Queens and Monsters: A Vampire Shifter Romance (The Blood Falls Book 1)

Queens and Monsters: Chapter 5

I felt like I had waited for this moment my whole life. Only I didn’t know it until it finally happened. Dray shuddered beside me. I relished the returning sound of his moan. His free hand found my hip, skated up my side to my breast.

I shivered.

This was so intense. So sexual. I was completely turned on. My nipples tingled and my core throbbed. I didn’t fully understand why but I also knew it was right. This experience was all about sharing. Touching, tasting, feeling. Knowing this giant man was as overcome as I was.

And it wasn’t enough. Not for either of us.

I broke free of his wrist and climbed into his lap, my legs on either side of his hips. His eyes were dark and wild. He took my hair in one hand, tilting my head back to expose my neck.

“I need you, Rhysa.”

“Yes,” I moaned as he sank his teeth against my throat.

His other hand came to my hip and pulled me against his erection. I wanted him to take all of me while I rode his cock, but there were far too many clothes between us for that. So instead I ground against him, seeking relief from the fire coursing through me.

Then suddenly I was on my back and my lips were on his neck. I needed him, needed his blood on my tongue.

“God yes. Take it all,” he moaned. He drove his hips against mine, his hard cock pressing and rubbing against my center.

I came hard, sucking even more, needing even more. This was no ordinary orgasm. It was a hundred times more of everything. The pleasure was beyond comprehension. I saw nothing but bright white light, every breath brought more ecstasy. I was vaguely aware my hand was over my head and that Dray was sucking from my wrist as he grunted and moaned into his own climax, but mostly I was just lost to the most incredible feelings of pure physical and mental pleasure I’d ever felt in my life.

And all my clothes were on.

Dray collapsed onto the bed beside me, panting as hard as I was. I felt like I was floating in the white abyss, light as a feather and free of everything.

“How are you?” he asked.

“Wonderful.” Would it always be like this?

“I’m going to clean up. Take your time.”

The bed shifted as he stood, but I barely registered it. I was sinking slowly, slowly, slowly back into my body. “Is that…” I hated that I kept using the word normal, but I didn’t know what else to use. “Is that how it usually is?”


I finally blinked my eyes open and rolled to find him leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom. “No?”

He looked confused and a little lost. “I mean, we’re a much more sexual species than humans, and orgasm does make the experience more powerful, but that kind of…of intensity is not something I’ve had before.”

I just blew this man’s mind and we didn’t even have naked sex.

And to be fair, he blew mine as well.

“Is that what you worried would happen?” I forced myself to sit up and try to get some of my senses back.

He laughed without humor. “I didn’t even know that was possible. I didn’t know what exactly I was worried about, but yeah, I guess something along these lines.” He hooked his fingers into the loops of his jeans.

All I wanted to do was grab those same loops and pull him back into my bed and do it all over again. How often could we do that? Was there a limit?

“You should be good now. At least for a few days. When we get you home you can learn about the other ways this works.”

That felt an awful lot like a shut down.

I stood up and crossed the small space to stand in front of him. I didn’t touch him, but I stood right in his personal space and looked up into his piercing blue eyes. “Thank you, Dray.”

His eyes caressed my face and a little of that armor he was trying so hard to put on slipped away. “You are most welcome.”

We continued to stand close but not touching. I studied his face, the way his forehead wrinkled in thought, the scruff on his jaw, the crinkle at the corner of his eyes when he couldn’t hold back his smile.

“You’re something else,” he murmured, taking my hair between his fingers again.

“Hello, hello!” Gigi called from the front door.

Dray dropped my hair. The spell we were under broke. “Your dinner is in the fridge,” I called out. My stomach growled loudly.

Dray’s smile returned. “See? More food. Let’s get you fed.”

I easily ate twice as much as usual. That and the fact that Dray was sleeping on my couch were the only two major changes to my week.

Yep. Dray sleeping on my couch. We hadn’t touched again and he seemed to prefer to keep a decent distance between us, but he also wouldn’t leave me until my grandfather appeared. He said I needed protection.

It turned out he was right.

Of course I believed him. He was the expert on evil after all, but I hoped he was wrong.

Wednesday night, right after dinner, Gigi left to finish up some calculations before bed. Dray and I cleaned up dinner and were about to go our separate ways—him to read on the couch, me to do homework in bed—when there was a knock at my door.

I froze. Technically it could be anyone. But Olivia usually texted before dropping by and Mrs. Owens, the owner of the cottage, would have texted first too. Plus, I could feel it. On the other side of my door stood a man of immense power, flanked by several men and women ready to fight.

“It’s him,” I said simply.

Dray nodded, cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders. “You’ve got this.”

I spent a lifetime being ready for inevitable changes in the direction of my life. This was no different, but if I’m being honest with myself, I was also pissed off that even my secret life was full of danger and complications.

Dray opened the door. “Lord Axl.”

I saw past Dray to an older man with dark hair greying at the temples. He sneered at Dray. “Lord Wren, what the hell are you doing here?”


“Someone had to be here for her.”

He straightened. “So she is here?”

Dray didn’t move and I assumed the men were having some sort of staring match, then Dray stepped aside. Their world was indeed different than the human’s. My grandfather was the most normal looking of them all, dressed in an expensive black suit. The four others with him, however, wore what I would call…armor. The women in gold and silver molded to their curves with red and blue lush fabric beneath. All of them carried swords and daggers.

What was this? A forceful takeover? “Do you really need all that?”

They stepped inside my tiny cottage and kneeled.


They kneeled down to me. Not to mention they took up almost every inch of space. I looked helplessly at Dray, but he simply shrugged as if saying get used to it.

My grandfather placed a hand on his chest and bowed. “There is no doubt my blood runs through your veins. I don’t understand, but I cannot deny the truth. Who are you?”

I pulled myself up to my full height, knowing I had to make my place with this man. “My name is Rhysa.” He flinched at that. “And until two days ago, I thought I was an orphan who would never know where she came from. But I was with Dray at the time and he helped me understand what was happening to me and that I might be related to you.”

Antyne Axl studied me from head to toe. “How old are you?”


He flinched again. “So they did succeed in their idiotic affair.” He glanced at Dray. “You’ve told her?”

“I have. As much as I could.”

“Marhysa is as good as gone,” he dismissed my mother’s existence with the wave of his hand, “but this presents us with a wonderful opportunity. I thought all hope was lost when my Tiynan was murdered. But here you are, his blood alive and well in a new generation.” He stepped forward and reached out.

I gave him my hands. He was colder than me and his skin felt clammy. My instinct was to step back and get away from him, but I forced myself to remain still.

“Very powerful indeed,” he murmured, releasing me. “You’ll need to come meet everyone, of course. You’re a college student?”

“I am.”

He examined my living room and kitchen. “I’ll arrange to have you moved to something more…accommodating. I’ll arrange funds to be placed in your accounts so you can quit that bookshop as well.”

What? “No, that’s not necessary. I like living here.” I also didn’t particularly want to be under this man’s thumb any more than necessary. I had a feeling that would come with strings. The unbreakable kind.

“It’s hardly secure.” He moved through my kitchen, sneering at the dated appliances. “Hecta and Andromeda will be your personal guards.” He indicated the armored women. “They will need somewhere to stay as well. You will finish your semester, at which point you can drop out and leave this life behind.”

Yeah no. That wasn’t going to be happening. “I don’t need guards and you cannot tell me when I finish my degree.”

“You have no need of a human education.” He came back to stand before me.

Dray remained off to the side watching everything carefully.

I pointed at Hecta and Andromeda. “They’re not exactly going to blend in.”

“I will not argue with you about where you live or how long you remain in this human world, however you will have guards. As long as everyone understands you are my heir, they won’t touch you, but that doesn’t mean someone wouldn’t be stupid enough to see if they can repeat history.” His gaze snapped to Dray. “Lord Wren. What is your position here, exactly?”

Dray didn’t move an inch. “As the daughter of Marhysa Nala, I am sworn to protect her.”

Dray held Antyne’s gaze in another staring match that seemed to last forever. “One false move and I will end you.”


Antyne sneered, turning back to me. “The House of Wren is full of weakness and lies. Are you so sure you want him here?”

I took his challenge, holding his stare without flinching. “Yes. And after my semester is over, I will come meet the House of Axl.”

This pleased him. “I will send Hecta and Andromeda back tomorrow, dressed as humans, since you are so well protected for now.”

“I appreciate the gesture,” I lied.

He placed a hand on my shoulder, bowing until his forehead touched mine. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance—finally—Rhysa of Axl. Until next time. If you need me,” he stood and glared at Dray, “simply call for me.”

What the heck does that mean? I stood frozen, watching the group leave through my tiny door and disappear into the evening mist.

“Where did they go?”

Dray closed the door. “They shifted.”

“What does that mean? And how do I ‘simply call’ for him?”

He moved me to the bedroom. “We’ll get to shifting this weekend. And to call for him…close your eyes and call for him. He’ll get the message.”

My head hurt. “What the hell is with the swords? They’re gorgeous and all, but really? Swords?

Dray positioned me on the bed like a doll. And I let him. My brain was doing too much work to focus on my body. “You saw how fast I healed from a gunshot. If someone wants to kill me, they need to do something a lot more permanent. Swords are old fashioned, but they get the job done.”

Kill. “Lord Wren?”

He grimaced. “My parents are dead. I inherited the house as the oldest heir.”

“So you and Antyne are like equal levels?”

He pulled the quilt up to my chest. “We hold the same title and rank, yes. But he has a different power and influence than I do.”

My eyes began to flutter closed. “Why am I so tired?” I didn’t want to sleep. I wanted to ask Dray a thousand questions, but it was like someone had drugged me.

“That was a lot. You met his power with your own, even if you didn’t realize it. It’s why he was so agreeable. You did amazing.”

I did? That was nice. “So I’m exhausted?” I yawned.

“Go to sleep.”

I had just enough energy left to grab his wrist before he got too far away. “I don’t want to be alone.” I wanted…something. I wasn’t quite sure what. Only that I didn’t want him to leave.

He stood beside me for several seconds, then to my relief, he crawled onto the bed behind me, wrapping his large, strong, secure body around mine. I sighed with relief and began to drift into the darkness.

But right before I passed out, I felt Dray brush my hair back from my face and whisper, “I’ll never leave you alone.”

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