
Chapter CHAPTER 21

Chapter 21

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nd wou better sell me what’s going on, 131 kruk over your play again. And this time I’ll make sure something

“Ckay, okay, Beeselen, before taking a deep breath: “I may be substituted myself for one of Brad’s sex dolls. Again, It’s à hòng, mory, but it was amsting” Elissa nearly knocks the displej over again in shock, but Learch the table just in time to

Are you wer?” she gasps, her eyes wide with a mixture of shuck, confusion, amusement, and admiration “How? Why again? OMG, Chrissy. You have to tell meeverything” I lower my voice and confess my shenanigans. I tell Elissa all about how I pulled the same trick once more, except this time, we engaged in hard-core backdoor action.

“You must be s**g me.” Elissa says in a low voice, her jaw practically on the ground. “No way.”

“Yes way,” I say, “h really happened.”

She scrunches her brow.

“But he knows it’s you, right? And not some sex doll?”

I shrug

think so. Unless… he genuinely doesn’t know it’s me? I’m still not sure.”

Elissa stands up straight.

“Chrissy, ofcourse Brad knows it’s you! It would be insane if he really believed you were a piece of inanimate plastic, not matter how well you played your part.”

“Have you ever seen one of these sex dolls up close, though?” I ask. “They’re totally life-like. They have realistic skin and hair, as well as make-up, nails, and soft p**es and a**s. I think there’s gel injected into their boobs and butts to make them even more like a real woman.” Then I lower my voice. “I heard some of the dolls even have a p**y sucking function.”

Elissa snorts.

“What’s that?”

I grin.

“Some of them have a motor in their private parts, and when you turn it on, their p**s supposedly swell and pulse like a woman having an o**m. You know how some girls can supposedly milk a guy’s d**k with their vaginas? I think that’s the sensation these p**y-sucking motors provide.”

“Holy**t!” Elissa snorts. “This is cray cray!”

“I know,” I agree. “That’s why I’m not sure Brad even knows it’s me.”

But at those words, my friend gives me a skeptical look.

“Come on, Chrissy,” Elissa chides. “You can’t be serious”








Chapter 21

“But the alternative is almost more insane, don’t you think?” I rise. “Tlui Brad fully knows it’s me, but is playing along. pretending I’m a sex doll?”

“True, thatwouldbe pretty insane,” agrees Elissa. “Because he’s a grown man and too old for these games. But which of the two bizarre possibilities is more credible? That he’s a kinky motherf**r who’s willing to use his ex’s teenage daughter as a sex doll? Or that he’s a straight-up idiot who can’t tell a sex doll from a real woman?” When Chrissy puts it like that, I have to admit she’s right. There’s no way Brad doesn’t know he’s had sex with a real-life woman not once, but twice now. That just leaves one possibility: he must want me as much as I want him.

“Why are you grinning?” Elissa giggles.

“Because I just realized you’re right,” I reply. “Brad knows it’s me, and he loves it”

“No doubt!” confirms Elissa. “I mean, look at you, Chris! You’re a million times better than a piece of plastic. And no, I don’t care how technologically advanced these ladies are.”

I giggle.

“But Brad’s never shown any interest in me before. I barely see hun when we’re both home, and when I do, he’s always cold and stand-offish. Like he thinks I’m not even worth talking to.”

“Well, clearly it’s not your conversation he’s interested in!” laughs Elissa, a little too loudly.

“Shh!” I hiss, throwing glances over my shoulder as my friend playfully rolls her eyes. “But, I continue, “can I really be involved with a man who’s literally using my body for sex? I mem, think about it, Liss. We don’t talk. He literally uses me like a piece of plastic.”

“You should have thought about thatbeforeyou climbed into his bed and pretended to be a doll,” giggles Elissa teasingly as she p**ds me in the ribs.

“I know,” I sigh. “But I couldn’t help myself. I just had to do it. It was so exciting, and it’s so hot that he’s going along with it. But I should probably speak to Brad about the situation because twice is enough.”

“You should,” Elissa agrees with a smirk. “Let me know how it goes, girlfriend, because this is going to be an interesting conversation, to say the least.

I swat her on the shoulder and giggle, even if internally, I’m a little nervous. After all, Brad’s been going along with the game. but it’s still a twisted situation and can’t possibly keep going the way it is. I suddenly realize that I’m desperate to know what he thinks about all of this. But I’m also scared to break the spell. Pretending to be the doll was such a turn on and I loved everything that Brad’s done to me in bed. What if, by talking to him about it, I ruin the situation? I mean, what if he’s not interested in me the regular way? What if all Brad wants is an inanimate female body to use?

Oh *d. There’s no way I can ever find another c**k that good, or a game this kinky. Nothing will ever be able to live up to the sexual tension and adventure I’ve shared with Brad in the past two days. Have I screwed myself already? I shake my head, despondent. This sucks. Why didn’t I think into the future Why am I always so impulsive?


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