Rain: Book 3 of Playing for Keeps

Chapter 8: Wolf's Home

I was not permitted to walk around and not be locked in my room. I missed mom and dad. I was not mistreated here. I was told to look at this as if it was a vacation. I was helping White Dove bake bread and pies today. We were sitting in the kitchen when the door slammed open. We turned and looked at the angry man standing there staring at me.

White Eagle stop right there I heard White Dove yell. But the man stormed over to me and grabbed me dragging me out the door. Stop it White Eagle. What is this bitch doing here and not in the cells? I lay on the ground looking at him. I did not see White Dove running toward a building. I looked up at the man with fear in my eyes. You deserve what you have coming to you bitch. He slapped my face and I started to cry.

Stop I said. I did not do anything to you. No, but you stole the father of her child from her. I didn't I said. He reached down and grabbed my shirt and tore it from my body. Stop I screamed. He was then on me trying to take my jeans off me. I am going to fuck you and get you pregnant then dump your sorry ass in front of your club. I screamed and scratched him fighting him. He punched me in the face and my head hit a rock. I screamed more when someone jerked him away from me.

What the hell do you think you are doing White Eagle? Coming to my home and abusing a woman. I heard Wolf tell someone to take the man to the cells until he cools off. You are drunk and I know you would never treat a woman like this. Get him out of my sight. I kneeled down and said Rain, I am going to carry you back to the house. I jerked away from Wolf and moved back on the ground as far away from him as I could get.

Rain, please let me help you. You are hurt and your head is bleeding. I looked at White Dove and she helped me stand up. I looked down at my shirt that was barely hanging onto me. I said I am so sorry that I look such a mess. I will go to my room and clean up and change before the doctor gets here. I stopped and said. White Dove, I don't have any clothes with me.

May I borrow some sweatpants and a shirt. Thank you I said walking into the house and to my room. I took a shower and washed the blood out of my hair. I found clean underwear and sweatpants and a man's teeshirt sitting on the bathroom counter. As I dressed I noticed that the shirt smelled really good. I had a brush in my hand as I walked out of the bathroom and sat in the chair beside the window.

I was brushing my hair when there was a knock on the door. Come in I said. I stood up as Wolf and a woman walked in. Hello Rain, my name is Roxie. I am the doctor and this boys and White Dove's mother. I am also the mother of that idiot who attacked you. Please sit down. Wolf can you please bring the doctor a cup of coffee or tea? I let Rain to what she wanted at the moment as I examined her with my eyes.

Wolf told me that you hit your head. May I look at it? Yes, I showed her where I hit my head. You need a few stitches Rain. Will you let me put them in? If you have to I said. I sat while Roxie stitched my head. I am going to give Wolf some pain pills for you. You are going to have a headache for a few days. It will get really bad. Now if you will forgive me I need to go and talk to Wolf. I would suggest that you get some rest. Thank you doctor I said watching her walk out of the room.

I took Wolf outside. Just what the hell was White Eagle thinking I asked him. That woman in there is barely holding herself together. She is bruised badly on her back and he scratched her breasts. I had to put four stitches in her head and she is trying to push what he did to her to the back of her mind. She acted like she did not even know who she got hurt. And I have a feeling this is not the first time she had been traumatized and willed herself to not remember.

I did not raise any of you boys to do something like this to a woman. I will not tolerate it do you understand me, Wolf? Don't yell at me, mom. I did not do this to her. That girl is a gentle girl and you can tell she does not like conflict and that she had been hurt emotionally. When you brother is sober I want to see him. Yes, mom, I said walking to the cells.

I walked in the building and down the two flights of stairs. I walked down the hallway to the cell that my brother was thrown in. Why did you do it White Eagle? Why did you attack and assault Rain? She never did anything to you. And when you sober up mom wants to see you. She is not happy with you right now. And White Eagle if you ever lay another hand on Rain, I will kill you.

Why would you do that? Stand up for Beasts bitch of a woman? She is not Beast's woman he did not claim Rain. He claimed her twin sister instead. And Rain never hurt anyone. She has been nothing but respectful to all of us. Hell, she never even screamed at me or demanded that I take her back to her fathers' club.

I am telling you when you sober up you stay away from Rain. Do not go near her again and do not ever put your hands on her again or try to rape her. If you do, I will kill you. Brother or not. You are falling for that white trash. She is not white trash and you are fucking up my plans. Stay away from Rain I said walking back down the hall and up the stairs.

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