Queen Alpha

Chapter 19

Cheyenne’s POV

“Me? Why the hell would they want me? I’m not important. Not like any of you are at least.” Everything was making sense up until now.

“Can we take a break?” Mystery Guy had asked looking at the Alpha and Beta.

“Yes, we probably should. I will call you guys back here when we get the results from that blood work. Maybe that will help answer some questions. In the meantime, you kids go get something to eat and you two,” He pointed between the boys, “Do not let her out of your site. Got it?!”

Both of them nodded their head and said “yes sir” in unison. We all got up from our seats and I followed Ben out with the Mystery Guy behind me. Koa had popped in and out throughout the meeting to help me understand things and make things click. I almost slipped up a couple of times telling them that my wolf confirmed what we thought, but I covered it up with saying I had read about it at one of the libraries.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs, the Alpha and Beta had went in one direction and Ben, Mystery Guy, and I had went in another. I was trying to talk to Koa but she said she was still resting up to be strong enough for training tonight. The guys took me to the kitchen in the packhouse and started rummaging through the cabinets.

“So what do you like to eat princess?” Ben asked with a smirk on his face. This boy must have a death wish.

“Oh hell no you just didn’t.” It was hard enough to ignore that smell of summer’s rain. It was taking all I had to focus during that meeting, and it was probably why I almost slipped about my wolf. I knew I was distracted but princess? I heard that loud and clear and that was definitely the one thing that I wasn’t! I hated being called that!

“Just didn’t what exactly?” Ben asked looking at me with a smirk on his face before he turned back towards the cabinets. Mystery guy had whipped his head and was staring a hole through Ben when he called me princess. Something was going on, but I didn’t know what, and where the hell is that scent coming from? For the love of all things holy, it was going to drive me crazy!

“I am as far from a ‘Princess’ as you can get. Hellooo have you seen me lately?” I asked motioning up and down my body at my clothing style. At this, both the guys had turned around and were looking me up and down, and that’s when I saw it. Mystery guy’s eyes, those big bowls of honey that were shifting color ever so slightly but just enough for me to notice. I had seen this before when Kira was fighting with her wolf. I rolled my eyes at the guys and sat down at the table with my back to the wall, and they went back to looking for food when an idea popped into my head.

“Pizza. Homemade Pizza.” I blurted out. The guys looked at each other and smirked. Either this is going to a huge mistake or the best decision I’ve made in a long time.

The guys got busy pulling ingredients out and making an actual homemade pizza with all the works on it, while giving each other shit the whole time. I just sat back and watch the two interact with each other. Being an omega was a completely different lifestyle than that of an alpha or even a beta, so to watch them bicker and give each other shit was kind of nice knowing we’re not all that different.

They finally got the pizza into the oven and then came over and each one took a seat on either side of me. There’s that summer rain again, only now it was stronger. I thought I felt Koa stirring in the corners of my mind, but I wasn’t certain. I was uncomfortable to say the least, having two guys sitting on either side of me. I never really got the attention from any guys growing up because of my brother. He was always making threats to beat up anyone who hurt me.

“So Princess…” Ben started but I cut him off.

Leaning forwards with my elbows on the table towards him, I softly said, “Call me Princess one more time, and it’ll be the last sweetheart.” And I ended it with the most innocent smirk I could muster.

I thought I heard a low growl come from the mystery guy, but I ignored it. I had to keep reminding myself that they don’t know that I somewhat have my wolf let alone already starting to get my wolf’s enhanced senses.

“You’re so adorable when you try to act tough. You know that?” Ben says. This boy was really stupid thinking he was poking at domesticated house dog, when he was poking at a bear.

“Ben, can I have a word with you. Outside. Now!” Mystery guy stood up from his chair and he looked pissed. Wonder who pissed in his cheerio’s this morning.

He had kept his eyes on me the whole time during the meeting. Even when I wasn’t looking, I could still feel his eyes on me. What the hell was his deal? He was always giving me the death glare, and then he wouldn’t train with me. Did he really hate me that much for running into him that day on the way to class? I knew one thing was for sure; I would be questioning him about it if this shit continued.

I was sitting there waiting on the guys to come back when I started smelling the pizza. Oh that smelt amazing! I was already drooling. While I was lost in my thoughts about the pizza, the boys had come back in. Mystery guy still had that pissy look on his face like someone stole his lollipop, while Ben was smirking like usual.

Ben walked over to check on the pizza while the mystery guy made his way towards me and sat down. He kept his eyes everywhere but me, which for some reason just aggravated me even more. I wanted to just snap and ask him right then and there why he hated me so much, but I fought back the urge and focused my attention on Ben.

“How much longer? I’m starving, and this better be the best pizza I’ve ever had otherwise I’m kicking both your asses in training tonight.” I stated.

“Shouldn’t be too much longer.” Was all I got back in response. I don’t know what just happened between them in that short amount of time, but it wasn’t good, even though Ben came back in with a smirk on his face.

After a good 10 minutes of silence, I couldn’t take it anymore. Remember, I don’t handle seriousness very well. So I came up with something to get them talking and to try to break up the tension in the room that had gotten so thick by now you could barely breathe.

“So. About training. I want to go harder. Tougher.” It worked. Both the guys looked at me as my eyes dashed between the two of them.

“What do you mean?” Ben asked. Mystery guy again, not saying a single word.

“Well if we’re headed into a war, I want to be ready. I mean, you did say that you think they’re after me.” I said pointing towards the mystery guy. I saw his eyes flicker in color. His eyes looked like they had little specks of glitter floating around in them and I couldn’t help but get lost in them.

“We don’t know that, but you are more advanced than we thought you would be. So tonight, we’re going to be pulling out a few things that we normally don’t do until later on in training. How much training do you really have. Honestly?” Ben asked.

I looked down at my hands in my lap and started picking at my nails. “I’ve actually been training with my brother and his best friend, who’s my alpha’s son, for the past few years. I asked them to train me more and harder, but they refused.” I looked up at both the guys, and for some reason I just blurted out, “My pack doesn’t believe in female warriors. I was raised to believe that males don’t like a muscular female. Toned…yeah ok, but not muscular. So females don’t train much if at all. Especially at the omega level. So I lied to my alpha to get him to get me in with you guys.”

Ben just nodded his head once and said, “Makes sense. Most omega females don’t want to train. It can be tough. Here everybody trains up to a certain point, and once they graduate from that, we leave it up to them whether or not they want to continue. We want everybody to be able to at least defend themselves in some way.”

I just nodded my head in response. I could feel the mystery guy’s eyes on me again and the nerves were setting in. The urge to just ask what his problem is was getting stronger by the minute. I have no clue what’s going on with me. Any other time when people stared me down, it never really bothered me, but him…I wanted to gouge his eyeballs out with a plastic spork.

Saved by the bell. The timer for the pizza had just gone off, and mystery guy had gotten up to go pull it from the oven. He placed it on the counter and got us plates and started cutting the pieces. He put a slice on each of the plates but only brought two of them to the table and placed one in front of me and one in front of him.

“Seriously? What the hell?” I don’t know if Ben was faking being hurt or if he actually was hurt by the fact that the mystery guy didn’t bring him a plate. Mystery guy? I had to find out his name. I decided to poke at my own bear.

“Awe your little boy toy didn’t bring you any food. How rude!” I had to hold back my laughter when they both looked at each other with different looks. Mystery guy had a sideways smirk, whether he was smirking at the fact I was giving Ben shit, I wasn’t sure. Ben on the other hand, and more a mildly shocked looked like he couldn’t believe I just called his best friend his boy toy.

“I see how it is. Ok. Remember that during training tonight.” Ben said as he got up to get his own pizza.

We were just about done eating when the alpha and beta walked in.

“Something smells good.” Beta said.

“Boys made a pizza. All on their own.” I said smiling at both of them.

“How did you get them to do that?! I can’t even get them to flush the toilet half the time.” Alpha said. I couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or serious, but I just laughed and went along with it.

“Well, go have a taste for yourselves. It’s really not that bad.” I offered pointing towards the leftovers.

“Not that bad? You ate half of it by yourself!” Ben trying to call me out.

“Yep sure did. You’d be surprised what a person can eat when they’re starving.” I said with a wink. Mystery guy was smirking again. I just couldn’t get a read off him today. I’ve thought all along that he hated me for whatever reason, but yet every time I would give Ben shit, he was smirking. He had me 38 shades of confused, but I had a plan.

We all finished eating and headed back up to the conference room to try to piece more of this shit together. Alpha and Beta had been working on trying to locate the Original’s “main base” or headquarters, whatever you want to call it. The Alpha had already alerted all of the packs around the mountain, so everybody was on the lookout. Hopefully we would know soon and could have that advantage.

About an hour or so later, Alpha had gotten a call and had to go. I could tell it wasn’t good. I was just hoping there wasn’t an attack somewhere already.

“Koa. Is the war starting now?” I called out to her.

“It shouldn’t be. Not for at least a few months.” She responded softly. I could tell I had woken her up. I knew it drained her energy, transferring a whole calming wave to me earlier, so I tried not to disturb her to much today so she could regain her strength for training tonight.

“Then I wonder what was so important he had to leave this?” I thought.

“I’m not sure sweetie, but that scent. That scent is so intoxicating.” I just imagined Koa standing there with her nose straight up in the air.

“You can smell it too? Summer rain?” I asked her.

“Our senses are combined now sweetie, so of course I can smell it, and just a little fyi sweetie. That is not what I look like.” I swear I could see her wink at me. Now she had my curiosity going on max overdrive thinking of all the different ways she could look like. Damn I couldn’t wait until we shifted! UGH!! It was nerve wracking!

“Well I guess you kids can go ahead and get to training. We can’t do much until the Alpha gets back.” The Beta said. “I will call you guys back here when he comes back and remember, do not let her out of your site!” Little did we know, he had gotten the order from the Alpha to get rid of us.

So the 3 of us got up and left the conference room. I followed the boys out of the packhouse to Ben’s car. It only took a few minutes to get to the training center and Ben showed me to the locker room so I could change. Light bulb moment, had to test my theory.

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