Psycho Devils: Aran’s Story Book 2 (Cruel Shifterverse 5)

Psycho Devils: Chapter 32

Metamorphosis—Day 42, hour 5

The music shut off.

I sat up in bed with a gasp as I looked around. From the swirly feeling in my head and the drunk laughter outside the door, the last partygoer had just left. Luka was sprawled out snoring beside me.

The room was pitch-black.

From the sounds of rustling bedding and heavy breathing, all my teammates were sleeping peacefully.

I had to pee.

Unfortunately, my bedding had other ideas. After ten minutes of wrestling with my comforter (and losing), my head was spinning and the world was topsy-turvy.

Finally, I collapsed onto the carpet on all fours.

I giggled to myself like a creature.

I was 100 percent still drunk.

Stealthy, like a ninja, I snuck across the room toward the bathroom.

Bam. I slammed my shin into a box of demon brew bottles, and I went down like a dead weight.

The glasses clinked loudly, and I moaned like a rabid squirrel.

Zenith muttered something derogatory in his sleep, then proceeded to let out the loudest fart I’d ever heard.

I snorted with laughter.

Stumbling as the room spun around me like a top, it took me three tries to open the door.

When I finally slipped inside, I gave the wall a high-five.

Pride filled me.

I’d done it. I’d done the impossible.

I opened the door.

Sun god, it was hard being such a strong, competent, accomplished young woman. I hated to say it, but I was starting to realize that people were intimidated by my prowess.

Some people just had that “it” factor.

I was some people.

I said all these realizations aggressively to the woman in the bathroom. She narrowed her eyes at me. Rude.

It took me a second to realize I’d been talking to my reflection.


“We will never speak of this,” I whispered at her furiously, and we both nodded in agreement.

Good. Good. All my plans were working out.

The only problem was—I forgot.

Why am I standing in the bathroom? Why did I come in here?

Must have needed a shower.

I stumbled down the long row of marble showers until I got to the one at the end. It had a floor-to-ceiling door that shut and was the best stall for privacy.

It took me a few seconds to open the latch, because the bathroom was also cast in darkness.

Finally, I sighed with relief and pushed my way inside.

Running water, marble, and skin swirled in a circle as the shower stall spun.

“Cool, is this the party within the party? Invite only?” I asked with a slight slur (My words were indecipherable, and even I didn’t know what I’d said).

Three large, naked men turned slowly and stared down at me.

One of them caught on fire.

Since water was still sloshing over him, I gaped as he casually defied the laws of physics.

“Sweet flames.” I raised my fist for him to bump.

Unfortunately, gravity was stronger than I remembered, and I tipped forward.

Golden hands lunged forward and caught me. “What are you doing, sweetheart? Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

I laughed and pushed the hands so I could pull off my clothes and join the party. I went to pull off my T-shirt and remembered there was a reason I couldn’t remove it.

“Cease stripping immediately,” Malum growled.

Scorpius swore.

In nothing but a T-shirt, I pushed into the shower stall. There were grunts and a small skirmish as I positioned myself to get under the water.

“Wow, the water’s warmer than usual.” I closed my eyes and tipped my head back in bliss. The flames leaping off Malum added a nice, warm ambiance to the cold marble.

“She’s partially naked,” Orion whispered aggressively.

Scorpius snarled, “I fucking got that from the sounds of clothes being thrown off.”

Orion’s voice was strained as he said quietly, “Sweetheart, you really shouldn’t be in here with us.”

I pumped the soap from the dispenser but winced as I tried to bring my arms up to wash my hair. Stitches pulled, and my aching shoulders rebelled.

I gasped with pain as I tried to get the shampoo onto my scalp.

“Stop hurting yourself,” Malum snarled, and strong, callused fingers were massaging the product against my scalp.

My eyes rolled back in my head from the amazing sensation.

“So good,” I mumbled as I leaned back against the towering wall of naked flesh. My bare butt rested against something hard, and the ridges of a cut stomach rippled as I moaned with pleasure.

“You’re going to be the death of me,” Malum said harshly. “What if it were the demons or a random partygoer in this shower? What would you have done?”

I smiled contently as he worked his fingers into the base of my skull. “Joined them if it felt this good,” I mumbled.

Scorpius let out a string of expletives.

I tried to follow, but my drunk brain got confused.

Malum’s fingers stilled against my scalp, and I slapped at his hand and ordered, “Don’t stop.”

“Don’t boss me around,” he countered. “I’m in charge.”

I huffed, “Wrong. Don’t tell me what to do.”

The wall of wet muscles leaned closer so every inch of my back was pressed flush against him.

Malum whispered in my ear, “I’ve decided that you need someone to take care of you, because you clearly can’t do it yourself.” His fingers pushed harder against my scalp. “Even if you are infuriating to be around.”

My toes curled.

I shivered from the deliciousness.

Little pinpricks of pain danced down my spine.

Then I laughed as I realized what he’d said. Well, I got every third word, and I could tell the vibe.

“You’re the last person I’d want taking care of me,” I mumbled sleepily. His magic fingers were really confusing my brain.

I was a puddle in his arms.

His soapy fingers tangled in my curls, and he tipped my head back at a harsh angle. He ran his mouth across my jawline slowly. “Is that so?” He nipped at my sensitive skin, and I saw stars.

The pain streaking down my back was distant.

Far away.

Like a memory.

Malum’s hands were still tangled in my hair, but someone else’s soapy fingers pinched my nipples.

Multiple bodies were pressed together in the small space.

It took me a minute to orient myself to what was happening.

“I don’t know, she seems to like it,” Scorpius sneered. “Her nipples are rock-hard. I can feel them through her shirt.”

“Let me check,” Orion whispered.

We all shuffled to the side.

Malum pulled me back harder against him, Scorpius leaned against the wall to my right, and my side was pressed against him. Orion pushed past us so he stood in front of me underneath the nozzle on the wall.

There was the sound of knees hitting tile.

Warm breath tickled my crotch.

Long fingers slowly parted my folds and swiped through them. My knees gave out, and Malum held me up.

Orion whispered, “Baby, you’re fucking soaking for us.”

The warm spray rinsed over the four of us.

His breath fanned against my sensitive flesh, and I saw stars. I’d never experienced so much pleasure in my life, and it was overwhelming.

“But you’re drunk, and we can’t,” he whispered and sighed heavily. The air against my clit made me whimper.

Scorpius made a rough noise of agreement in his throat as he tweaked my nipples through my T-shirt, then dropped his hands.

Malum pulled away from my neck with a low growl.

They both reached for the conditioner, and the two of them coated my curls in the product. My body vibrated with a strange mix of tension and relaxation as they took care of me.

Orion didn’t move.

The entire time his mates worked, he kept his fingers pulling my lips apart. His breath fanning the sensitive flesh.

I wiggled my hips to try to get him to do something, and he whispered, “Stop it.” He kept me parted wide with his face below me but didn’t move. “Let me just look at this pretty pussy while they take care of you.”

Time became a blur of hazy pleasure as two kings washed my hair with painstaking care while the other king knelt before me and stared at my most private region.

It should have been weird.

It was the most erotic moment of my life.

Or maybe I was just drunk?

Either way, when Orion wrapped my T-shirt-clad body in a fluffy towel and Malum dried off my hair, I didn’t fight them.

It felt nice to be doted on.

Strange. Different. But nice.

I giggled as Scorpius pulled his sweatshirt over my wet shirt and his sweatpants up my hips. Since he had about a foot on me, his clothes hung off and looked ridiculous.

“You’re built like a mountain troll,” I pointed out.

Malum chuckled, and I was jostled as someone was slapped. I’d never heard him laugh before.

“Thanks,” I slurred when Orion rubbed enchanted moisturizer gently on my face.

I didn’t have any products of my own.

Malum tipped a glass of cold water to my lips. “Drink, or you’re going to be hungover.”

I gulped greedily.

When the three of them pulled me into their bed, I chuckled because I ended up lying on top of Orion with Malum and Scorpius half-piled on top of me. There was no room for me in the bed.

I tried to crawl away.

Arms tightened around me so I couldn’t move.

“For once in your life, just listen to instructions. Go to sleep,” Malum ordered gruffly.

And that was all it took.

I passed out.

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