Race to the Next World

Chapter ⌛Eleven⌛

I tried to remember what passwords Sirus used to get access into the Computer. It was hard enough to get inside the room, but now I was stuck. I couldn’t fail too many times because the Computer will get suspicious and an alarm will go off. There were twelve characters, four of which were numbers one, four, seven, and eight. But its still thousands of possibilities I would have to try and work out.

I didn’t think it would be this difficult.

I ruled out a good majority of the alphabet but vowels and main consonants stayed. It narrowed down my options but coming up with a possible password was killing me. If I had Iris’ hand, I could just scan it and all of this would be solved.

A hand passed over my mouth tightly, bringing my head back abruptly. I just about screamed, my hands grabbing this person’s wrist. My heart jammed in my chest and as I tried to breathe in. My scream was caught in my throat. I just about choked up.

“Shut up.” Sirus hissed when I made a sound. I looked up though and caught a glimpse of his black hair.

He shouldn’t have grabbed me! What did he think was going to happen?

“What do you think you’re doing?” Sirus asked me quietly as he let go of my mouth, but didn’t remove his arm from around my shoulders. If he doesn’t like my answer, he could press his arm into my neck and drag me back.

“Getting information.” I said as I wiggled out of his hold. “Don’t scare me like that, Sirus! You’re lucky I didn’t scream-”

“Will you shut up?” he wanted to cover my mouth again. “You want us to get caught!” he whisper yelled at me.

“Then go away. You shouldn’t be here.” I turned around so I could look at the screens again. I still had to think of a way in.

“Why does my tracker tell me you don’t exist?” he asked.

“I’m on temporary leave right now. I’m technically not a Coordinator.” I said plainly as I stared at the screen, still thinking.

“Aurora, what the hell are you doing?” he wasn't curious, it just seemed like he was going to yell at me like before.

“Can I explain later?” I asked. He’s ruining my focus and I really need to concentrate right now. I know I should ask how he found me in the first place.

He turned me around, pressing me against the counter so I had no choice but to look at him.

“What are you doing?” he asked again.

“Well, since I’m not a Coordinator, I can look up information on Jupiter without getting stripped of my title for hacking.” I said. He was about to say something about that, probably what a stupid idea it was, but I stopped him. “Can you help me, Sirus? Please?” I asked, glancing at the computer so he could give me the access that I need.

“You owe me.” he said.

“Never mind.” I said and turned around, just about to type something in, but Sirus pushed me aside so he could do it.

“You could have told me you were doing this.” he said.

“So you can yell at me again?” I asked.

“You were being an idiot. That’s why I yelled at you. Try not fucking up and I wouldn’t get mad.”

I shouldn’t have brought it up because he would’ve gotten upset again. But...he was talking about it. Sirus barely ever talks about what bothers him unless it makes him angry. I wanted to know why he was so upset about what I did. He thinks we might get murdered because Jupiter is a little temperamental.

I didn’t say anything at first. I was staring at him as I watched him type in passwords into the screens that loaded. Manually doing this was a pain, but Sirus knew all of the passwords.

I didn’t...he never said anything to anyone about what Xalton was doing, but I guess he didn’t know either.

“I’m going to tell you something, and I might kill you if you tell anyone else.” he didn’t sound that threatening when he said that, but I was careful.

Anything could come out of his mouth.

“I don’t like when other Flyers notice you.” he admitted quietly.

That didn’t register right. “Its because they’d kill me?” I asked.

“If that’s how you want to think about it, that’s fine by me.” he said and typed in another password that the computer was asking for.

I don’t understand him.

“Why were you so mad, Sirus?” I wanted to know the truth.

“I guess you can say I need you. And if something were to happen, I would probably have to be assigned to some other snobby, stuck up, bitch.” he said.

The only part I stayed on was that he needed me. At least he admitted that kindly.

“Don’t yell at me.”

“Don’t do dumb shit.” He stood up straight and looked at me.

Then he gestured to the screen. Everything was unlocked for me.

I pushed him out of my way like he did to me before. I expected him to put up a fight, and he was about to, but he walked around instead. It doesn’t sound like he was trying to work on his temper, but we both know he might be the reason we get caught if he gives in to his anger.

“Computer, access cadet files.” I said.

This time, I wouldn’t need a ranking password since its the Captain’s computer. I got a list of thousands of people, Coordinators and Flyers.

“Narrow down to Flyers.” I said. The files were down by half. “Narrow down to females.” I said. More than two thirds were gone. “Cadet Jupiter.” I said.

There were way too many.

I don’t have a number.

“Three-nineteen.” Sirus said loudly for the Computer to narrow down to one Flyer.

He knew. I whipped around quickly to look at him. He just shrugged at me and continued walking around, touching everything.

“You knew this whole time?” I asked him, almost wanting to get mad.

“No.” he was about to correct me. He even stopped walking to look at me. “I found out.” he said. “That’s why I got so pissed, cause I got my ass kicked by some bitch who would’ve killed me if she found out I was on to her.” he snapped at me.


“You literally could’ve gone to Commander Picses with that information, Sirus-”

“No way." He stopped me there. "I don’t want that on my conscience.” he scoffed dryly. “I wanted to mind my own business, but you’re the one that wants to do dumb shit, so this is on you.” he made himself very clear.

I was taking the fall for this one if it goes bad. He doesn’t want to be involved.

“Fine, I’ll tell Commander Picses.” I turned everything off as I walked by him quickly. The faster I get out of here and get this information out, the faster I can go back to doing what I’m supposed to.

I could hear Sirus following behind me as we walked out of the Captain’s room. I know Commander Picses has most of his officials in the Command room right now, and is trying to decide what to do with Xalton.

I have some interesting information.

I walked into the Command room, hoping that I won’t be shut down by all the Lieutenants and people under Commander Picses. They don’t have to believe any of what I say, but I think Commander Picses will listen. I told him he should be looking for a woman. I’m giving her to him without him having to lift a finger.

“Aurora, what are you doing here?” Commander Picses asked me, but he glanced at Carsus because I wasn’t supposed to be here.

“Three nineteen was with Xalton the night he decided to mess with the main engine.” I blurted out.

“How do you know that, Aurora?” Carsus asked me quickly, shocked that I said that.

“I might have hacked the Computer to find out what systems Xalton bypassed.” I answered truthly. Its not like he can do anything.

“You what?!”

“Then I did it again to find out who the woman was.” I added. I wasn’t being cocky about it. I could see their faces, and they were not happy, so I tried to be as polite as I could.

It’s not my fault that Sirus knows all the passwords. And it’s not my fault that is’ easy to get in the Captain’s room...well, it wasn’t easy but I still got in.

“We should revoke your title!.” Another lieutenant got up, slamming his hands down on the table.

It didn’t take Carsus long to figure it out. He stopped moving and rubbed his hand on his face. He was part of my plan and didn’t know it. “You can’t.” Carsus sighed, almost ashamed.

“What do you mean we can’t? He has no privileges.”

“That’s the point. He has none at all, he’s on temporary leave at the moment.” Carsus was upset that he didn’t know I would do this.

Picses was laughing in his seat. I don’t know what was so funny about the situation, but he was genuinely laughing.

“He doesn’t get punished for breaking a law that doesn’t apply to him.” Another said.

“But we know who was with Xalton.”

“For the price of knowing cadets can hack into the main Computer to find out information.” The first one said. I could feel the anger devouring the room completely and it was all aimed at me.

“Commander Picses-”

“He has no status. And we assumed those who have none has no access. Until now.” Picses said, stroking his beard as he continued to laugh. I didn’t understand why he was the only one not angry. “There’s no point in putting him to trial.” he said.

No one liked that.

“He broke a law, Commander.” A Lieutenant got up, expressing his anger.

“None of this applies to him.” Carsus said. I bet he regrets giving me temporary leave.

“What are we going to do, Commander?”

“Let him go, of course.” he said.

That was incredibly easy. I thought they would’ve found a way to get me with charges for treason, but Picses just laughed and laughed. He didn’t want to do anything about it.

“We can’t-”

“The only thing we can do now is get the government involved to modify the law, but this can’t count against him. We must obey that, Faris.” Picses said, smiling at me. “You are free to go, Aurora.” he said to me.

“Oh.” I had one more request. “And I would like to be reinstated. I don’t need to be on temporary leave anymore.” I said.

“You little-” Carsus was about to snap when Picses laugh filled the room. He was so entertained by this whole situation. It shocked us all as we looked at him.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like that before.

“I would only expect that from you, Aurora. Well done.” Picses was actually praising me.

I can’t believe this.

“What?!” Carsus yelled.

“Activate his tracker. He’s off temporary leave.” Picses said as Carsus got up to come over to me. He still had my tracker. He wasn’t happy to activate for me, but it’s not like he can do anything else.

I took it from him and smiled.

I got my tracker back. And since I wasn’t gone long, the ranks won’t change. This is great. I’m not in trouble.

Sirus was waiting for me outside. I was smiling as I looked at him. He didn’t get it. He thought I would be ripped a new one for what I did.

“I got passed the law,” I was proud of myself.

“I guess yelling at you was helpful.” he said as he walked ahead of me.

If anyone knew he was involved too, he would lose a lot. He’s lucky no one else knows that he was helping me.

I stayed quiet behind him as we walked. Then he stopped walking. I almost bumped into him. I had to abruptly stop because I wasn’t paying attention. I don’t know what he was thinking about, but it made him pause.

“You know what, I’m bored.” he said and turned around.

“Oh no.” I took a step back. “I have things to take care of, and the last thing I want to do is let you man handle me.” I took another step back because he took one forward.

I know what he’s thinking.

“Go back to being mad at me.” I said to him quickly. I wanted him to storm away and leave me alone. I wanted him to be so upset that he’ll keep himself occupied for hours.

“You aren’t going anywhere, Aurora. I know what you’re thinking.” he said and glanced back at me.

I looked down at my tracker in my hand. I was thinking of running. I was going to find a place to stay and I was going to turn off my tracker so he can’t find me. He knows.

“Don’t tell me you got all hot because I broke a few laws.” I was up against the wall. I couldn’t take another step back.

I don’t know what’s wrong with him, but we definitely need to talk this through. Once Sirus gets his hands on me, it’s over. It’s definitely over.

He had that look in his eyes like I wasn’t going anywhere. I was already cornered and he was standing way too close in front of me.

Way too much happened for me to be okay with this.

“Change my mind.” he said.

I don’t...

His knee rubbed between my legs, getting to my crotch. My face was beginning to heat up as I felt my legs shake beneath me. My lips were shaking as I tried to find something to say. I don’t know what...I leaned back against the wall because he didn’t stop.

He moved his arms up on the wall and got closer to me. I looked down, my face getting hot. He was really close to me. I could feel his breath against my cheek. He might be able to feel me shaking. That’s how close he was.

“Have anything to do?” he asked.

I should lie and say I do. I should lie and tell him I was going to be late for some made up task.

“No.” I answered instead.

I have nothing to do.

His knee rubbed harder, making me moan. My hand flew to my mouth so I could cover up my voice. I was surprised that I was getting into it. Sirus hadn’t stopped, and I was at that point where I didn’t want him, too.

I tried to speak but all I got was moan after moan. He didn’t care what I was feeling, he was only doing this to mess with me. I trembled as I bit down on my lip, my hand pressed tighter over my face. The more he rubbed me, the more I wanted to be wrapped around him, the more I wanted him inside me.

The more I wanted him to make a mess of me.

These thoughts were alarming, at least for me, but at the same time I wasn’t stopping him. I wanted him so much that if he does this for another minute, I might start crying out so loud that people would hear me. I was slipping quickly. I leaned against the wall and his hand let go, but his knee still rubbed against me as he looked at my face.

He was waiting.

I know how to ask him. I know how to tell him.

“I... I want it.” I breathed. He moved his knee higher again and my knees trembled. “P-please Sirus, I need it.” I said, hoping that would persuade him.

He smiled, liking that answer better.

“Anything for you.” he said as he stopped rubbing me, pulling me on with him.

My whole body was warm. I was thinking about the things we could do, he could do, just to make this unsettling feeling go away.

I wanted to take this suit off. I wanted to get his suit off too.

The second we got to our room, my request was answered and I was about to be taken care of. Sirus pulled at my zipper as he kissed me roughly, his tongue already in my mouth. I felt my suit loosening from my body as he got it off me.

I wanted so much to have this feeling go away. It was driving me insane.

He pulled his body with mine, moving us to his bed. As he got my suit off me, he sat down, letting his lips move from mine as his fingers made their way around my body. I didn’t stop him from turning me around, but I wanted to stop him from what he planned next. I felt his tongue on me, licking me as his fingers spread me apart more.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I didn’t want to get comfortable but Sirus was making this so difficult. I’m not supposed to like things like this. I shouldn’t feel bliss.

But that’s not what was happening.

My hands were grabbing over his that were at my waist, tightening more as he continued to lick me. I haven’t cried out this hard before but I couldn’t stop it. Sirus was doing a good job of making me beg. I was going to cum if he doesn’t stop it. I tried my best to hold it but when his tongue licked inside me, I knew I wouldn’t last long.

It wasn’t enough. I wanted him deep inside me, I wanted him to pull my hair and make me cry out louder.

My body ached for him, he can feel me twitching. He was taking his time me and that’s not like him. I wanted him to get to it.

He finally let go, kissing my skin as he pulled my down on his lap. He moved his hips with mine, both of us rubbing together. His cock was on my skin, making me hotter as I dripped more. I held on to my moans just as he kissed behind my ear, going to my neck.

I can’t wait anymore.

His hands moved on me when he noticed I got impatient. I wanted him inside me. I moved my hips up as I felt his cock press on my skin. And as I moved again, he slid inside me, throbbing and twitching as he got deeper.

He spread my legs more, exposing me completely as he bit my neck. I kept my moans in but it was hard to once he started moving; I leaned my head back on his shoulder as I moaned louder for him. If only he didn’t make me have my legs so open.

My face felt hot. But I don’t think I was that embarrassed. It was just us. I’d like to think that Sirus was the only person that knows me this way.

His hand found mine and as he thrusted deeper inside me, he held my hand, keeping my body on his. I was moving my hips with his because I was in to it.

I wasn’t thinking. I heard the sound of my voice, and for once, i wasn’t thinking about keeping to myself. I was enjoying this more than I thought I was.

Sirus has no idea what he does to me.

His breath hit the skin of my neck as he kissed me there. His other arm moved around my hips, and his hand was touching me as he continued to thrust inside me.

I was going to cum but when his hand tightened at my hip, I knew I wouldn’t be able to do anything; he wants me to hold out. I can try all I want but I’m close to my limit. He moved me on his own, grinding his skin on mine. I could feel my fingers curl around his as I tensed more on him.

He still kissed my neck as he held me tightly. I got more turned on by hearing his moans in my ear, feeling his breath and skin on me. I never forget how much he enjoys this. He sounds like he was enjoying it. My heart was racing as I heard him.

He was close. So was I.

Sirus liked that he could hear me this time. Its the only reason he kept touching me, just so he can hear me more. He tries hard to get me to like this, I didn’t know that till now.

When he came, I did, too. I got this chill going up my spine. I felt him release inside me, and I had that wave of pleasure coursing through me as I finished, too.

Everything was blurry for a minute.

I couldn’t even catch my breath. I could barely hold myself up. I don’t know if it was because I was tired, or because I was just so out of it that I needed a few minutes to get over it.

“You’re shaking.” Sirus said, breathing hard on my neck.

I know I’m shaking, he doesn’t have to state the obvious. I closed my eyes and when I felt him move, I straightened up over his lap.

He shouldn’t do that.

“Let go of me.” I said, my hands gripping his.

“Well, that wouldn’t be any fun.” he laughed, kissing my neck. His hand moved lower, touching my cock lightly as moved his hips against mine.

I took a deep breath as I tensed up. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen in the next second but if Sirus doesn’t calm down, I won’t be able to.

“Come on, baby, you like this.” he said, biting my ear as his hand stroked me.

My heart was still racing. I felt like I could keep going, but I don’t know if I should. I was shaking just like Sirus pointed out before. My thighs were throbbing. And as he moved, the shaking began to spread lower. I breathed hard as I tried to decide what I should do.

I didn’t want to let Sirus have his way, but maybe I should have this chance to feel good.

Today has been terrible. I deserve to feel good.

“Moan louder for me.” he said quietly.

I gave him what he wanted.

I had started moving on my own cause he got me in the mood again.

His fingers had tightened in mine. That was the only thing I noticed for a moment. He was still holding my hand. My face was growing hot as I thought about it. He doesn’t do this. The intimacy really is unsettling. When he does things like that, I think about us differently, like how I don’t mind that we’re doing this, like its not as bad as I make it seem, like I would rather do this with Sirus than do anything else.

Sirus had picked up on something that I didn’t really notice. Sure, I shake all the time. But this is different. I feel this all over my body, I feel it everywhere and that usually doesn’t happen.

I was shaking.

His hand didn’t let go of mine the whole time.

I think I fell asleep and he was still holding my hand. He doesn’t do that. Maybe he was just really into it this time. I was into it, too.

I stopped worrying when I woke up.

He wasn’t here. Like usual, I was alone. I ran my hand through my hair as I looked around our room.

My face still felt hot. I was flushed. There was this numbing feeling to my ear. But I had this weird throbbing in my body.

Usually, I get a sense of regret and why I should be ashamed of myself, but I didn’t feel like that at all.

I looked over the bed to reach for clothes to put on, but a sleeve had moved down over my arm. I was already wearing his clothes. I hadn’t noticed. His shirt was big on me.

I hope he knows I have my own clothes.

I laid back down in bed and stared at the ceiling. I had gotten a glimpse of the time before I had plopped myself back in bed. It was the next day. I was completely wiped out. I moved my arm over my face, and took a deep breath to keep myself calm. I could smell him on his clothes too. I stopped moving and stared up at the ceiling again.

What am I doing? Why don’t I ever say anything about what Sirus is doing? I brought my arm up and stared at my hand.

Last night, he had no problem holding my hand.

This is new.

Its confusing.

The sleeve of his shirt rolled down my arm because it was big. I brought my hand down and sighed quietly to myself. This is just different.

It was hard to drag myself up but I got there eventually. I had time to get cleaned and change clothes; I didn’t feel like putting on my suit today. I put his shirt back on me but I found different pants to wear somewhere. Grey wasn’t my favorite color. Sirus needs to add more color to his clothes.

My arms were warm so I didn’t change.

I walked down the hallways, finding it to be unusually more quiet than normal. I was curious to know what was going on. Usually it’s more...there’s more people walking around during the day. I should go looking for people. I walked closer to the brighter lights, where the Coordinator areas were.

Before I got any further, someone put their hands on me. It wasn’t forceful, just a gentle touch to my shoulders. I was being pulled off in a different direction.

Taurus was pulling me.

And she wasn’t alone.

“Did you hear?” Taurus whispered quickly as I was dragged off somewhere else with her and Donri.

I was confused on why they were being so secretive.

“Japan is on our side now.” Donri said.

I forgot about that yesterday. I never found out what happened with that. Is this the secret they wanted to tell me? I didn’t think it was a big deal. I stared at them. “What’s wrong with that?” I asked.

“They have a history for cheating people out, Aurora. We learned this, remember Switzerland and Sweden?” she asked. I stared at her. I haven’t sat in a history class for so long, I barely even know what is happening now. “Do you at least remember how Iran and Iraq were taken?” she asked.


“The only two nations we have is Canada and Latin America, but we didn’t fight them, they joined us.”

Japan likes to raid other Mother ships. We’re taught that they’re aggressive. They will take other nations, bring the people on to their ship, take all the technology and anything that’s useful, then blow up the raided ship.

We thought Africa was large, Japan is a different category on it’s own. With so many nations under them, they have enough forces to wipe out all of us. We do have Africa but combining all of us is just less than half of what Japan has.

They’ve been quiet for so long. And we didn’t get raided yet. So I wanted to know what was going to happen now.

“What's wrong?” I asked.

If we can get Japan on our side, we’re set. That’s it. We can all just cruise to the new planet together, come up with some treaty, and live peacefully while Russia and Europe sulk about it.

“What if we get taken over?” Taurus was stressed out.

“We are going to the same place.” Donri said, finding the small loophole to her worried behavior. We are going to the same place.

“We're going to be under Japan’s control if they take everything from us. I wonder how they got by China and their army.”

“That's a long story.” Donri said. Taurus looked horrified.

Chances are Japan has more than they can handle, but for how many centuries have they been doing this? If I’m correct, or if I do remember at least, they are in control of almost all of what the Asian countries were. I find that kind of skill amazing.

“It might be a good thing.” I wanted to be hopeful because I want to consider myself an optimistic person.

We shouldn’t have to worry about something like this. The American nations are strong. Sure we don’t nearly cover half of what Japan has, but that’s okay.

“They have all the luxurious things we have, and more.” Donri seemed a bit star struck by it, but he was like that when I dyed his hair white. He’s amazed by a lot of things. If Japan has even a little of what Africa has, I would be amazed too.

“That is not the point, Donri. How are we going to defend ourselves?” she asked.

Before I could answer, we all heard Carsus’ piercing howl as his boots scratched the floor. All three of us were looking over to where he was standing near a large group of Coordinators. No one would mistake his voice.

Something's happening.

“Two thirty-six, two thirty-seven, fourteen-fifty and nineteen-eleven. Come with me now.” he yelled.

Everyone had gone quiet. He called for my number and I had gone extremely pale. Carsus is already pissed at me for what I did, but I wasn't the only one he called out. Taurus has to come with me too. We looked at each other as we, and the other two Coordinators, moved towards Carsus.

He was unhappy, which means we will be too.

I was scared to know what we’re doing but that’s only an understatement to what the other three were feeling. Taurus was sweating puddles as we walked, she was so terrified.

We followed Carsus to the Command room, seeing a bunch more people there. Lieutenants and other officials were standing around, along with Commander Picses. I saw other fighters, and I wanted to guess that they were from Japan’s force. Their suits looked really nice, I wanted to see what was on them. It looks like a hologram system.

If I asked to see what they do, would I get yelled at? Japan must be here for a reason, but I wanted to see their Ship and all the other Ships too.

Our Flyers were standing, waiting for us.

I stood next to Sirus quietly as the others got next to their partners. He laughed quietly to himself because there was something funny. I stared up at him, and when he looked at me again, he just laughed some more. Is there something on my-oh. I still have his shirt on. I nudged his arm, and he flinched, taking a slight step away from me. This is not the time for him to be messing around.

“These are my elite cadets.” Commander Picses said once we were all lined up. Some of us weren’t in uniform, but we had our badges on us so it looked like we were at least doing something right.

“You chose only four.” Japan’s Commander said.

“I can’t fit all of my fighters in this room, Commander.” Picses said.

We haven’t lost to a nation just yet. The African Commander sat in a seat, finding this whole thing to his disliking. I could tell by the scowl on his face.

No one likes treaties and agreements apparently.

Japan’s Commander looked at us again. He didn’t find it humorous. Picses wanted to laugh and he was dying to hold it in. Japan’s Commander didn’t crack a smile. “We won’t be taking over your ship.” he said finally.

I didn’t like how he said that but I kept that opinion to myself. Its like he planned on just storming over us and taking everything we had. I know Japan is large with a bunch of other nations with them, but does this man really believe that he would get away with taking us over. I’m an optimistic person, and I believe it when I say that the American nations would set fire to everything Japan owns if they try to take us over. I’m mostly saying that because Flyers don’t like threats. They really will try to obliterate everything.

Picses kept his smile since he is trying to work out a deal with him. That’s why he’s being so pleasant and behaving.

“I hope that we can carry out a temporary treaty with you.” Japan’s Commander said. “And with Africa, too.” he added.

Africa is usually neutral. That's why there wasn't much outrage when we sided with them. We've both benefited from each other. But this is different. Japan has taken over some big countries in the past, and now they're twice the size our both our and Africa's Mother ship combined.

Picses said yes to Japan’s Commander, and so did the African Commander. We might've just became a bigger army, but not everyone is going to like that.

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