
Chapter 37: The Beginning of a Beginning

Maigred woke up from her nightmare, her heart pounding. Finten’s fingers were still around her wrist. She took a breath, smiled, then tried to pull her arm away again, this time Finten’s fingers slipped away easily. She reached up and felt his forehead. He was still cool to the touch.

“Maig.” Finten whispered turning his head towards her. His eyes opened.

“Good morning. How are you feeling?”

A smile spread slowly across his face. “Hungry. You slept here last night.”


“I didn’t realize your bed was big enough for that.”

Maigred smiled. “Sinead used to sleep with me. I needed the room.”

“Hm.” Finten shut his eyes. “Why am I so weak?”

“You were very sick.”

“But I’m not anymore?”

“No. Your body is just trying to regain strength.”


Maigred sat up.



“I…thank you for taking care of me.”

“Of course. You rest. I’ll go get you something to eat, okay?”

He nodded, but he looked so sleepy she wasn’t sure if he would be awake when she got back.

She went next door. Sinead was still sleeping. Maigred used her basin to wash and then went downstairs. She was up later than usual, but she wasn’t sure how much later. When she went downstairs, the breakfast rush had already started. Eoghan was serving in the dinning room. She went into the kitchen. Cathal and Aoibh were busy baking and preparing food.

Aoibh looked up at Maigred. “How’s Finten?”

“Tired. Hungry.”

“Go feed him. We have things covered down here.” Cathal said.

Aoibh nodded. “Yes, take care of him.”

Maigred served up three bowls of porridge and brought them upstairs. She went to Sinead’s room first. She woke her daughter up, told her to eat, then go down and help. Then she went next door to her own room.

Finten was sitting up, slumped against the headboard. The covers were rumpled, his pillow was smooshed sideways up against the headboard behind him, and his hair was mussed.

Maigred gave him an amused smile. “Didn’t I tell you to wait?”

He scowled. “This is stupid. I’m as weak as a newborn pup. I need to get back to work.”

Maigred let out an amused breath as she set the two bowls of porridge down on the trunk at the end of her bed. “The only way to regain your strength, is to rest.” She came back to the bed and helped rearrange the pillows and blankets so that he was comfortable.

She noticed he was having a difficult time meeting her gaze. “Hey.” She touched his chin softly pulling his gaze up to hers. “You don’t have to feel upset. This is difficult for you, I know, but it’s normal. You’re not used to being sick, but getting sick and going through recovery is part of an ordinary human existence. You’re not failing at anything. You’ve put your body through hell. It needs time to recover. Give yourself some grace.”

His frown deepened but then he released a breath and his expression relaxed. “I’ll try. I’m not used to being the one cared for. I’m used to just healing and getting on with things. Why did I get so sick this time?”

Maigred brought the two bowls of porridge over, handed one to Finten and then sat on the edge of the bed. “Honestly Finten, I’m surprised you’re still alive. Your scales are a very important part of how your healing abilities function. Without them your ability to heal, or fight off infection or poisons are really up to your human side.”

Finten frowned and grunted. “How do you know that?”

“Caevah taught me. My education was far from complete, but what I did learn from her, I’ve done my best not to forget.”

Finten nodded.

They ate in silence for a few moments before Finten grinned at Maigred. “At least I’ve graduated to feeding myself.”

She smiled. “Yes, you have. More quickly than I anticipated too.”

Finten’s grin turned into a self satisfied smirk as he continued to eat.

“When you’re done eating, I want to check on your wounds again and change your dressings.”

He nodded.

She could see him starting to get sleepy again before he was done eating. She brought up clean bandages and water to wash him with and helped him move forward so that she could sit behind him. When she unwound the bandages she was happy to see that much of the irritation had gone down. The infected bite had had some drainage, but it the swelling was almost completely gone and the color was good. Even the irritated scar tissue was looking much better.

She cleaned his wounds, reapplied the ointment, and then re-bandaged his back. When she was done, she helped Finten lay down and get comfortable. He was barely able to keep his eyes open.

“Thank you, Maig,” he mumbled as he settled his head on the pillow. His breathing deepened and slowed almost immediately.

Maigred smiled and shook her head. “Sleep well, Finten.” She gathered everything that needed to go downstairs and carried it down.

Downstairs everyone was just cleaning up from the breakfast rush. Maigred got busy helping them out. When they were finished, Maigred settled in the corner next to Cara, to start working on her own project.

Cara eyed the martial that Maigred was working with. “You’re getting serious, aren’t you?”


“Did you get the answers you were looking for at your parents?”

Maigred turned to her. “How did you now I went there?”

Cara smiled at her. “Please, I know my wool and no one else makes a fine woolen fabric like your mother does. The only reason you would go there is if you wanted to see them, which I assume means that you had a good conversation. So, did you get the answers you were looking for?”

Maigred frowned down at her sewing. “I suppose so. Maybe the start of an answer.”

Cara nodded in a satisfied sort of way. “That’s how healing begins. That’s good.”

Maigred held the cut fabric up. “The color will suit him, wont it?”

Cara smiled and nodded.

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