Pucking the Shifter (Shifter World - Book Seven) (Series of 13 Short Stories)

Chapter Chapter Three: Puck Me

“Fucking hell,” Alec groaned. He should have remembered that most female shifters don’t screw around. Hadn’t Raj remembered that the hard way with Lyvia? “Okay.” He opened his eyes and smiled at her. “Are you ready?”

She nodded, but he could see she wasn’t. He moved one of his hands from hers and slid it between them. He groaned when his fingers found her sweet pussy. She was soaking wet. He slipped a finger inside her, and she cried out. He rubbed his thumb against her clit and rocked his body against hers.

“Fuck!” she cried out as her body jerked under his. “I’m cumming!”

“Fuck,” he groaned when her body convulsed under him. “That’s the quickest I’ve ever gotten a woman off.”

“I don’t want to know about the other women,” she growled.

“Right,” he said, rolling his eyes.

He just got her to stop hating him; he can’t afford her hating him again. Hopefully, she won’t find out about how many bunnies he has fucked.

“You ruined it.” She pouted.

He chuckled as he kissed her lips. “I’ll make it up to you later.” He took hold of his cock and slid it against her opening.

She whimpered under him, and he groaned. He slid the head inside her and moaned.

“So, fucking tight.” He pushed further inside her.

“This whole day has been crazy,” she panted.

“I’ll say,” he said with a groan as he pushed the rest of the way inside her.

Mara screamed, and Alec captured her mouth with his. When she stopped screaming, and her body relaxed under him, he felt a jolt flow through his body.

“Ready?” he whispered.

She nodded. He kissed her as he started moving inside her. She was so incredible his body was shaking.

“Wow,” she breathed against his mouth.

He chuckled. “You can say that again.”

They moved together as if they’d been together for centuries rather than a few moments.

“Alec,” she moaned as she wrapped her legs around his hips. “More.”

He groaned as she pulled him in deeper.

“Faster,” she demanded.

He started moving his hips faster, and she tightened around him as her body convulsed with another orgasm. He held onto her as he pushed himself deeper and faster, making her cry out his name over and over.

“Mara!” he cried out as he spilled his seed deep inside her.

“Fuck,” she breathed as he took hold of her hands.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

“What for?” she asked, looking into his eyes.

When nothing happened, he started to panic. Fuck. What does this mean?

“Alec?” she asked, watching the worry on his face.

He looked at their wrists. “Oh, Goddess.”

She looked up at their joined hands and frowned. “Aren’t we supposed to get markings?”

He shook his head. “This can’t be happening.” He felt his cock still inside her, but there was no knotting.

“Wait, does this mean….” Her eyes opened wide. “You fucking lying bastard!” she screamed as she tried to push him off her.

“Wait,” he said, pinning her to the bed. “I swear to you, I felt it. I saw you and knew you’re mine.”

“But I felt nothing until you convinced me….”

“That’s it,” he said as he kissed her. “You’re not convinced.”

“What the fuck….” she stopped talking when he started moving inside her again. “Oh no, you don’t….”

“Mara, give yourself to me.” Alec kissed her again. “You don’t have to love me. It doesn’t say anywhere that you must love your Fated Mate. Just accept it….”

“That’s stupid,” she cried.

“What’s going on in there?” Raj demanded as he pounded on the door.

“Oh my God,” Mara moaned as she moved with Alec.

“You’re mine Mara; I know you are. Let me have you.”

“This is stupid!” she cried out, then screamed when her wrist caught fire.

“Fuck,” Alec groaned as he closed his eyes to the searing pain.

“Alec!” she cried out.

“It’s okay, Mafilia,” he said, kissing her lips.

The pain was unbelievable. He continued to move inside her, and when she tipped her hips toward him, he lost it. He came deep inside her for a second time, and the knot stretched her already sore pussy.

“Oh my God!” she cried out.

“That’s it, Mafilia,” Alec whispered. “Accept me.”

“Did the other Fated Mates have so much trouble?” Mara asked as the searing pain subsided.

He chuckled. “I don’t think so.”

She snorted. “Just us then, huh?”

“None of the others started off hating one another.”

“You hate me?” she asked, looking up into his face.

He grinned. “No, never. But you hated me. Remember?”

She snorted. “How could I forget?”

He kissed her, and she moaned. “Do you still hate me?”

She cocked an eyebrow. “I’m not sure yet.”

He chuckled. “Well, at least you’ve accepted me as your mate,” he said, looking at their wrists.

“The heat inside me is gone, though.” She looked down at her breasts. “I’m not in heat anymore, am I?”

He paused, knowing what that meant. “Uh….”

“Oh, God,” Mara said when she realized what it meant. “Damn Goddesses,” she grumbled.

He snorted. “What, you don’t want cubs?”

She shrugged. “I never thought about it. And now that I’m going to….” She smiled. “I just never thought it would be with my enemy.”

He kissed her. “I’ve never been your enemy, Mara.”

She sighed. “No, I guess not.”

“You’re such a typical redhead.” He laughed.

She grinned. “Why didn’t you tell me or ask me out?”

He shrugged. “Would you have said yes?”

She thought about it for a minute, then smiled. “If you had told me what you told me today, I think I may have said—maybe.”

He laughed. “I’ll take it.” He kissed her again. “Next time, I’m exploring your body.” He looked down at her large breasts. “Every single bit of it.”

She laughed as she wiggled her hips and made him groan. “And I’ll do the same.”

Mara sighed. To think, just an hour ago, Alec Pearson was her enemy, and now he’s her lover, her Fated Mate. And apparently, the father of her cub. And all it took was a bunch of Goddesses to separate them and bring them back together.

‘You two were our most aggressive creation,’ a voice whispered in her mind.

She looked at Alec. Most aggressive, huh? She chuckled. She has a feeling no other man would do. He’s her mate, her lover, her other half, for better or for worse.

“What’s on your mind?” he asked, softly kissing her.

She smiled at him. “I just got a little information,” she said, then told him what was whispered into her mind.

He chuckled. “Aggressive, huh?”

She nodded. “That’s what she said.”

He shrugged. “I’ve been called worse.”

“I bet.” She laughed when he tickled her side.

They smiled at each other, then started talking about what they planned to do next as if they’d known for years that they were meant to be together, and hatred had never come into play. But they know they will butt heads again. As they were told, they were the most aggressive, and they weren’t going to disappoint their Goddess.


Mara felt like every eye was on her as she and Alec walked into the living room of her cousin’s house. Which they were, of course. She felt her cheeks burn, but no one said anything. They just stared at her and Alec with broad smiles.

“Always nice when it’s someone you know who joins the club,” Shar said as she moved away from her mate and stood in front of Mara. “I haven’t known either of you for very long or very well. But that is about to change,” she said, then leaned forward and kissed Mara on the cheek. “Welcome to the club.”

Mara smiled. “Thank you.”

The rest of the room erupted in congratulations and told you so’s.

“My cousin, really Alec?” Raj said as he walked up to his friend.

Alec chuckled. “Wasn’t my choice; the Goddesses created us….”

“Not your choice?!” Mara squealed.

The room got quiet as Alec closed his eyes.

“Uh oh,” Shar whispered as she moved back to her mate’s side.

Alec turned to Mara, and she almost burst into laughter. The look on his face was definitely a Kodak moment.

“I… I didn’t mean it that way,” he stumbled.

She gave him a shove, and he lost his balance. Raj chuckled as he caught his friend before he fell to the floor.

“Didn’t choose me, huh? Are you saying you’d have picked someone else for your mate?”

Alec snorted. “Woman, don’t put words into my mouth….”

“Oh, but I didn’t. You said it yourself, without my help.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

His eyes drew to her breasts, and she felt her cheeks heat as she watched him lick his lips.

“I wouldn’t trade you in,” he said.

“Good Lord, now I sound like a used car you want to take to a dealership….”

With a growl, Alec pulled Mara into his arms and kissed her.

“You’re going to kill me.” He pulled back to look at her.

She grinned up at him. “But you’d said you like me this way. Isn’t that why you’ve been cheating at our games?”

He snorted. “You’re going to make me crazy, aren’t you?”

She shrugged. “You’re the one who started this. You said you didn’t choose me….”

“I was trying to keep your cousin from kicking my ass,” he said, holding her against him. “I meant; the Goddesses did this to us….”

“Oh, so now you’re saying if not for the Goddesses, you would have chosen someone else to be your mate, like maybe a blond or a brunet….”

“Damn it, woman,” Alec growled, then claimed her mouth in a searing kiss.

“Is that healthy?” Lyvia asked as she watched the new Fated Mate couple.

Raj chuckled. “That’s normal for my cousin, especially around Alec. It’s why he cheated every game for the past ten years, to get a rise out of her.”

“It turned him on.” Shar chuckled.

“Are the shifters gone from outside?” Maddy asked, looking toward the windows.

“Yeah.” Rolando pulled her to his side. “They started leaving when Mara stopped being in heat….” He stopped, looked at Mara and Alec, and started chuckling.

“What?” Maddy asked, looking up at him.

The others looked at him, then at the new couple, and started chuckling along with him.

“Well, it looks like we have another cub on the way.” Shar chuckled.

“Already?” Raj asked, staring at his cousin and best friend.

Alec lifted his head from kissing Mara and looked at them. “The fever went away as soon as I knotted.”

“Tate?” Shar called out. “I know you’re around here somewhere.”

“Of course I am,” the vampire said as he popped into the middle of the living room.

Shar smirked at the vampire. “You disappeared right after the game.”

“I had to check on a few things.” Tate looked at the newly mated couple. “I see you found her.”

“You knew we had,” Shar said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Tate grinned at her. “Of course I did, little mama.”

“He sounds like Elvis Presley when he says that.” Josie chuckled.

Tate curled his upper lip, and the women giggled.

“He’s better looking than Elvis, though,” Maddy said as she studied Tate.

“Why, thank you, thank you very much,” Tate said, then twitched his hips like Elvis.

“Tate,” Dustin growled.

Tate snorted. “Spoilsport.”

“Tate, now that Elvis has left the building, can you tell us if Mara is with cub,” Shar asked with a giggle.

Tate turned to the new couple and smiled. “She is,” he said, then disappeared.

“Damn that vampire,” Dustin grumbled.

Shar giggled. “You know you like him.”

“So quickly?” Lyvia asked, staring at Mara.

“Sorry, cousin.” Mara frowned as she moved over to Lyvia.

She remembered how hard it had been for Lyvia and Raj to get pregnant. But according to everyone, it had been all in the Goddesses plans.

“How do you feel about all this?” Raj asked as he moved over to stand next to Alec.

Alec shrugged. “I’d told you that I’d planned to retire. Now I have a reason to.”

Raj smiled as he nodded, then slapped Alec on the shoulder. “Welcome to the club.”

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