He asked as he came closer to me.

“Yep, but since we both expressed our feelings towards each other, there is nothing that I should withdraw myself from what I say. Besides, you and I might not have sex until it is proven that we are not cousins, but you can’t keep me from saying anything about you and your body or using you in my next wet dream or thoughts when I pleasure myself!” I stated while sticking out my tongue.

“So, you are deliberately thinking about having sex with your cousin? Do you do that a lot, or? I mean, if you have crazy kinks like that I might want to take a step back out of this weird relationship.” He then whispered to me when he crawled onto the bed and nearly reached up to my face with his.

His newly applied cologne and citrus-scented shampoo made me relish in desire while his shifting muscles and precise-drawn tattoos were almost luring me in to pull him towards me and bite in those plump lips of his.

But when he took a moment to look into my eyes and I didn’t respond to his question, he knew that he had gotten me in a tight corner. My underwear was soaked, my mind was playing tricks on me, and he was toying with my thoughts.

“Wrahhh!” I roared as I pushed him away, shook the blankets off my body and rushed myself to the bathroom.

“You better start singing under the shower, because if you are quiet I know what you are doing!” He yelled after me at which I threw the door back in its frame with a loud crashing sound.

“I don’t care that you know!” I shouted agitated to the door while hearing him laugh out loud.

I hadn’t been singing in the shower, but I didn’t touch myself either as with the thought of him being my probable cousin it was just strange, even though we have kissed already. So, now I was still much aroused but at least I was clean and had been gifted some clothes that Trixie had brought in twenty minutes ago.

“Alright, apparently I am the heir to the throne that my great-grandmother, Queen Ayanna, had the right to sit upon, but we don’t know where my other relatives are. And because we don’t know where they are, we can’t ask them about any of my probable still hidden abilities and wings. Also, there is a magical rift that splits this world in two where on the other side of it, a bunch of bad Fae live. And above everything else, your father doesn’t want to explain why I shouldn’t take it down if that is at all possible.” I said in one go and took a deep breath. “How am I doing so far?” I asked Kallan while Trixie and Neil had returned to the room as well.

“Great, that pretty much sums it all up.” Kallen replied.

“And don’t forget that you are cousins.” Trixie chimed in, which resulted in both Kallan and me giving her an angry look. “Oh my god, there is two of you!” She said and rolled her eyes as we synchronized our facial expressions.

“So, what are we going to do next, miss Jade?” Neil asked me.

“I guess we have to talk to Kallan’s parents.” I said annoyed. “And then find out what the marble is for and what it does.” I continued as I moved my fingers over the smooth surface of the small, grey orb I held in my hand.

“Didn’t you say you had more tattoos?” Kallan suddenly asked me and I snapped up my head to him.

“Yes, that’s right. Do you want me to show them now?” I asked him and he nodded.

First, I lifted the sleeve of my left arm above my elbow and made the fingers of my right hand sizzle in energy, and just like I had done at the Tibetan Conclave, I made the rune of protection appear on my inner wrist. But I didn’t stop there.

My fingers traced my skin, further up towards the inside of my elbow, showing three more runes that were in the same size and colour as the one of protection.

Kallan came closer and pulled my hand towards him, to give himself a closer look at the runes on there. His fingers traced my skin, creating goosebumps right where he touched me. I had to remind myself to breathe normally, not wanting to show him what his touch did to me.

“This is amazing, Jade. If they are all connected to your abilities and they would be somehow unlocked or enhanced by the marbles, then we have to find the others, really soon.” He said with both excitement and astonishment.

“What do they mean then?” I asked him.

“Well the first is, as you already know, protection; the second is adjustment which I don’t know yet what it does; the third is animal, but what you would be able to do with that rune is beyond me as well; and the last one is healer, which we know you can do already, but maybe a marble with that same rune could enhance your healing ability.” He recited as if he was reading from an auto-cue that was running in front of him.

My mouth dropped. Animal? What is that supposed to mean? And what about the adjustment thing? Or the fact that I might even be capable of healing more people or bigger injuries?

But the fact that he said we should find other marbles which could be resulting in me getting these abilities, it suddenly made sense that me creating my bubble and involuntarily jumping backwards and also my blocked mind, all were part of the protection rune and marble. But I hadn’t had the marble in my hands when I jumped back both times, so, do I have to be in its near vicinity to be able to do those things? And could it be possible that my healing ability could be enhanced?

“So many new questions arise from this, it’s just all a bit overwhelming.” I said while slumping down my shoulders and letting myself drop further back in the chair I was sitting in.

“Miss Jade?” Neil asked for my attention. “I know that this is already a lot to digest, but what about your other tattoo?” He softly asked me, at which Kallan raised one of his eyebrows in question towards me.

“You have more?” He asked.

“Yes, just one more. But you have to help me with that.” I said and stood up from the chair to take off my shirt.

I turned around and unclasped the bra that I was wearing and dropped it on the floor. There had never been a moment where I was ashamed of my body, nor did I care what people thought about me either, but as I had done this, I actually realized that there was one person in this room that might feel a little different by my actions now.

And when Kallen quickly came to stand behind me, I actually smiled, as he had done this without me asking. He was shielding me from the eyes of Neil and Trixie and somehow made some claim on me like that as well.

He put his hands on my shoulders, lowering his head to come next to mine. “Jade, I know you don’t care about anything, but you aren’t making our situation any better by doing this.” He said and Trixie had to laugh shortly.

“Cousins….” She dragged out in a long tune and Kallan grunted curtly.

“What do you want me to do?” He asked after sighing.

“Well I had to throw a ball of energy against my back to hide this specific tattoo, which hurt me like hell, so I’d rather not do that again.” I explained half, not wanting to elaborate any further about the ‘how’.

Only then he took a step backwards to see how badly I had hurt myself by doing that. “But there are no scars.” He said in a non-questioning tone.

“That’s because she had knocked herself out for nearly two days and I kept her lying on her stomach all that time so I could redress her wounds every hour until her body healed them on its own.” Neil interrupted and explained the situation. I hated for him to tell this, as my actions were something I wasn’t fond of doing at that time. I had made myself vulnerable and now Kallan knew too that I hadn’t had the strength to carry me through the pain in full consciousness. But if I wanted to have no questions about the tattoo, there was only this option.

“But why-

“Because there was no other Fae who could help me hiding it!” I interrupted Kallen, slightly accusing his, and also my kind of people. I was getting annoyed by the questions and slightly became angry by them as well.

“If you don’t want to see it, I’ll just…” I started my sentence as I tried to pull my shirt back over my head, not bothering myself by getting dressed again in the bra. I didn’t want to feel like this. I didn’t want to have to depend on someone else! I never needed help with doing my things, and I certainly didn’t want the help by getting something back I have had forced myself to hide in the first place!

“No, wait.” Kallan sighed and held back my arms, keeping me from completely hiding my back. “You need me to use my energy and rub over your back, right?” He understandingly asked me and I nodded. “Don’t worry, if I can make it appear, I’ll make it disappear again as well. You don’t need to go through that pain again, alright?” He secured my feelings and I nodded again.

I was anxious to let him show the thing that was on my back as it wasn’t something that I liked in particular. It wasn’t something that showed my character, my power or anything else. From the day I was born, the tattoo had been growing with each passing year. But around the age of twenty-five, it had stopped growing but still was ugly and rotten to see, so eventually, when I had found out how to hide the runes on my arm, I had decided to want to get rid of the tattoo on my back as well.

Kallan’s fingers started to sizzle, anxiously wanting to touch my bare back, and when he did, I could remember the pain I had been feeling when burning it away, so many years ago. But this time it didn’t hurt as his touch was calming me and soothing my skin. The energy felt warm and exciting and it took a lot of me to stay calm on the inside.

But when Kallan found the spot where the tattoo started and he rimmed around the edges to see how big it really was, he gasped. But his fingers weren’t as near to the middle as where the tattoo had been before, so I was actually confused now. Has it been growing, even though I had hidden it, all this time?

Kallan continued to work his fingers all across my back, from shoulder to shoulder, from neck to lower back. And with each passing inch, he continued to gasp and breath in a non-steady rhythm.

“What the…” Trixie said and stopped mid-sentence.

“Oh my…” Neil chimed in as well.

“What? What is wrong?” I asked as I looked back behind me, turning my head to look over my shoulder as Kallan continued to make the tattoo reappear.

“Miss Jade, the tattoo… its… much different than what it had been before.” Neil continued.

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