Rabid For Her Revenge

Chapter THREE

A light knock had me shooting off of the chair into a defensive position. My heart thundered violently in my chest and my breathing quickened until I was able to calm myself down and think rationally.

Myrin would never knock.

Taking in a deep breath I made my way to the door and cracked it open, peaking out to see Sarakiel standing there with his hands in his pockets. His stormy eyes lowered down to where I was looking up at him.

I straightened and then opened the door wider, just enough to accommodate my full form but not enough for him to see the bed had not been slept in. I didn’t need him asking questions. I would not allow him to see me as weak.

I crossed my arms and rose a brow when he said nothing.

His eyes lingered on the scar he had left on my neck but then continued up the rest of the way to my eyes.

“You look…” he pursed his lips, “…better.”

I snorted. “Well, you certainly didn’t mark me because of my beauty.”

“No, indeed I didn’t,” he affirmed.

I stepped out of the bedroom, making Sarakiel back up in turn, and closed the door behind me.

As we began to walk, I struck up a conversation. “I have to ask why you’ve never taken a consort before me. There must be a story behind that.”

Sarakiel shrugged. “I never felt the need to. My own consort has yet to make an appearance, and I was unwilling to mark another without good reason.”

I hummed in response and we walked the rest of the way in silence.

The male led me into an office that held the same sleek style as the rest of the mansion. The walls were white, the floor dark hardwood. There was a skylight in the ceiling letting natural light flood the room. His desk was a slab of glass on top of three black wooden legs the other a black filing cabinet to keep papers and files. His chair was a classic glossy black color and behind his desk was a massive bookshelf, the bottom half not open shelves like the top but more filing cabinets.

Sarakiel pulled up one of the two chairs resting in the corner and gestured for me to sit before rounding his desk and sitting in his own chair.

On his desk was a tray with two plates already made up.

He offered me first pick and in seeing no difference between them I took the one closest to me. Sarakiel pulled the tray over to himself. “How is the room?” he asked politely.

I speared a piece of fruit with my fork. “I need new soap.”

“There was no soap?” he asked, his brows drawn together in confusion.

I popped the mango piece in my mouth. “There was soap,” I corrected him, “but I want different soap.”

The male opened the filing cabinet and pulled out a pen and a sticky note. “Is there something you want in particular?” he asked clicking the pen.

I shrugged. “Mint, citrus or ocean will be fine.”

His pen scribbled down my request. “Anything else?” he asked.

“Can I have a clothes catalog?” I asked him, “I’d like to have some choice.”

“Of course,” he answered adding it to the list.

Piercing a pear on my fork I added my last request, “I’d also like a footrest for the chair in my room. The same size as the chair cushion.” It would be easier for me to sleep if I could stretch out my legs otherwise, I’d eventually have to sleep on the rug so that I didn’t ruin my knees and ankles from my curled up position. Moving to the rug though would sacrifice my back for my knees and ankles.

“Is that all?” he asked, seeing I had gone silent.

“For now.”

He clicked his pen and set it down with a tink as it hit the glass. He picked up his fork and began to eat his breakfast as well. “There’s just a few ground rules I’d like to establish before we move any further.”

I popped a piece of cheese in my mouth, relishing the taste.

“I would first just like to explain that although I know you are more than capable of protecting yourself, there is the matter of your current state to take into consideration and the fact that against a group of males you’d probably not prevail. To prevent any harm from befalling you I’d just like you to always have a male of ranking with you if you choose to leave the mansion. I know that–”

“Okay,” I interrupted him. He didn’t need to convince me when I already agreed with him. I was not a fool to let my ego get in the way of my safety. I was well aware that there was already a list of people who wanted me dead and I wouldn’t put it past any of them, or any male in general, to try and take me out or ‘show me my place’ when simply having a guard would prevent the temptation.

Sarakiel eyed me skeptically but I simply continued to eat my breakfast waiting for him to continue. “Right, well my second request is that you refrain from killing anyone, no matter how angry they make you if I am not there. I don’t care how badly you hurt them, just make sure they don’t go comatose or stop breathing.”

Again, his request did not bother me. I had never killed anyone except for Myrin and besides, I likes when those that I hurt were alive to remember their humiliation every time they saw me. “Fine,” I responded.

“Going along with that I also ask that any time someone warrants an ass beating from you, you tell me what happened. You are now my consort, even if only in name, and an insult to you is an insult to me.”

I stabbed another fruit slice with my fork and pointed it at the male. “You are putting a high level of faith in me by allowing me to carry out the punishment I see fit.”

Stormy eyes bored into me. “Until you give me reason not to put faith in you, you will have my trust.”

There was a warning in his words, a warning that he would not take my betrayal lightly should I go against him.

I only smiled back at him and pulled the fruit off my fork with my lips. “Your demands seem fair and I shall follow them unless I have a proper reason not to, during which I shall immediately inform you of said reason.”

“I just have one last thing,” the male said, “I will ask you to remember that our deal is you help me and then I help you. So, with that in mind, do not make things harder for me by provoking the wrong people at the wrong time. There will be other opportunities for you to do so just wait for said time.”

I twirled my fork in a circle. “Do not forget that I am a ‘feral’ and it would be in your best interest to remind the others of that. I can be a weapon as much as I can be your trophy, just remember that.” Because I was not just going to be his obedient doll. I would not let others walk all over me and I would not only let Sarakiel handle the insults and disrespect thrown my way. If Sarakiel wanted to become Paramount with my help, he was going to have to let me be the monster everyone saw me as.

He saved me from death for a reason, went against the council and put a target on his back by doing so. He was a smart male, and he must have chosen this path for a reason. I was curious to pick apart his brain and find out what that reason was.

Pushing my now empty plate away I grabbed one of the empty glasses and poured the pitcher of water into the empty cup. “What made you think to take the approach of a strong female instead of a docile one?” I asked him, raising a brow as the water flowed from the pitcher into the glass. “You know as well as I that having a submissive consort is key to becoming Ultimate.” I set the pitcher down and lifted my glass, looking over the rim as I said, “Someone beautiful and meek is sought after, not someone like me.”

The male grabbed my plate and stacked it under his own. “Perhaps, I want to try a different approach as that one can’t seem to be replicated.”

“So, you do want to become Ultimate, not just Paramount?” I set the glass down on the desk.

“I see no reason why I can’t try, but I’d need my consort for that.”

“So, you came to the conclusion that I was the next best thing?” I found it astonishing that a male would ever even think that a female other than the one our society set as a standard might possibly be more helpful.

“You are different, Miss Farringhow, and I knew that if I give you a bit of power you will change things. And I am willing to take any change you provide over these circles the council has us all running in so that they may hold on to their power.”

I hummed. The council was indeed struggling to hold on to their power, trying to maintain the facade that they were still in power and the territories were at peace. My execution would have been a boost to their reminder of the power they held. My sentencing was a reminder to everyone that they were the ones in charge, they played god.

Sarakiel however had taken that from them and used my sentencing to his own advantage. By going against the council and having them unable to do anything was a display of his own power.

“Do you have any questions for me?” The said male asked me.

Still staring off distantly I absently asked, “What about sex?”

“What about…sex?” He repeated more hesitantly as if unsure he had heard me right.

“Yes, do you have any rules pertaining to that?” Not that I planned on having sex any time soon, but I would not let Myrin have control over my body like that. I would replace his memories with new ones. I would be the one in power next time, not the male. I would want it, enjoy it even, the next time.

“You are not required to fuck me because you are my consort if that is what you are asking.” Despite the topic Sarakiel was very at ease, not letting it become awkward.

“I had assumed as much, but what I mean is do you have restrictions? Am I limited in my options?”

“I would just ask that you be careful in who you select to be your partner and that they not be a One or Two of another territory as that could cause problems.” He replied.

I nodded. “Understandable. I assume I have to be discreet?”

Sarakiel shrugged. “Not really, I mean it would be better if you only had a few lovers to bounce between, but because you are not my true consort it won’t come as a surprise.”

“I was under the assumption that males were very territorial of their consorts. Doesn’t it project badly on you if people know that I sleep with others? Is that not a sign that I am on a loose leash?”

“You are on a loose leash,” he said, “and yes, some males will sleep around but not permit their consort to do the same. I, however, do not care if others know that you are sleeping with other males.”

“Good to know.”

“Anything else?”

I shook my head. “I simply wish to explore once we are done here.”

Sarakiel leaned back in his black chair. “Well, if you have no further questions, we have accomplished what I had hoped to, and you are free to go if you so wish.”

I stood then, not wanting to keep Sarakiel from doing whatever it was he needed to do. After all, planning world domination was sure to be time consuming.

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