Queen of Blood

Chapter 28

His punches hurt like an iron bat hit her body and his grip was violent, denoting how strong he was despite all of the centuries he had been alive and the fact that he had a cut that went down a side of his body.

Both were tired but even in his injured state, Pelagius threw Arline around the hall. Her body was already giving in to tiredness as she rolled around the floor grunting and almost crying in pain.

“I did make a mistake. You are weaker than I thought,” he said and kicked her stomach which hurt like hell, even with the armor on. ”All of this shit show and you didn’t let him save you?” He grabbed her hair and dragged her across the floor, throwing her on top of Merrick’s blood.

For someone who almost got cut in half like a carrot he can certainly talk, she thought while laying on the floor.

“Play the hero, Arline. When I am done with you I will send him your head on a box and rejoice as I hear him scream and cry like a little boy.”

Arline smiled. “Big problem with that plan,” the Heir said as she regained her strength from the floor. “I am still alive,” Arline said and locked his ankles with water. “And I don’t think you want me to hunt you in the afterlife.”

His grim grin turned into discomfort once he began feeling the water around him heating. The bubbles popping around. How it suffocated him. How the blisters were already appearing on his skin.

“What have you done, witch?” For the first time since she had heard his voice, he sounded scared.

“You made the mistake of granting me enough power to handle bonding myself to fire,” Arline said as she got up and thought of covering him entirely and boil him alive but freed him. “You better fight, jackass,” she said and kicked his ankles.

They both returned to fighting. Blisters covered part of his skin and the friction against his armor made him cry in pain.

But Arline never stopped. She kicked and punched over and over again until she couldn’t feel her knuckles and felt blood drawing from them.

And even with all of her effort, Pelagius took ahold of her, containing her body against his chest. He was getting ready to snap her neck as he had done many times before across the centuries in the wars he had taken part of.

Arline fought against him, making the Deity of Waters to want to lock her in between a pillar to regain control. When he did, she pushed away with her legs, freeing herself from his grip. With a hit of power through his chest, she sent him to crash against a wall on the other side of the room.

She was done playing the Huntress, the soldier. Arline was a water guardian and his Heir.

The Heir of Depths wrapped his body in a sheet of boiling water, while hearing his screaming and made him hit against the wall once again. He laid on the ground with a tied rope around his neck that began boiling on her command.

His eyes didn’t show regret nor terror. Pelagius had lost this duel and took it as a warrior the moment Arline lifted a spear that had formed on her hand with water and materialized in black iron at her thought.

Not an ounce of fear, doubt or hesitation showed on her actions as she implanted this new weapon across his eye socket and then formed a sword and cut his head.

She swore to not let any loose ends. No chances of him coming back to claim vengeance upon her and those who she loved.

Once his head rolled, the Fortress shook at her feet and the water that surrounded the structure began flowing inside the circular room. The water was claiming her as its Queen, the Yielder and the Goddess of Tides.

Arline Cole had become the new Deity of Water.

The ocean caressed every inch of her body, welcoming his power onto her. It healed her wounds and passed Pelagius’ power to her with ease and pain. The tides even repaired the Fortress of Coral, granting it light and life.

Every creature that had been locked up for Pelagius’ entertainment and pleasure in the dungeons, or possessed by his darkness had been freed. They all came in front of Arline and surrounded her in silence, while she stood still on the ground in shock.

A merman with a shining golden armor offered her his hand to help her stand. “Your Greatness,” he said in a deep voice and immediately kneeled for her. Everyone present did once she was up on her feet.

A beautiful dark skinned woman with long goddess braids was holding a crown embedded in pearls and gemstones. Shaped as the arms of a starfish and adorned with two waves on the front.

Arline tilted her head to receive the perfectly fitted crown with a very shaky body. The woman broadly smiled as genuine happiness emanated from her. “Thank you,” the Goddess of Tides said and looked at those on her knees. “Please…rise,” she said a little bit shyly.

I certainly don’t know how to do this,” she thought when she saw their eyes upon her. She wasn’t wearing her armor. The ocean had dressed her in light, shimmering lilac silks. Adorned with sea pearls of the same tone and sewn together with golden thread.

Her hair was loose and wavy, cascading over her shoulders and letting some strands braided with gems. She looked majestic.

The people inside the castle began chanting, crying, hugging. All in happiness. Even music began sounding from non existent instruments. But Arline headed to the balcony and the same woman who had crowned her followed her.

The mermaids lost their darkness and murderous looks, returning to their beautiful selves as they were described in every legend mentioned. Light invaded every space in the Fortress. It appeared that even the clothes felt lighter and the jewels shimmered more.

Of course Arline was beyond happy, but her shock was visible and written all over her face. “Is everything alright, your Greatness?” The woman who had crowned her asked and Arline nodded with a smile.

“What is your name?” Arline leaned on the veranda of the balcony.

“Myriam, your Greatness.”

“I am Arline,” she answered back.

Myriam smiled for her with perfect teeth. “We know the name of our savior, your Greatness,” Myriam giggled for her in a melodic tone. “We can tell them to go back to their duties if you yearn peace.”

“Oh no, let them enjoy themselves. You have suffered enough with him. Enjoy your freedom to do as you please.”

“I am your Counselor at Sea, your Greatness,” Myriam introduced for her. “I can’t leave your side.”

Oh, I am Queen Queen, damn,” Arline thought.

“You should consider yourself more of an Empress than a Queen, but yes, you reign over every piece of water on earth.”

“Please don’t read my mind. I can’t embarrass myself this much,” Arline hid her face with her hands.

“Pardon, your Greatness,” Myriam apologized and bowed her head for her.

Arline turned around and stared at the sea. At Tessenissit. Tua must have passed by now. At the thought of not being able to say sorry and goodbye, Arline let silent tears stream down her face. But then she remembered Merrick and her tears stopped and her heart began jumping on her chest.

Her feet directed her behind the pillar with quick steps. Arline hid from the joyful dancing crowd and Myriam followed her. She made it to the doors in a matter of seconds and with abnormal ease, a pure white mare made of sea foam stood in front of her.

“Your Greatness, -”

“Enjoy the party. I need to attend things in land and I will come back in a few hours,” Arline said with a smile while jumping on top of the horse and Myriam smiled at her. “I promise,” the Goddess of Tides reassured her new Counselor before riding back to the island.

Her heel kicked the side of the mare and headed the horse towards the island. The beautiful animal raced through the sea. Arline enjoyed every second of it. The feeling of water running through her veins, the small drops of salt water falling on her, the wind brushing her skin and hair.

And then she saw them. They were waiting for her on the shore. The people of Tessenissit saw her arrive. And when Arline stepped a foot down the horse, everyone knelt.

Their Goddess was visiting their lands and weren’t willing to rise, not even after she asked them.

It was a sign of respect. For her and for Tua Nui. She did it as well. He had mentored her and believed in her capacity to be better than the rest, to become Goddess of Tides.

A minute of kneeling to honor a man who had protected his kingdom against the wrath of a brother that despised his entire existence was the least she could do.

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